Anna Peskov: "Dessert prepare for grandmother's prescription"


- Anna, at what age did you start cooking?

- At 18, when it began to live separately. I already worked, I studied at the Theater Institute in my native Chelyabinsk and removed the apartment. I read the culinary books, took the recipes from the Internet and the method of trial and errors suffered this art. Mom's houses have crown dishes and desserts: a quarrel, carrot cake, various cakes. And the most beloved is sweet sausage, it is still one of the main dishes on all family holidays.

- Can you remember how the products spoiled and throw away the missed masterpiece into the garbage?

- Most recently, I did not get a lasagna. Already after the dish was ready and I tried it, I realized that I bought not the cheese, with a bitter taste. And since this ingredient is a lot in Lazagne, it turned out to be bitter. But I did not throw it away. A cat, living near our home and often cares for us to visit us, was very glad to have been prepared and offered such a treat. And for the family prepared a new lasagna, with suitable cheese.

- You have a great figure. Does the principles of proper nutrition?

- To look good, I adhere to a healthy lifestyle, which includes and fitness classes, and proper nutrition. One without another is unthinkable. Only due to the balance of food and sports you can look good. For me, proper nutrition is no fast food, semi-finished products and night snacks. Five meal, small portions. I love vegetables, fruits, dairy products. I drink a lot of water. I try to eat tightly in the morning and make light dinners.

- For many days off, associates with pie or something more tasty. And you?

- I, like my mother, often bake the charlotte, cupcakes. And the very chocolate sausage, the corona dish of our family is already in the third generation. This recipe handed me a grandmother.

Babushkin Recipe chocolate sausages from Anna Sandakhov

Kitchen: Eastern European

Category: Desserts

Cooking time: 2 hours 30 minutes

The dish is calculated on: 6 people (a)

You will need: Sugar 1 Stakankao 2 Art. Falls or milk 3 tbsp. Low-dealer oil 200 Dummy 300 gickel walnuts 1/2 stakanizum to taste

Cooking method:


Mix sugar, cocoa, water or milk, if desired, you can add a little instant coffee and a droplet of salt - the taste will be more complex. Boil it with creamy oil.


This chocolate sweet, is still hot, pour ordinary cookies chopped into the crumb to add chopped walnuts and raisins. All mix well - and you can form one or more sausages, just wrapping them into the food film.


When sausages are ready - put them in the refrigerator (you can and in the freezer). When they harden - ready! Cut them with mugs with a thickness of 1 cm and serve to a festive tea party.

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