Soya products - Is it worth replacing ordinary food


On the one hand, soybean is rich in nutrients, and diet containing it are good for health, as the blood sugar level is reduced, the symptoms of menopause reduce the symptoms of menopause and, perhaps even decreases the risk of certain types of cancer. On the other hand, some people are worried about the usefulness of a diet rich soy. For example, some fear that the use of too much soybeans can increase the risk of breast cancer, disrupt the function of the thyroid gland or have a feminizing effect in men, and these are just some of them. This article discusses the latest scientific data to determine whether a positive or negative impact on your health has a positive or negative impact on your health.

Contains various nutrients

Soybeans from nature are rich in protein and contain all the indispensable amino acids needed by your body. They are also rich in vegetable fibers, fiber and several important vitamins, minerals and useful vegetable compounds.

In addition to the content of vitamins and minerals, soy beans are a natural source of polyphenols, such as antioxidants that can help protect your body from damage to cells and conditions such as heart disease.

From soybeans you can cook a lot of dishes

From soybeans you can cook a lot of dishes


Soybeans are especially rich in Isoflavon - a subclass of polyphenols, which are called phytoestrogens due to their ability to attach to estrogen receptors in your body and activate them. Isoflavones of soybeans are one of the main reasons for the intended health benefits based on soybeans. Boiled soybeans contain 90-134 mg of isoflavones per 100 grams, depending on the variety. Due to the similarity in the structure, it is often considered that soybean isoflavones imitate the estrogen hormone. Nevertheless, studies show that soy isoflavones are largely different from estrogen, each of which has a unique effect on the human body.

Can benefit health

Soy-rich diet have several potential health benefits.

Can help reduce cholesterol

Several studies show that a diet rich in soy products can help reduce LDL cholesterol levels (bad) and raise HDL cholesterol (good). For example, one recent review assumes that secondary consumption of 25 grams of soy protein per day can help reduce the level of total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol (bad) by about 3%. However, the authors believe that in practice the reduction may be more if people eat soy protein instead of an animal squirrel. Another review indicates that a diet rich in soybeans can help reduce the level of total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol (bad) by 2-3%. Beans can also increase HDL cholesterol (good) by 3% and reduce the level of triglycerides by about 4% (13).

Soy products with minimal processing, such as soybeans, tofu, pace and edamas, improve cholesterol levels more than treated soy products and additives.

Can help protect heart health

The diet, rich in beam, including soybean, can help reduce the risk of heart disease. Isoflavones soy can help reduce inflammation of blood vessels and improve their elasticity - two factors that are considered to protect your heart health. A recent review further binds diet rich, by 20% and 16% with a decrease in the risk of stroke and heart disease, respectively. Additional studies show that a diet rich in soy products can reduce the risk of death from heart disease to 15%.

Can reduce blood pressure

Soybeans and products of them are usually rich in arginine - amino acid, which is believed to help adjust the level of blood pressure. Soybeans are also rich in isoflavones - another compound, which is believed to reduce blood pressure. In one study, it was found that the daily use of ½ cup (43 grams) of soybeans reduces the diastolic blood pressure (the lower value of blood pressure) by about 8% in some, but not all women. Other studies bind daily consumption 65-153 mg of soybean isoflavones with a decrease in blood pressure by 3-6 mm People with high arterial pressure. However, it is unclear whether these small advantages apply to reduce blood pressure to people with a normal and increased level of blood pressure.

Can reduce blood sugar levels

One review, which includes 17 randomized test research - the Gold Standard in Research, it assumes that soy isoflavones can help slightly reduce blood sugar levels and insulin levels in menopause. Soy isoflavones can also help reduce insulin resistance - a condition in which cells cease to react normally to insulin. Over time, insulin resistance can lead to a high level of blood sugar and lead to type 2 diabetes. In addition, there are some evidence that the supplements with soy protein can help slightly reduce blood sugar levels and insulin level in people with type 2 diabetes or metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome refers to a state group, including a high blood sugar level, cholesterol level, blood pressure and abdominal fat, which together increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke. However, these results are not unambiguous, and in several studies failed to find durable links between the soybeans and the control of blood sugar levels in healthy people and people with type 2 diabetes. Consequently, additional research is needed before you can make convincing conclusions.

