Yanina Melekhova: "I have long been holding the rules: you want to eat - drink water"


As soon as I feel that hunger begins to approach, "I drink water. Fill the stomach, so that less food climbs. Breakfast eggs, sometimes fry, sometimes omelet, sometimes with the "Dorble" cheese. An ordinary omelet with milk whipping and go there you will crumble this cheese with mold. Delicious! We have an empty refrigerator at home, because my husband and I do not love yesterday's products. We do not have a cooked meal that stands and waiting for a queue to get to us in the stomach. It happens that I drive food in the car, buying products in the usual store. With my schedule, sometimes you do not have time to call in any cafe, ne all home to eat, so for me it is also very comfortable for the delivery of finished food, which I actively use the last month.

I had to lose weight faster when I was approved for a role in the film "Between notes, or tantric symphony". I then had a nursing mother, daughter Anne-Maria a year and a half. I will not say that it was straightforward, but it was too much. And by the role I am a young 20-year-old girl. And I already 29, plus you need to play nude scenes where the figure should be perfect. I am affirmed on Friday: on Tuesday the start of filming, next Friday there are already scenes in a swimsuit on the beach. I immediately quit to feed: a year and a half - it's time for a child to teach. I sat on Duucan diet - she helped me very much and was comfortable for me. I am a meat man, my mother has learned since childhood. So for breakfast I ate beef or chicken like a ballerina. For the month dropped kilograms eight. For me it was very noticeable. I will say an important thing: I need an incentive. For me, this stimulus was this role.

Janina is confident that physical exertion does not mean regular visits to the gym. Sports can be engaged in nature

Janina is confident that physical exertion does not mean regular visits to the gym. Sports can be engaged in nature

Photo: Personal archive of Janina Melekhova

I have not so much things, but all the most important and iconic outfits I create myself. As she sewed in high school in class lesson, I continue to engage in the creation of clothes. For many years already at all major events, I only appear in the clothes that Schu. Of course, an elegant dress can only walk out once, but that it continues to live further, I use it in theatrical projects or can offer for filming. I walk once something, and then I understand that the thing, for example, is ideal for Marilyn Monroe - the heroine, which I play in a copyright play.

Dancing is my second profession, which still allows me to keep the form. Since childhood, used to work, and so far all walked, engaged in choreography. Now I am doing at the machine, but I do not like the sport and I can not walk in the hall - I tried, not mine. I continue to dance: dancing on pointes, plus gymnastics and acrobatics. Created an acting group where creative people are engaged in a ballet machine. We have a teacher, we rent a hall and we are engaged in an hour and a half. I also go to choreographic training at the Moon Theater, where I play in the play "Mayakovsky". It turns out, four times a week and a half hours I am engaged in classics. And after classes I can stay and consolidate your acrobatic skills to not lose them. And since the shooting of a film about female football began, I have a solid sport - develop endurance, run, but not in the hall, but on the field, the ball.

I do not paint the hair - I use only tint balsamas. And I also accept group B vitamins and make hair masks. I know the right way to care: first absorb the skin of the head of salt, and after that, any mask acts better. And the favorite recipe is yeast and eggs. One egg and two thirds of a pack of fresh yeast. Mix me - and apply to the whole head. From above, a plastic hat and a towel somewhere for an hour. Hair becomes much thicker, lush, raised from the root.

My wand-cutter - Face fitness. Food behind the wheel of cars and grimacing. The face becomes touched without any operations and injections. I also go to the beautician, but not in order to redo myself, but to maintain what nature gave. If someone has the need for Botox or tool to increase - a personal choice. I am pleased with my appearance. But I have enough problem skin, so I visiting the salon a couple of times a month, make cleaning, peelings. I go to face massages, although I understand that it is not enough.

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