Mariana Spivak: "My husband and I change the roles: then he is my mother, then I"


Looking at Marjan Spivak, remember the Nekrasovskaya poem about a Russian woman. Static, beautiful, with a strong character - very similar to her grandmother, folk artist Jeanne Prokhorenko. Until recently, a representative of the acting dynasty knew in the greater steppe-neither theater - Mariaan for many years served in the Sachirikon theater. But the picture of Andrei Zvyagintseva "Dislike", where the actress has the main role, caused a big resonance not only in our country, but also at festivals in Europe. At the very same Maryana, this work stirred up children's memories and made her still tremble towards her own family.

"Maryan, in the fate of the actor, such works occur, which very sharply change their life, give a pushing career. I believe that such a "dislike" Zvyagintsev became such for you. Are there any new proposals now?

- Of course, there were more of them. Apparently, this is a new round of popularity. (Smiles.) In addition, now we go with a picture in Europe, passing festivals in Spain, Ireland, Israel. Soon the premiere in France and England. The film is watching foreign directors, producers, and we get periodically to lead from the fields that our work causes a lot of positive responses. Of course, this is some kind of intersection of reality borders for me. But I would not say that my life changed dramatically. Working proposals has become more - yes. And so that I woke up the famous ... No, everything is also in working order continues: theater, shooting, family, house ...

- Once watched in Europe, then there is a chance to interest someone from European directors?

- I even am afraid to think about it. But suddenly, you never know what. How can I become an angelina jolie world scale! (Laughs.) When new boundaries are open - it is always interesting.

- And there was a feeling that the picture is so "shooting"?

- Zvyagintsev - a seamless European director, so it was clear that the picture would go to the festivals. But you never know in advance, will be successful or not. Always there is an excitement, the fear and responsibility is large. I really wanted to work with Andrei Petrovich. I would not say that it was my big dream, but, you see, walk, walk around the castings, and you tell you all the time "Thank you, will call" - and do not call. And then suddenly such a great director, like Zvyagintsev, invites to samples. And then again. And also ... And you think: "Yes, and well, let me go for these samples half a year to walk, let it never ends. Even if he does not approve me. " This is a great acting happiness - to work with him.

Dress, dior; Decorations, Valtera.

Dress, dior; Decorations, Valtera.

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- What do you personally give this role?

- I still more tremendous to treat my family. My heroine herself grows in dislike and then also raises his child. I have everything just good in this sense: love reigns in our house. But I had to pull out something from your hidden corners of the soul, to revive some memories. I would not say that my heroine sharply negative, finished villain. She is an ordinary woman, unhappy simply. And I did not play her as a villain, I presented, as if behaved myself, would be in such circumstances.

- You correctly said that everything starts from childhood. What are your memories about that period?

- Many bright memories. There were also happy moments, and not very. After all, some nonsense is sufficient to be offended. I am now looking at my son Grisch, who is two more than a year, and I understand that in fact, that we, adult, seems to be nothing significant nonsense, for children real grief. So he was not allowed to take a big teddy cat with me for a walk, because it is nowhere to put, "and the child stands on the staircase and spares into the voice. Of course, in the end, we take a cat with you, because he also wanted to walk. It happens, we scare from children, we think: "Now pay and calm down." Well, stupidity: why does he want to go to the cap, and not in the header? He is small, I know better what he should go. And he likes the cap, and he has a universe grief. If you do not know how to negotiate and not pay attention to the fact that the upset your child, you will be given to each other.

- You did not feel a lack of attention in childhood?

- Not. With the exception of these stupid experiences, I had absolutely happy childhood.

- Acting children often complain about it.

- Despite the fact that my parents parted, I had attention from all sides. Maybe because adults just understood that I would be bad from a lack of attention, they did everything to avoid this problem.

Jacket, chapurnin; Shirt, Elena Miro; trousers, nebo; Decorations, Valtera.

Jacket, chapurnin; Shirt, Elena Miro; trousers, nebo; Decorations, Valtera.

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- Have you traveled with mom on shooting?

- When was small, yes. I remember, in Yalta she took me with him. And then the crisis hit the cinema, the mother began at downtime. She earned money with synchronous translations, dubbing films and rarely left somewhere for a long period. I remembered when she left for several months in Bulgaria to the voice of the series "Just Maria". I missed, although I stayed with my beloved grandmother. But moms are always lacking. I remember the night when she suddenly arrived. I slept on a folding chair in the grandmother's room, woke up and heard a quiet mother's laughter. He she has such a beautiful, plivistic ... I was lying and was afraid to move - suddenly hesitated. Then still decided to get out of the room, and they sit in the kitchen with my grandmother, Zhantytik, and talk. And I pressed to my mother and breathed her smell. And she says: "What are you froze? Need to the toilet? Well, go, go. " And I got up not for this. (Smiles.)

