Women's happiness - in a fur coat?


The heroine "Sex in the Big City" will again dress in fur from Helen Yarmak - the continuation of the cult series is already removed in Hollywood. The main object of the fashion designer is Russian Sable, each created Helen model is unique, so its fur "works" is popular among the overseas stars, and she herself got used to the "glossy" journalists like Kerry Bradshow from "Sex" with questions about VIP clients, among which even kings and princes occur. World style icons affect Russian Solife - Sounds Proud! But I decide to talk yet not about the luxury furs, but about the path to them.

Interesting Events with Pantalons

It is now Helen Jamak love in the West and call the "Queen of Russian Sobility", and 20 years ago she was still an Elena Yarmak, a mathematician from Kiev, and herself sought any "fantastic" foreign company to offer him his business idea. In Moscow, the beginning of the 90s was respected only by the "financially" and "joint venture", and to domestic producers were skeptical - the consequences of the iron curtain. It so happened that I first encountered a future famous fashion designer exactly then - in 1992. Elena arrived from Ukraine with a rapid design - sew wildly fashionable Dresses-stretch ... from Soviet knitted way! Namely, from gray tensile "family" pantalon with lace, sewn at the calculation to the prenatal Soviet worker or a peasant. And I just, just having received a diploma, was employed by the translator to the South Korean businessman, who was successfully exciting the Russian market of the beginning of the 90s immensely popular with Angora products. In his negotiation, I saw for the first time Elena with its revolutionary "pantalon" plans. As a mathematician and a woman with a business vendor, and not just a loving duty, Elena had not just an idea, but also a specific plan for her implementation. She needed a contract with a sewing workshop, which would have sewed on its sketches and from her material. Later, no foreigners became such a "workshop", but our native factory "Red Zarya". But at the time of our meeting 20 years ago, almost no one believed in the "delusional idea with the palsyons" - even our grated Korean adventurer Mr. An. He was only horrified by his hands and twisted in English: "Oh, what an interesting strange lady with cowards!" Elena Yarmak sample 92 years I remember me - an interesting eccentric with pantalons.

What was my surprise, when in a few years I saw her on TV - Helen Yarmak had an office on the fifth Avenue in New York, she stood in the company of Hollywood stars, and created no "dresses from panties", and exclusive products from fur. Passed Another years. Since then, many businessmen, and especially "businesswomen", successfully "fired" in the hungry, unlightened and ambulance × 90s, did not stand up new realities and left the business scene. And Elena not only kept afloat, but also made the most powerful jerk, conquering not only a relatively young domestic luxury market, but also spoiled Western.

Helen Yarmak and Sharon Stone.

Helen Yarmak and Sharon Stone.

Soud Radio Helen Flamk

- Elena, Top Model Cindy Crawford posed in your fur coat on the Cover "Vogue". In the photos in your office, I see next to you Prince Charles, Bill Clinton, Stephen Spielberg ... I guess why these guys looked at you! Yes, and "simple" Hollywood stars adore your products, despite the fact that in their native Los Angeles all year round +18. Open the mystery: how did you make such a VIP clientele? In the World PR invest?

- I do everything with love and guided by the principle: do what you can, and be what will happen. I always try to imagine who and when this thing will be worn, and what emotions it should broadcast its owner. As one of our collectors said - Luxury is those extra things, without which "it is impossible to live." Fur is a charm, talisman. And even more Russian Sable - our national pride. No wonder the Russian kings wore fur coats inside. In addition, we do not fundamentally use Sobility grown in captivity, but only mined by real hunting in wildlife conditions. The wild beast has a completely different energy. I am always surprised by Greenpeace, because it is worth only to assess the scale of harm, which causes ecology to produce artificial tissues, and the number of diseases, including allergies, which synthetics causes a person! And hunting - I mean the real thing when the hunter with a gun comes out one on one with wildlife - allows you to maintain the natural balance of the environment. Greenpisovs are also given flowers, eat berries and mushrooms, and they are also alive. Meanwhile, many Russian regions live only by hunting. So, working with Russian sables, we replenish the Russian treasury. We contribute to the fact that the Russian heritage is sable - it is not sold abroad not in raw materials, but in finished products. This is what in other industries of our economy only strive.

