Natural deodorant - pros and cons of use


Advertising popular funds reads: Deodorant will save you from sweat and smell. However, no one says what price this tool blocks skin pores. As a result of the permanent use of the chemical antiperspirant, many people have irritation of the skin, turning into folliculitis and more dangerous diseases. We tell why you need to change the usual remedy for a deodorant with natural composition.

Dangerous antiperspirant ingredients:

Aluminum - Metal whose salts are used in cosmetics to destroy bacteria during sweating. Due to the high density of aluminum salts, skin pores are clogged, which blocks the selection of sweat. As a result, irritation is formed - the skin itches, hair bulbs are inflamed.

Chemical compounds fully block sweating

Chemical compounds fully block sweating


Triklozan - Chemical compound that has an antibacterial effect. In Australia and Japan, its use is banned due to environmental toxicity. Of course, in deodorants, it is contained in small quantities, but still causes side effects - the formation of bacteria more resistant to antibiotics and skin irritation.

Silica - Used to absorb moisture from sweat. Silicon dioxide causes dryness and irritation of the skin, a violation of a natural acid-alkaline balance.

Steamet - Emulsifier, which also blocks the Pot Office.

Ethanol - It has an antibacterial effect, but it causes dry skin and irritation.

Of course, a list of toxic chemicals is much longer, these are only the most frequent components of the composition of deodorants and antiperspirants.

The composition of the natural deodorant:

Alumokalia kvasssy - Despite the root of "Alum-", there are no alum aluminum salts in the quantities. The basis of this crystal is alumokalia and alloammonium salts that are absolutely safe for your health.

Baking soda - The soda is used to neutralize the smell and absorption of moisture. Unlike aluminum, the food soda does not clog the pores and does not block the selection of sweat. It dissolves in a liquid, reducing the reproduction rate of bacteria.

Coconut oil - Oil lies skin damage, helps to exfoliate dead cells and nourishes the skin with vitamins.

Coconut oil moisturizes skin

Coconut oil moisturizes skin


Essential oils - It can be lemongrass, tea tree, rosemary, pink grapefruit and others. For example, tea tree oil is used for dry, itching skin and stops the reproduction of bacteria. Lavender treats skin inflammation and gives a pleasant smell.

Advantages of the transition to a natural deodorant:

  1. Economical consumption. One deodorant crystal is enough for you for a minimum for a year of permanent use. Deodorants in the spree are spent faster - in 2-3 months.
  2. Lack of stains on clothes. Traces from sweat on light things is the result of oxidation of aluminum salts when mixed from then. With a natural deodorant, the problem will decide once and for all.
  3. You will not be hot. Potting is a natural process that is needed to cool the organism. Deodorant will kill bacteria, but does not block pores.
  4. Reducing sweating. Our body evolved in centuries with one sole purpose: to ensure survival of the species. When the sweat is blocked, the sweat begins to stand out in a double volume to overcome the "barrier" and wash harmful substances. After 2-3 months of using a natural tool, you will notice that they began to sweat less - the body has adapted to new conditions.
  5. Treatment of the skin. The alum, of which the deodorant crystal consists is a natural antibacterial agent. They accelerate the regeneration of cells and healing small wounds. You can safely apply a deodorant for skin rashes and notice that they pass faster.

Disadvantages of natural deodorant:

  1. Higher price. In comparison with the chemical agent, a natural deodorant costs at least 2 times more.
  2. The need to prepare. To use a deodorant crystal, you need to wet water - it is not always convenient. However, you can replace it with natural composition in stick or spray.

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