- It turns out you were a gentle girl ...

- Not that now. (Laughs.) Hugs always had a value. Although our grandmother was with character and did not love calf tenderness. But at some point I broke her. When the mother appeared another family, she gave birth to my sister Ksyusha, we stayed together with Zhantytik. It happened when I was already in high school schools before entering the institute. And I very often began to climb a grandmother with hugs and caresses. When, after lunch, she lay on the sofa, having solved the crosswords to Sudoku, I quietly confessed nearby. She, of course, grumbled a little to order, but I saw that she was nice.

- You often say that you look like a grandmother. Is it about external similarity or character in it too?

- I do not know. I would really like to be like her in every sense. But start with the fact that she was two heads below me. (Laughs.) I rose high in my dad. In principle, our whole female part of the family: both Mom, and me, and my sister Ksyusha - very similar to the Zhanik. This is our breed such, Prokhorenkovskaya. Especially in the photos noticeably. But I look like my mother too. Very often, many are trying to understand where they saw me, and then recall that they watched the film "You did not dream," where my mother was shot. As for character, in our family, all people are serious, so simply you will not drive up on a lame mare. We can ask heat, give delivery. And I used to lead, take responsibility. In our family female coalition, it is so accepted to be able to be able to. Just in case.

- Iron fix, fasten the light bulb?

- Light bulb fasten, disassemble and assemble a socket. Mom, we mostly built a porch, fence, gate. Everything that demanded repairs in the village and houses could repair. And not that I was specifically taught something, simply, looking at her, I understood that such skills could use in life.

- What about the postulate, that a strong woman still wants to see a strong man?

- Wants. But at the same time perfectly, if your strong man also allows you to do something yourself without relying on him. And if suddenly it is not at the moment? I now have a husband on shooting for a month, rushes between Crimea and Belgrade. (Actor Anton Kuznetsov. - Approx. Auth.). And what should I do if suddenly the socket broke? To wait for him? Although, of course, it is nice if the problems will solve a man. Usually it happens when it is at home.

- I understand that at school you also were not a gentle flower ...

- Palm tree was. (Laughs.) What do you mean? I did not climb into the fight if I did not provoke me. And the delivery could give. Our team was hooligan, but nevertheless, we showed ourselves creatively: organized some theatrical productions, cabbagers. I got everything in me: I wrote piercing romantic poems and at the same time wearing baggy pants and sang punk songs under the guitar.

Jacket, chapurnin; Shirt, Elena Miro; trousers, nebo; Decorations, Valtera.

Jacket, chapurnin; Shirt, Elena Miro; trousers, nebo; Decorations, Valtera.

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- were secretly in love with a high school student?

- Everywhere happened, but externally did not appear. All my suffering poured exclusively at home, on paper. I have a girlfriend who lives in St. Petersburg. We saw with her solely in the summer on vacation in our village. And everything else was rewritten. And so, as it turned out, we were in love with her in love with one boy. Naturally, none, none of this showed this. And the subject of our sympathy did not even guess anything. In general, the more boy liked, the more interesting it was, for example, beat on my head. (Laughs.)

- Usually it is just the boys do that. And with the personal secrets, with whom you shared - with my mother or with a grandmother? Who could understand you better?

- Friend. Although mom, too, could be almost everything to tell. Usually she said: do what the heart suggests, the main thing is that you yourself feel good.

- Is there a strong guard from the side of the grandmother?

- She behaved very wisely. I understood that I had this terrible teenage period, when, if you prohibit something, you need to do in advance. Therefore, there was no dictatorship, it did not forbid, but sent. For example, she smoked very strong, heavy cigarettes, but I understood that I myself would never go smoking. Zhanik gave to understand: this is not the habit that takes away from it. And some other things that concern the upbringing: how to behave with people, communicate in society, were not imposed on me, but thin and neatly grafted.

- Did you understand that you still have an unusual family, creative?

- Sure. But I never had a consciousness of my own exclusivity: they say, you are all children of engineers here, and I am a child of artists. On the contrary, I have never sought it, did not tell that I have a grandmother People's Artist, and Pope and Moma, too, not the latest people in cinema. As it happens in many acting children, on the contrary, I want to prove your independence from the family. At the institute, for example, only by the end of the first year of the first year, classmates learned that my mother is an actress Ekaterina Vasilyeva, and just because she came to our show.

