Hair to the hairs: Celebritis who love to change


Celabritis is very scrupulously relate to their own appearance, which can be understood, because millions of contracts often depend on their images. Today we decided to remember the stars who changed the image and adopted a really right decision.

Dakota Johnson

We all know Milac Dakota by role in the frank picture of "50 shades of gray": the image of a clumsy student who conquered a billionaire, for a long time froze in our heads. However, few people know, of course, about ordinary viewers, and not fans that before signing a contract for participation in this film, Johnson was blonde. When the film ripped a huge cashier, the actress decided to stay in the shape of brown and still remains true to dark curls, periodically changing the length.

Dakota Johnson

Dakota Johnson

X / F: "50 shades of gray"

Nicole Kidman

Remember, even before the beginning of the 90s, Kidman was the owner of red kudryashey? At that time, a similar interesting and places, the ridiculous image helped actress to receive passing satirical roles, but very soon Kidman decided to change the image, brightening his hair into a bright shade, which remains true to this day. It is worth noting that the blonde Nicole looks not just stylish, but also to some extent aristocratic.

Kristen Stewart

Most remembers Stuart according to the role of a durable schoolgirls from the superpopular Saga "Twilight", where Kristen's heroine did not follow her own appearance. In real life, the actress is far from its screen character: the girl boldly experiments with images, most often lingering in a kid's image with a short haircut, but at the same time uses active makeup like "Smokey".

Kristen Suart

Kristen Suart

Emma Stone

Another Hollywood beauty, not afraid of experiments, - Emma Stone. The girl is too often radically changing the image: we saw Emma that burning brunette, then a pretty blonde, and then admired her in red shade. Recently, the actress again changed the image, this time the Stone appeared with a bright blonde, but it is worth noting that almost any image of a girl comes up 100%.

Emma Stone

Emma Stone

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