The age of beauty is not a hindrance


Special care and close attention requires the skin after forty-five years. At this age, the woman's body decreases the production of hormone estrogen, which is responsible for the ability of the cell cells, and, in particular, the skin, to restoration. The intensity of exchange processes is also reduced, which leads to a decrease in the production of skin fat required to protect the epidermis from the aggressive effect of the external environment. The blood supply to tissues deteriorates, so the cells begin to test oxygen starvation and lack of nutrients, which will accumulate to aging. As a result, the skin of the face becomes dry and instantly reacts to aggressive environmental factors. That is why after 45 years, the usual skin care algorithm should be significantly strengthened: it must simultaneously improve the structure of the skin, increase its elasticity and elasticity, tightening faces, smoothing out existing wrinkles, fight pigmentation, moisturize and nourish, protect against adverse factors.

Here are some important rules that will help preserve mature skin in perfect condition:

- cleansing. This deposit is required at any age. But after 45 years, the skin becomes more dry, therefore it is worth abandoning any means containing alcohol, and when washing it is better to replace water on the cleansing milk.

- The most important caring agent for mature skin is cream. For example, a novelty from Avon - Anew face cream "Rejuvenation. Superiority "whose main trump card is multifunctionality. An innovative formula with an exclusive "Celluvive Complex" is an absolute breakthrough in rejuvenation: already a week less noticeable wrinkles smoothed out! A high concentration of active substances is an extract of a rare black pearl of Tahiti, gold, platinum and antioxidants - on the deepest levels and instantly return the skin elasticity, and contours of the face - defined. The cream is suitable for all types of skin, has a delicate rich texture, nourishes the skin and has a long effect, stimulating the update and restoration of damaged cells. As a result, your skin is restored and looks just great!

- Improve microcirculation and tone in the upper skin layers can help regular gymnastics and face massage. It can be done independently, but you can contact a beautician.

- Peeling. A peculiarity of mature skin is that its surface consists of scales - burned cells, the layering of which leads to a change in the relief of the skin and face color. Regular peeling allows you to update the surface layer of the epidermis.

- Mature skin need extra food. This will help masks from natural products whose regularity after 45 years should be increased. Equeline-based masks are particularly effective.

- Healthy sleep. It is at night in our skin the processes of regeneration occur. That is why you need to sleep at least 8-9 hours, but go to bed better until 23 hours. And, of course, night care is no less important than daylight. Night face cream "Rejuvenation. Multi-care "effectively reduces deep wrinkles and restores the sowing faces.

- A shining look transforms better than any cosmetology procedures, so it is worth considering the care of the skin of the eyelid. So, the system for the skin around the eye "Rejuvenation. Multi-care ", which includes cream and balm, actively smoothes the skin around the eyes, removing the traces of fatigue, strengthens the skin of the eyelid and protects against the accusation. It is better to apply the cream in the bone's clamping movements, and not on the self-moving eyelid, otherwise swelling may appear.

- Do not forget that beauty always goes from the inside, so after 45 years, experts recommend revising their diet and supplement it with high calcium products, vitamins, as well as omega-3 acid.

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