Irina Mironova: "My most" noncain "artist on the set was Alla Pugacheva"


- You worked with many star artists, how did you cope with their whims?

"I used to be a huge Fora, and the trust was very big, rarely who intervened in the process technically and even creatively. The artists came, ordered clips, listened to my sentences carefully, agreed, and then we did the way I planned and invented. Now there is no project so that the artists do not interfere in any processes - both creative, and technical, and any production. I associate this with the fact that in a short time an incredible visual boom occurred. The number of clips with clipmereers in geometric progression increased, it increases and increases. As a result, the feeling that the clip was simply removed and everyone was understanding about it. This is a big misconception, one thing to participate in something, and even immerse yourself in the process, but completely different things - to realize a specific task. My most "non-friste" artist on the set was Alla Pugacheva. She did not notice any uncomfortable factors - cold, hot. I did not seek to control and participate in everything. Just on the contrary - trusted to his director, she contributed to the manifestation of respect for the experience and artistic intuition.

Irina Mironova removed for Alla Pugacheva many clips, including the song

Irina Mironova removed for Alla Pugacheva a lot of clips, including the song "Be or not be"

Photo: Frame from the clip

- And Christina Orbakaite?

"Cristina is the same, hardworking and the emerging already selected to its author and all production, thereby showing respect for each employee and the participant of a huge film processing process. With Christina, we made a lot of joint clips, but once it was the most difficult option - 12 hours with small breaks of Christine danced in high heels, while remaining on a spinning podium. And only after the team "Stop, removed!" She sat down, removed shoes, and I saw her legs erased into the blood, and she didn't even say words to me!

- Tell me a little about work on the TV channel "MUZ-TV", was it a useful experience for you?

- In 2005, the leadership of the TV channel invited me to rebranding. Most of all I was interested in the ability to launch fresh formats. Actually, the first was the new design, in which almost all the existing artists starred, and even in one frame, as in the "Rehearsal Orchestra" Fellini. At the same time, not all artists dreamed of being in one frame with each other. From that idea to combine Oleg Gazmanov, Linda, Alsu, Splin, Valery Leontiev, Dolphin, Angelica Varum, Bast and many other (almost all existing) artists were difficult, therefore unique. Then we experimented a lot, looking for new formats, something was able to do something, but there are things that I am still proud, for example, a realistic show "Blonde in Chocolate". The format itself is a round-the-clock "surveillance" for the life of a particular person, we carried out long before the usual "Instagram" today. All artists refused, except Sergey Zverev. We were removed by the second (the project was called "Star in Shock"). And the first agreed Ksenia Sobchak, and, of course, then she was very worried and did not understand what to do. This is a very difficult thing - to be in sight. The first series were uneven, and we saw it because Ksenia was very doubted whether she needs to do it at all. And where is the face when you are frank, but at the same time you do not allow moving the border of personal space. And what is now this personal space at all? It was her first steps towards a pedestal, on which she is now confident.

Irina Mironova:

"I used to be a huge Fora, and the trust was very big, rarely who intervened in the process technically and even creatively"

- Most recently, your daughter turned 18 years old. Is she going to follow in the footsteps of mom?

- Daria is not going, but will go. I do not force, just it turns out that since childhood she had a rejection of all that I do. Just because I am her mom and should not automatically influence its choice of activities or on the result. For a long time it seemed to her that if she starts to shoot, everyone would say: "It is clear - my mother makes it" or "understandable - the mother helps." Neither the other version is not categorically acceptable to it. The main task is to be self without even the shade of my protusion. But the interest of the shooting in any form still wins. Now, for example, my daughter takes off and mounts the backstead rollers of some of my projects. At the same time he entered the literary institute, learning to write scenarios and dreams to produce big films.

- Is it important to shoot a clip location?

- Location in the clip is always almost paramount importance. The world in which I immerses the hero (character) and determines the metaphor of the message of the image and the entire plot as a whole. For the clip "Enough the show" as a location, we chose Los Angeles, because geographically this place leads us to the very concept of the show as such when you do something at the bottom - so that it can be seen to everyone. And the song is just about the opposite - that at that moment Christine Orbakaite already wanted to close from excessive attention and devote himself to his personal life, not to show. In Los Angeles, we arranged choreographic production, creating a feeling that the whole city is dancing in pairs, where every couple has its own story, that is, your dance. Choreography - body language - in this case I used me as a dance metaphor of the soul, understandable only by two, dance, in which reciprocity or its absence is expressed in the joint movement or in its absence. In the video of the heroine Christina dancing in life alone, through this world in search of her own happiness and his own dance of love is not on display!

Irina Mironova:

"The format itself is a round-the-clock" surveillance "for the life of a particular person, we made long before the usual instagram today.

- You were born in Pushchino, and now there are almost the whole world. What is now the location of your life?

- Now I live in Moscow. In this city, I arrived in 1991 to act in VGIK, which did not take me by virtue of my young age. Then I switched to the road and sat down in Trolleybus, which brought me to the university of geodesy, cartography and aerial photography. I was instantly charming the name of the faculty "Applied Cosmonautics", where I successfully entered. But in the third year, I realized that I could not not realize the children's dream, which I did not let me go all this time - to shoot dramatically set musical works. The first apartment in Moscow, which I could afford, we bought together with my husband, gladly choosing a geography of residence on Dolgorukovskaya Street D. 6, sq.6. I really liked this address. Beautiful street with preserved mansions and their historical facades, with beautiful roof geometry, with surviving and restored by Russian architecture, so suitable Moscow. Often we had dinner outside the house, only to stroll through your favorite streets. I love pedestrian Moscow!

- And where do you live now?

- Now I live in another very large beautiful house "Triumph Palace" on Leningradsky Avenue. From the height of my floor you can see all Moscow. I feel like a bird, driven high above my favorite city, and there are still three fleet around, as in my childhood in Pushchino - three big reserves!

- As far as I know, the premiere of a series of films "Girls and Eggs" will take place very soon. Where does such an unusual name come from?

- Egg is the most powerful metaphor. This is a birth, this is the future. There are a lot of meaning, and I would not want to rely on something one. Strength, fragility ... no. My heroines hold the eggs in their hands in the literal sense of the word. Nothing more. This is very interesting to observe. Each psychotype has its own movement, thanks to which you can build some predictions and portraits. What I do in my visualizations.

For shooting a video for a song

For shooting clip on the song "It's not for me" Diana Arbenina had to repaint blonde

Photo: Frame from the clip

- Who is these heroines "with eggs"?

- Diana Arbenina, Alla Sigalova, Maria Mironova, Lanna Camilina and the fifth heroine ... Her name we are still kept secret. For each of them, I personally shot an art portrait in visualization format. It will be movies about what we, women, differ in fundamentally from men. And better time for his exit, what now, when the universalization of the floors is going, it seems to me, not to find.

- If I'm not mistaken, have you previously removed Diana Arbenina?

"Yes, she once turned to me with a request to create a video for the song" It's not for me, "and it was then that I suggested to repaint her blonde. She wanted a new, fresh image in this song. "New clothes" for me, I want freshness, ease, movement forward and up, "said Diana. Already, everyone has forgotten that she was brunette. And then, four years ago, she resisted badly, said: "This is not mine" (consonant with the name of the song, is funny, right?). However, we came to consent to the blonde. Diana went to the hat for a long time, netting that she was soon a concert and she could not appear in "such a form." The idea still remained extravagant and, like any extravagant idea, I liked, but left doubts. After filming Diana planned to return to the brunette, that is, to commemorate the image. But, as it turned out, it was not just an image - this was our new Arbenina.

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