Alexander Melman: "Save, he does not know how to cook!"


In those of the most "sharks of the pen", it was his questions, it was his reaction, it was his hitters. And he did it elegant, subtle, simmally and in very good Russian. For nothing that Kutaisky boy.

But after Otarik was talked. Otarik swam. Otarik caught an asterisk. I thought that he had a sea of ​​knee, any sea. And somehow in the program "In bed with Wulf" (not with Vitaly Yakovlevich, of course, and with Andrei, then another deputy) did our Kusnashvili and shared memories. About whom? About Primadonna, of course, about Alla Borisovna Pugachev. Next will not repeat that he then said, well, he did not control himself, only and everything. And Alla was offended, yes, he was very offended. After that, our Otarika met at the right time in the right place a group of comrades and strongly pressed to a warm wall. Yes, and also squeaked practically naked.

Alexander Melman:

Otar Kushanashvili and Elena Problov in the program "Save, I do not know how to cook!"


And after that something happened to our otarik. From the smartest and advanced guy, he suddenly became urban crazy, well, just a fool. He began to make stupidity on different TV talk shows, swear there with Mat (sometimes did not have time to drink!), Run naked in stadiums during decent matches of the European level. Well, we fed.

Changed reputation. The glory of a frivolous, not a very adequate person, who spoil everything spoil at the first shukher, was entrusted. That Otarik successfully did, ha ha.

Changed a bunch of television channels and radio stations, Russians, Ukrainian. Very quickly left or left him. Yes, and still managed to produce children in large quantities, he does not take away.

And here - Eureka, found! Rather, they found it. On the TVC channel found a person and, as it turned out, excellent lead. Now it seems that the culinary format exists for him, for Otar Kushanashvili.

He does not know how to cook, this is the whole chip. Yes, and the program is simply called. And it is impossible to tear the eye. I'm not a cook at all, but I look without taking off. I am watching the otarik and dying. Oh, what an artist! And how many masks, amplua! Here he is a simple, here he is a characteristic hero, but the hero is romantica and just a hero-lover! Eh, Otarik, whether to live in sorrow?!

He found himself, well, finally. Hit the point. Or they got. Yes, now not about music, not about the show that continues without him. And he has another, culinary, and here without him, without Otarica of our Kusnashvili, no way do without.

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