Spotted Patterns: Clean the consequences of hot summer from face - freckles and pigment spots


Indian summer flew unnoticed, and the real autumn came. The sun is getting smaller, and the rains are more and more, without a raincoat, you no longer leave the house, and the umbrella is firmly prescribed in the bag. But early to lose heart, October is ideal for removing the consequences of the summer months of stress: Return the skin radiance and even tone, get rid of freckles and pigment spots. We understand how to do it.

The population of the planet Earth is actively mixed no longer than the first century, and, together with this, the processes of pigmentation are constantly modified. The color of the skin of people becomes not so uniform, and periodically pigment manifests itself completely unexpectedly. What is the causes of pigment spots? In the first place, of course, it is worth putting an active solar effect (especially if a person neglects special protective equipment) and trips to the solarium - a habit of which it has long been to get rid of. Experts do not get tired to prove His harm and argue that you can visit solarium no more than two times a year. Also, the problem of pigmentation can be exacerbated during pregnancy, due to liver disease and endocrine system, treatment with antibiotics and hormones. Aggressive cosmetic procedures can also cause unwanted pigmentation. Note: even those that are originally invented specifically in order to get rid of it, are superficial and median peels, microdermodes, hardware techniques of skin grinding, etc. When they are conducted by testimony, in compliance with all security measures before and the right departure Behind the skin after the procedure, the result will be excellent. But if something of this list neglected, do not be surprised that the effect may turn out to be directly opposite - the pigmentation will increase, and the skin will begin to peel. In fact, any damage to the surface layer of the skin provokes pigmentation if the procedure is done casually or the patient did not use sunscreen after it.

Unfortunately, while the removal of pigment spots is one of the most difficult tasks in cosmetology. To achieve results, it is often necessary to spend a lot of time, forces, and most importantly, money. The fact is that the formation of pigment spots, no matter how strange it sounds, is quite natural. So our body is protected from aggressive solar exposure. The melanin production mechanism is quite complex. Influence it, respectively, is also not easy. Even if you remove the spot, if it can return, it may return, because most drugs and technologies remove that pigment that is already there, but does not affect the formation of a new one.

Freckles and pigment spots appear after active solar exposure

Freckles and pigment spots appear after active solar exposure


The reason for the formation of pigment in everyone is different, therefore, a single, suitable for the removal of stains simply does not exist in nature. If you firmly decide to get rid of ugly patterns, to begin with, go to a good dermatologist. It is he who must examine your skin and type of pigmentation and choose a set of procedures. And then you will choose from what! Arsenal is replenished every year: these are acid peelings, and mesotherapy, and more solid - laser grinding and elos-stimulation. We will tell about the novelties in more detail. Laser flashes When grinding, heated the top layer of the skin containing the maximum dose of pigment. The place of impact first darkens, then a thin crust is formed, which will be used for about the fifth day. It is the laser grinding that is considered as efficient as possible. At the same time, there is also a "spoon of tar": the laser is not too effective on dark skin, as well as at deep stains, as it acts on the surface layers. Elos therapy is suitable just when it is necessary to remove deep or hereditary spots. The action of the apparatus is reduced to the effects of light and bipolar current. Cells are heated and destroyed under its impact. The stains are as darkened in the same way, then covered with a crust, and gradually the skin color is aligned. After the procedure, you only need to not forget about the protection of the Sun.

Doctors do not get tired of repeating: all these manipulations can be carried out only after vacation. If you are going to go to the fall, fighting pigmentation should be postponed until winter. Procedures that clean the unwanted pigment are not just done in the cold season. After them, the skin is especially sensitive to the effects of ultraviolet. This means that the stain can not only arise again, but become more. It is difficult to protect yourself, because even finding in the shade does not save from the effects of ultraviolet rays. Means with a high SPF factor will not help. You will only waste time and money.

What to look for in the composition of funds from pigmentation? The strongest whitening components are hydroquinone and tertinoin. Means with them pretty quickly brighten the spots. However, they will benefit only if they apply them under the control of the doctor. These substances can be toxic, so for home use it is better to choose softer preparations. A safe alternative to hydroquinone and tertinoin is waterbutin, which is obtained from tolnicanis leaves and lingonberries. Natural clarifiers are also well operating: Extracts of berries goji, blackberry and algae, titanium and zinc dioxides, vitamins C and RR, Azelain, malic, dairy and glycolic acid, etc. It is possible to apply such funds all year round without About two main rules: apply them to strictly overnight, and in the daytime use sunscreen

Kiss of the Sun.

Many these funny red dots on the skin seem very cute, but the "kissed sun" themselves are rarely liked. If you also dislike your freckles every day, use sunscreen with a degree of protection at least 50. It is better to choose a tool with mineral filters: it does not penetrate the skin, but perfectly reflects the sun's rays. Well, if your diet will have products with vitamin C, which slows down the pigmentation process. Run on currants, apples and cabbage.

If the irreparable still happened and the freckles were prescribed on your face, they can be removed with the help of bleaching products with the same vitamin C and glycolic acid or anti acids. Under the prohibition only the use of high acid content, which operate in deep layers of skin. Creams and serum with their low content can be used completely calmly. They exude a surface layer of skin and improve regeneration.

Salon removal of freckles is practically no different from removing pigment spots. The only difference is that from the freckles you can get rid of much faster due to their small size and surface type of pigmentation, although it does not promise that the next year they will not visit you again if you do not use the sun protection tools.

For the radiance of the skin it should be aligned

For the radiance of the skin it should be aligned


Shiyi always!

Shining skin indicates that the person has the right metabolism. When the body is contaminated with toxins, digestive processes slow down, so that detoxification is the best way to rejuvenate the body and return the skin radiance. To begin with, it is important to remove dead cells from her surface, whose cluster just makes the face with a grayish and makes it difficult to enter the beneficial substances. This will cope with acids with acids. In addition to them, use antioxidants - active molecules that contribute to the delivery of oxygen. When the skin lacks oxygen, it immediately reflects on it.

It's no secret that smooth items better reflect the light. It works for our skin: the smoother of its surface, the brighter it looks like. Closed pores or a large number of dead cells give her a grayish tone, even powder with reflective effect will not save. It's easier and more useful once a week to make peelings. Enzyme or acidic are suitable. Next you need to fill the skin moisture. When it is dry and dehydrated, it quickly loses the tone, elasticity and acquires a matte tint. Conversely, if the skin is moisturized, it is smoothed, looks like an elastic, which contributes to a healthy, natural shine.

Often women with oily and combined skin abuse cleaning agents or choose aggressive gels for washing. It is better to go to soft foams with a moisturizing effect and use them no more than two times a day. Also add to the care of hyaluronic acid creams and serum. Just keep in mind that they act while you use them, since hyaluronic acid does not accumulate in the skin. If you want a long effect, it is suitable for semi-algae polysaccharides: they activate cell division, and the skin begins to be updated faster.

The final step is a healthy complexion. It happens that the skin seems to be smooth, moistened, but still has a dull shade. What to do? In this case, you will help creams, masks and serums with vitamin C. It suppresses melanin production, lightening pigment stains.

Well, of course, do not forget about the main rules of beauty - no one cancels skin care, but the correct diet and the proper sleep will help you make a face shining without a large number of additional manipulations.

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