Soy protein is perfectly combined with fiber

Soy protein is perfectly combined with fiber


Can improve fertility

Some studies show that women who observe a diet rich in soybeans can benefit from improving fertility. In one study, a woman with high consumption of soybean isoflavones were 1.3-1.8 times more often after treating infertility than women with low consumption of soybean isoflavones. However, men may not receive the same advantages that increase fertility. In another study, it was found that soy products ensure some protection against the effects of bisphenol A (BPA), the compounds detected in some plastics, which is considered to reduce fertility.

However, this data in support of enhanced fertility is not universal. For example, one review suggests that the reception of 100 mg of soybean isoflavones per day can reduce the function of the ovaries and the level of reproductive hormones - two important fertility factors. Moreover, another review shows that women who consume more than 40 mg of isoflavone soybeans per day can 13% more often experience fertility problems than women who consume less than 10 mg per day. However, in most studies today it is reported that diet containing 10-25 mg - and possibly even up to 50 mg of soybean isoflavones per day - as part of a variety of diet, apparently, do not have any harmful effect on ovulation or fertility. This is the amount of soybean isoflavones equivalent to about 1-4 portions of soy products per day.

Can reduce the symptoms of menopause

During menopause, the estrogen level in a woman naturally decreases, which leads to unpleasant symptoms, such as fatigue, dryness of the vagina and riding. It is believed that, binding to estrogen receptors in the body, soybean isoflavones help slightly reduce the severity of these symptoms. For example, studies show that soy isoflavones can help reduce the frequency and severity of tides. Isoflavones of soybeans also seem to help relieve fatigue, pain in the joints, depression, irritability, anxiety and dryness of the vagina arising during menopause and / or during the years preceding it. However, not all studies report the same advantages. Therefore, before making convincing conclusions, additional research it is necessary.

Can improve bone strength

Low estrogen levels during menopause can cause calcium flushing from bones. As a result, the loss of bone mass can cause weak and brittle bones in postmenopause - a condition known as osteoporosis. Some evidence suggests that Consumption of 40-110 mg of soybean isoflavones per day can reduce bone loss and improve bone health indicators in menopause. For comparison: this is equivalent to daily use of about 140-440 grams of tofu or ⅓-1 cup (35-100 grams) of cooked soybeans.

Can reduce the risk of breast cancer

The diet rich in soybeans also reduces the risk of certain types of cancer. For example, one recent review of 12 studies shows that women with high soybean consumption before the diagnosis of cancer can have a 16% risk of death from this disease compared to women with the lowest soy consumption. The high consumption of soybeans before and after the diagnosis is also established can reduce the risk of breast cancer recurrence in postmenopausal women up to 28%. However, this study suggests that women in premenopause may not experience the same benefits.

Can reduce the risk of other types of cancer

Rich Soy Diet can also help reduce the risk of other types of cancer. For example, studies show that the high consumption of soybean isoflavones can reduce the risk of endometrial cancer by about 19%. In addition, some studies associate diets rich in soy, by 7% less risk of digestive tract cancer and 8-12% decrease in the risk of colon cancer and colon, especially in women. Men who observe a diet rich in soybeans can benefit from the lower risk of prostate cancer. Finally, one of the recent reviews of 23 studies tied diet rich in soy products, by 12% less risk of death from cancer, especially stomach cancer, colon and lungs.

Not all products based on soybeans are the same

It should be noted that not all soy products are equally nutritious or useful. As a rule, the less soybeans are processed, the greater the vitamins, minerals and useful connections. On the other hand, the larger the soy product is processed, the greater the salts, sugar, fat and unnecessary additives and fillers. That is why soy products with minimal treatment, such as soybeans, tofu, pace, edamam, as well as unsweete soybean milk and yogurt, are considered more preferable than protein powders based on soybeans, sausages, energy bars or sweetened soy milk and yogurt.

Soy products with minimal processing can also benefit, besides those related to their nutrient content. For example, they turn out to be more effective in reducing blood sugar or cholesterol in the blood than treated products or additives based on soy. In addition, fermented soy products, such as soy sauce, pace, miso and natto, are often considered more useful than non-intemented soy products. This is because fermentation helps reduce the number of some anti-nitrises, which are naturally contained in soy products. Cooking, germination and soaking are additional preparation methods that can help reduce the content of antitrinients in soy products and increase their digestibility.

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