Pants, Elena Miro; top naumi; sweater, nude; Decorations, Valtera.

Pants, Elena Miro; top naumi; sweater, nude; Decorations, Valtera.

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- Did you feel responsible? Proposed, what should be in the profession not worse?

- Sure.

- Probably, therefore, they did not immediately chose this path.

"You always want from the obvious to leave." If all doctors in the family, then you should also come to medical. And if in the family all artists - go to the scene. I wanted to try something else, I watched, chose different humanitarian universities: journalism, INAZ. But by that time, when it was necessary to do, I realized that it was the acting profession that I like most. None of my relatives were against. Try, do, no one hinders you, but it will not help.

- With your theater, you had everything well from the very beginning, and did not call the cinema?

- I did not have the opportunity to take off just because everything was so well in the theater. I had twenty performances per month. I was periodically invited to some big projects, but when I voiced my employment, said: "Why did you come here?" No matter how paradoxically sounds, there was more opportunities for filming when a child was born. Although my maternity leave was small, we have already introduced the compositions in those performances, where I used to play alone. And some performances left the repertoire at all: the theater closed for repairs, and on the leased platform there is no possibility to put everything. Therefore, now I have more free time.

More popularity still use those actors who flashes on TV. Is it important for you?

- The recognition is pleasant. But while I do not feel free in this area, I can not say that in secular events I like fish in water. I do not know how to communicate with useful people, tie dating for the sake of mercenary purposes. All my friends can be sure: I am absolutely sincerely sincere. (Smiles.)

- The feeling of professional envy is not peculiar to you?

"I don't know if I will smear if I say that there is no." Probably present - not even envy, but some kind of ambitions. But I think so: everything is your time. Now I have this picture "Dislike" - and went a new wave in terms of creativity. Will not this ... Well, wait. Just because I am from the acting family, I understand that everyone has both ups, and falls. I was ready for this when it was here: today you are a star, and no one. And very calm about everything. Most importantly, there is a family that can support me.

- But they say acting marriages in the risk area due to professional rivalry.

- I was lucky with my husband, we understand each other very good and there is no jealousy between us. In the theater we play in the same performances, and I am very happy when I have a shot. And he is experiencing and rejoices for me. When I had a twenty -cer series, Anton was for my mother. He traveled with me and a little Grisha in Yaroslavl. Four months, like a nanny, sat with a child. So my husband and I change roles: he is mom, then I. (Laughs.)

- How much are you already together?

- Eighth year.

- Do not you feel the need to make a relationship?

"I don't register that someday I solve it, and confidence in our feelings is growing every day." But I just do not consider it necessary for the sake of the stamp in the passport. Roll into some kind of magnificent ceremony with pigeons and with the accordion ... It was already in my life. (The actress was married to a classmate Kirill Petrov. - Approx. Auth.). And this is not a guarantee that you will be together. Now it is better to spend money on some excellent journey. (Smiles.)

- Do you find the time to spend it together?

- We have no such need - to retire together, leave a child. No, just want to go somewhere together.

- Where did Grigory have already managed to visit?

- He is a traveler! He turned three months old, and we already went by car eight hundred kilometers to the village, then we went to Montenegro, then flew to Cyprus, on Goa. And we are not going to stop there. Now Grisha has such a beautiful age, all the time you remember something interesting, with him connected: how in Goa he was trying the watermelon or coconut from the tube and ate rice porridge, but in Cyprus, not stumbling, passed the first two steps . And in the village began to say the word "slightly". We look, there was such a small one, I did not know anything, and already such an adult in his two years. Everything understands, concerned.

- There is such a tendency: young parents whose childhood had to be hungry nineties, now very indulging their children. You too?

- Yes, there is a desire to buy everything! (Laughs.) You don't buy anything for a long time, I want to please the child. And of course, all these extraordinary suites are neurous, jumpsuit. And the children are growing rapidly, he may, and put on all this magnificence a couple of times. Therefore, moms give each other things "by inheritance", and this is at least somehow saves. But still you can not resist the purchase of new toys with such a beauty and manifold. Yesterday, for example, I bought a cat gris on the cogs. A screwdriver and screwdriver are attached to it. And the Son of the second day from this cat does not drop: develops it, screws it. Grisha is a fan of quotes, trains and football. Passion to football is from dad. And I do not know to cats where such love come from.

