Here is the bend: how to "draw" the waist with the help of a dress


The figure "Hourglass" is a dream of almost any woman, but many of us can boast a fine waist? But even in the case of a negative answer, you can "draw" the figure at any time, about which you dream, with the help of clothes. Today we will tell how to make your waist for men and familiar women enjoyed. Today we will pick up the ideal dress for these purposes.

Optical illusion

If your task is to adjust the shape, pick up the styles from lightweight materials that will be an excellent option for summer and early autumn. In the absence of a pronounced waist, take a look at the dresses of midi long, which will make the necessary focus on the waist. But remember: such a style "is not friendly" with massive decorations and does not tolerate a bright print.

Pick lightweight materials

Pick lightweight materials


Attention to detail

Another visual trick - we select a style with drape on the waist. As in the previous version, the material should not be too dense and bright, velvet and silk are perfect. The shoes are better to look after the most feminine, for example, classic stiletto boats, so you tighten the caviar and visually lengthen the legs.

In contrast

Dresses-cases with contrasting inserts have long been "settled" in almost every wardrobe. There are no restrictions on color - it is important to only take into account the theme of the event and already repel from this, adjusting the brightness of color inserts. For the office, it is still better to look after the "case" with soft transitions, and already at the evening, you can safely take a juicy contrast, for example, black + fuchsia, which will be an excellent choice for this autumn.

Dress shirt

The main advantage of such a style is a deep V-shaped neckline, which not only "draws" the waist, but also lengthen the neck and distract attention from problems in the abdomen. Plus - your legs will seem even longer, isn't it beautiful?

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