4 Poor habits


Habit # 1 - Savings

Savings should be reasonable. I have a friend Katya, who takes every weekend to the country, where something growing in the garden, walks into the forest on mushrooms and berries and all this fanatically preserves the future. Of course, Katya Well done, worker. But the fact is that the husband and son of the girl do not appreciate her culinary abilities at all, and some dishes produced eat.

If you consider gasoline, which spends Katya, gas, and now in the Moscow region, no, electricity, which is spent on the freezing of the gifts of nature, then cucumbers and mushrooms come out just gold. Their Katya could buy in the next supermarket, and time to spend on raising the qualifications to earn more money.

Habit # 2 - Stability

Fear of change - one of the most vivid features of people with the psychology of the poor man. It would seem that bad if you have a permanent job to which you are accustomed? But thereby you refuse to grow into the opportunity. If you are afraid of change: new work, spheres, place of residence, then you agree to the earnings that you have now. Fear of possible difficulties, the inability to exit the comfort zone, you limit you.

People with the psychology of the poor man are ready to work all their lives on low-paid and boring work, constantly complaining about the boss and unsteady colleagues, but they will never be heard from this stable position.

If you want to achieve more, do not hold on to the unloved job.

Habit # 3 - envy

You paid attention that rich, successful people, rarely enjoy someone. They simply do not have time. However, Vasya with income of 20 thousand rubles always finds the opportunity to discuss the neighbor, his house, the car - he envies him.

At the same time he does not do anything in order to improve his financial situation. Poverty psychology sets up for life in a passive pace and the same attitude towards everything surrounding.

And it is necessary, just, stop comparing yourself with others and start actively do something.

Habit # 4 - irresponsibility

Most of the poor people for some reason are confident that someone should have something. They shift responsibility for their lives on others.

Indoor poverty psychology people love to say: "The state should provide me ...", "the employer must pay me a worthy salary, because I work well ...", "The state must control prices ..." etc.

They wish to immediately get highly paid and not difficult work and certainly do not want to start from the standpoint of an intern and starting salary. And since they do not give it, they complain about the "bourgeois".

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