Jacket, Laroom; Decorations, Valtera.

Jacket, Laroom; Decorations, Valtera.

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- Live cats are not at home?

- There is a cat, but mostly our dogs.

- Gifts are the manifestation of love? How do you think?

- Well, what else? Here are only two options. The desire to make a pleasant or apology for the inattention. Probably happens both. Especially when you leave for a long time at work, you do not see the child and you want to please him in addition to your presence. But it should not turn into what is expected only for the sake of a gift.

- You wanted to become a boy's mom?

- Yes, I wanted a boy. Moreover, we in the family are mostly girks. Mom, when I learned that I would have a boy, I was horrified. Everyone said: "And what will we do with him?" (Laughs.) What? Raise, love.

- Think about some sections, circles, where would you like to send a child?

- He is an active guy, so it must be given to the sport. Loves to dance and play football. Badminton, too, has recently began to get. Another grisha is very musical, but I remember it, what is it - to do the music! My learning ended in that I wrote to a blue felt-tip pen on the white keys of the piano notes. Received for it on the fifth point and roared. I thought it seemed to me so cool everything was invented! (Laughs.) He is still so eaten, this feltaster, was, not to drop. And the training of Solfeggio has joined the fact that I learned to draw a treble key and decided that this is quite enough. Now I understand that it is great - play on some musical instrument. Grisha loves music, especially he likes whistles, dulls and lip-harmonica. Wait and see. I still have a reserve of time to think if you should give a child to a music school.

- There were already such moments when you were awkward, inconvenient before son?

- Every time I break and give it to him. Already in half a second I am ashamed. I remember the very first time, Grisha was very small. We had this creepy mam's period when the child is tormented by colic, and I did not sleep two days, he cried all the time. At some point I grabbed him and shouted: "Well, what do you want?!" And he suddenly fell silent and looked at me with such surprised eyes, which I understood: what a creature I am, because it hurts him! And I, instead of protecting, helping him. I hope he forgave me and no longer remembers that terrible moment. No one teaches to be mom, does not tell how and what to do. Remembering your children's offenses, you are afraid to repeat the mistakes of our parents. Conversely, thinking about something good, what was in childhood, trying to bring it into the life of my child. When Grisha was only born, my mother offered to move to her. But I refused. I wanted to do everything myself, together with Anton. He helped me from the first minutes of the birth of Grisha and at birth attended - Anton is a wonderful father.

Dress and raincoat, all - naumi; Decorations, Valtera.

Dress and raincoat, all - naumi; Decorations, Valtera.

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- Do you have personal holidays with Anton?

- These are secret days, but yes - they are. (Laughs.) We are the actors, so in our lives there are always flowers from fans, we give them after the performance, performances. Flowers - this is not something special. But at the same time, it's so great when suddenly, a bunch of a husband appears in the kitchen. Just. It is much more pleasant than getting duty flowers on the eighth of March. Although it is very offended, if suddenly these duty colors will not be. (Laughs.) I remember, on the day of all lovers, we once had a problem. Although both we treat this holiday skeptical, I was very upset, without having received Valentine. The scandal rolled right, was ready to break the relationship due to the fact that I had no valentine on February 14th. (Laughs.)

- Do you like to give gifts or get?

- I love to give. Although getting, of course, too nice. And Anton and I try to surprise each other. We have a tradition: for the new year and birthdays we give each other hours. Although it seems to be some kind of not very good sign, but I do not believe it. We already have a whole collection, a variety of colors and models.

- Do you generally follow each other's image?

- Anton I have a very stylish, he and reuse me in this regard. I am a punk man, like a fit in one jeans, and I go to them. And now I am trying to fit him, but it is difficult. (Smiles.) He has one hundred and fifty pairs of socks of different colors that are suitable for panties of the same color, a cap of the same color or under the drawing on a T-shirt! My husband has much more than me. In this sense, we have a girl - he. (Laughs.)

- There were some periods of life when it seemed to you that love if I did not leave, it became less. And then what to do?

- Our relationship with Anton is developing only for the better. Many years have passed, but love is not less. And I hope so it will be further. As for the previous marriage ... for a while I tried to save, reanimate, straighten with a wand of this "dead hamster." But practice shows that if love begins to leave, no matter how you returned it, it means that something has fallen in your Danish kingdom. In this sense, you can save you the appearance of a child who adds love and gives strength. So if I feel that something is wrong, I will give birth back. And if everything is fine - the more I will give birth! (Laughs.)

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