Of course, "wild" sables are more expensive than "incubator", and cheap cannot be in definition. Like the price of other natural resources - gold, oil - the cost of a sable is changing (grows) from the auction to the auction. This Barguzin sobe, mined by hunters, can be purchased only in one place - at auction in St. Petersburg. For example, at the last auction, the price for the skins ranged from $ 200 to $ 9000. For each product we make a layout, trying to give it your character, plastic, mood and necessarily - the energy of success, because this is what will touch the skin. Design is focused on the exclusive possession, all our products are for those who do not want to get into mass trends. And that is why I do not need investments in the World PR, which you asked about. Any specialist in Piara will tell you that the best recommendation of the elite piece goods is what is called "Sarafan Radio". My "Sable Radio", as it turned on sometime, it works. And best of all it broadcasts in Hollywood, it is true.

- You are creating for women, but the fruits of your creativity, put your hand on the heart, on the pocket in most men - and only to those who are ready to make a lady such an expensive gift. And you, judging by your career path, are not accustomed to depend on male offering. According to your, more importantly - when can you afford the expensive fur or when there is one who can give you to give them?

- Ancient said that a real gift should be slightly higher than the possibilities of the donant: for someone it is a flower, for someone sable. Every woman in expensive furs and decorations cause me respect and pride for the female floor. She bought them herself or received as a gift - it's not so important. It is important that there is a certain mystery in it, because the woman without secrecy does not inspire. She can even be a queen of beauty, but if there is no riddle, nor with sings, no diamonds such a woman do not have.

- By the way, how do you feel about fashionable trends among secured men - marry girls significantly younger than themselves?

- In relations is not an age, but the presence between these people of electricity. If there is no spark, then there is nothing. We often have guests, and I see, with what pleasure a man throws to the legs of his beloved most expensive fur. And, you know, I often notice that this is just the very women who are worthy of all the best. Because it does not matter in this pair the difference in age or it is not, these girls themselves are in a state of love, and not just take offering. As for marriages with a big difference in age, I do not see anything bad if they really have a feeling. There are many "old" (in the sense of family experience) Women who do not pay attention to themselves. They forget that the wife should save and warm up his husband's interest, so at home - only on heels. If a woman wants to be in furs and diamonds, she must give her man to motivation - it is better to work, more to earn and pour your beloved more. And for this, the man should have inspiration. That is his favorite that inspires it.

Helen Yarmak, Kim Cattroll and Patricia Field.

Helen Yarmak, Kim Cattroll and Patricia Field.

- And I heard that there is a whole industry in the supply of rich men specially selected "lovers" girls with selected "visual incentives" ...

- Of course, there are people who help young "birds" from the province to get on the eyes rich in capital men. The writer with Tatiana Ogorodnikova ruble has a novel "Chelsea" - this is a school where it is specially selected and grow similar "lovers" girls. Everything is delivered to the stream. Selected "young dating", take note of promising gentlemen, thirsting for a young body, pretend possible couples. Every "schoolgirl" teach everything literally from scratch - to talk right, keep the knife and fork, eat, drink, move, dress. Then come up with every legend - right as an intelligence illegal. Someone professorial daughter, someone sirota from the orphanage. It's funny, but most often the provincial hunters for rich grooms wish to be called "designers". Lessoning the graduate, she arranges allegedly a random meeting with the "object". Of course, in the case of a successful "seizure of the object", the school "falls into a share" from all future offerings to the student. Somehow I asked Ortarovniki if her novel fiction, and she said that it was pure truth.

But, as practice shows, only unions are viable, where there are feelings. And by the way, they are not so rare.

- And how many fur coats, in yours, should have a stylish and successful woman? Will the happiness of a woman or in their quantity? Or you are closer to the feminist - they say, the soul of female companions do not measure ...

