Halley Berry: "In the next life I will become animals"


- Halley, when you read the script for the first time, did everything become clear to you immediately? Still, different stories, different times, different characters ...

- Thank God, the directors attached a special piece of paper to the scenario, which helped to understand all those who did not understand everything from the first time. Well, like me, for example. (Laughs.) But still it was not easy, because there are a lot of characters, six separate stories, and immediately catch everything, to associate with each other and remember me personally very hard. But, on the other hand, this process was very exciting. (Laughs.)

- Did you participate in the development of the appearance of your characters? Or completely relied on images invented by artists paintings?

- No, we all took an active part in creating our images. It all started with a simple discussion with the grimers and costumes, as each of us imagines their characters. Then they gave a choice of 10-15 of their drawings and asked to choose what they liked. And it turned out that the nose was from one sketch, the hair - from the other, eyes from the third. Then we tried to make this makeup already truly and see how it looks "live." For example, we had five options for my White Jewish Woman, and we are "tried out." To dwell on the fact that I eventually got into the film. In general, I consider our make-ups in general, because something like we look in the frame, it's completely their work: there was no grams of computer graphics - only makeup.

- Crém Which of your characters occupied the most time?

- Yokasta from 1936, Dr. OID from the 2144th and white Jewish woman from 2012. To turn me into these heroes, make-up to eight hundred and nine hours.

- And on the site, with your colleagues, the actors immediately recognized each other?

- I had a moment when I talked with Hugh Grant for five minutes, without even suspecting it. And only then it came to me: it's Hugh! And when Tom Hanks first saw me in the image of a white Jewish woman, he laughed very long. (Laughs.)

- And your daughter has already seen you in different images?

- Yes, but when the daughter saw me in the image of an old man, she was dumbfounded. She did not immediately understand what was happening. She at that time was only three years old. At the same time, she knows what I do, she understands that I am - the actress and play different roles. I take her with myself on shooting, and she saw me in different ways. And usually she always likes how I look. But this character, and even with one eye, scared her. He was too scary for a little girl. But he was so remembered that she was still saying about him. (Laughs.)

- The action of the film unfolds in six different time intervals. If you suddenly got the opportunity to fly somewhere by car time, in whatever of these worlds did you go?

"I would go to Neo-Seoul and chasing there on these futuristic things at full speed." (Laughs.)

- The picture speaks of six reincarnations of one soul. Do you believe in the resettlement of the shower?

- I believe.

- And who would like to be in the next life?

- I think I will become an animal. (Laughs.)

- What?

- I would like, of course, Lv. He is powerful and beautiful. But there as it will work out. But I will hope! (Laughs.)

In the capital Halley Berry and her star colleagues managed to communicate not only with the press, but also with fans. The latter, as always, did not greading with emotions, and the guests quickly forgot about cold and traffic jams.

Halley Berry and Hugo Wiving. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

Halley Berry and Hugo Wiving. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

Halley Berry and Hugo Wiving, of course, could not leave their metropolitan fans without autographs. Stars were welcomed by deafening ovations, followed by greeting speeches sometimes "lost". Those who came to Halley very close, noticed that on the face of a 46-year-old actress practically no wrinkles, and the figure allows you to choose the most bold dresses.

Irina Khakamad and her husband Vladimir. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

Irina Khakamad and her husband Vladimir. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

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Andrei Konchalovsky. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

Andrei Konchalovsky. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

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Lana Vachovski. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

Lana Vachovski. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

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