- To feminists - if these are those who stand for the total equality of floors in all spheres of life - I treat with great compassion. I feel sorry for women who are not happy with the fact that they are women. After all, to be a woman - privilege! And those women who deny the importance of beauty and ability to like, in love - this is not a woman. The desire to be beloved is laid in the most female nature. As fores directly, the fur, a stylish and happy woman easily can be at all without a fur coat. If the budget does not allow this fur coat to be a fur coat, then better a good cashmere coat. I am for quality - in everything. For me, one high quality thing is better than a few dubious.

- I wonder I will be alone than together with whom? And how many men should be a successful stylish woman? For season?

- If you are lucky, then one. Well, if you are not lucky, you need to look for your only one until you find. And this is in the hands of God. For example, I am perfectly in your former husbands. They are good, just each of them - with their own understanding of family happiness. For example, my first husband. It was in Kiev, we were both mathematicians. And suddenly I am invited to work in the World Protection Committee! In those years it seemed to me that it could not be steeper! The work provided for the trip, even abroad, that at that time it was like flying to the moon! But, so that I was accepted, I had to write a detailed resume. And then I did not have the idea how it was to be a summary of mathematician for work in a public organization. And asked her husband to help. With his experience, he was worth noting him to tell me how to better make a resume. But he refused! Said: "So I will help you, you will take you, you will drive around - and you will never be at home! Why do I do my own hands of my wife? " So did not help! Therefore, he became former, despite the fact that in that committee I myself refused.

- Among the successful women who know how to provide themselves, today are often conversations that real men are no longer left. Those who have money are incredibly greedy. And those who do not have them, do not disk and the role of Alfons ... Are you agreeable?

- It is meant that a man has money, but he is ready to spend them only for himself, and not for his beloved? And does not want to go to the doctor about his supraity? A man with such a mentality - and not a man at all! In my understanding, a man is the one who is capable of a deed. For example, buy a beloved rarity sable is a deed. In addition, really rich people understand that this is also a good investment.

Helen Yarmak and Monica Bellucci.

Helen Yarmak and Monica Bellucci.

- Elena, but could you keep a man?

- A man could, but Alphonse - no. What is the difference? If, for example, a man is obsessed with the idea of ​​creating an eternal engine and devotes all his time to scientific research, he is not a loaf and a pleasant to help him. Someone devotes themselves to science, creativity art - activities that cannot enrich you financially, but it enriches spiritually. Such enthusiastic men cause respect, and I would never endure which of us how much exactly brought to the house. But all this under one condition: if this man had no complexes on this topic. There are men who are what a woman earns more than it acts overwhelming.

- Elena, do you have enemies? Gossip all sorts of evil ...

- Enemies, probably, there is, but personally, I do not know them. As for rumors about me, then, of course, they happen - as well as all those who are related to the so-called "Tusovka". I do not like these "parties", although on fashion shows and on some official techniques, of course, I go. Most of all I was charged with one news, which I brought "Soud Radio". Say, you know why Fur from the Fair is so well sold? She smashes them! I then laughed: it turns out that our products are well for sale not because they are rare, but because enchanted! "Pass, - I say, please, that it is pure truth! Fur from the yards are enchanted for success! "

By the way, the fur is really a mystical substance, energy capacious. I used to have only my personal guesses about this. For example, if I don't feel myself, I begin to mechanically stroking the fur - and it becomes easier, the fur as if it takes, pulls pain and fatigue. I came to this purely intuitive. To confess, I was sure that this is my personal feeling. But recently in Switzerland, right on the street, the Indian Brahman suddenly approached me, which in itself is already strange. What forgot this Hindu clairvoyant in the heart of European bourgeoisity? And seeing me for the first time in life, this man in Chalme suddenly says: "You have to wear fur, he will give you energy!". I was surprised: how did he find out? It turns out that brahmans can see the human aura and energy flows around it. Someone gives strength to water, someone's sun, and someone fur, it is also part of the wildlife. Having learned about this, I made a limited series of fur keys in the form of small fur coats - these are such funny "houses for keys" from natural fur. After all, according to the ancient Hindu teachings, the keys to the house must be protected, and the fur is the best defender. It symbolizes heat, comfort, softness, lightness, affection, gentle touch, relieves stress, gives a positive and cleans the aura. All "Key Key Keys" I crossed people who love and wish you good luck and prosperity.

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