Facial Yoga: 6 Efficient Exercises


Exercises, which are customary to refer to yoga for the face, do not have a relationship to yoga in traditional plan. Unlike Facefitnes, which is designed to "train" the muscles of the face, these exercises are more aimed at relaxing the same muscles and eliminating various clamps. It is this, according to American specialists, will help to cope with the Mimic wrinkles in the area of ​​the eye, forehead, nasolabial masonry and tighten the oval.

Recommended to do these exercises regularly. The first improvements can be seen ten days after the start of classes. The main principle of performing exercises - in contrast to the usual fitness technique for a person, which is based on the grimacing, these exercises should not lead to the appearance of wrinkles. If during the execution of the exercise you still frown or burst, your muscles are intensified facial, it is better not to resort to this technique. There are no contraindications for exercise.

It is known that the so-called depressory muscles are responsible for the emergence of mimic wrinkles on the face, they lead to the appearance of folds on the forehead, in the interrambye, in the mouth (nasolabial folds). The technique helps to learn, on the one hand, relax muscles, on the other, to control the activity of muscle depressors, which in itself is correct. Since muscle activity can be monitored either independently or with the help of botulinum-toxin.

  1. We train the circular muscle of the eye. To perform the exercise, you must press to the corners of the eye the index and middle fingers. Then start closing and open your eyes. Try during the execution not to burst. Repeat the exercise at least 50 times. The exercise is directed to the upper eyelid suspension and the prevention of bruises in the periorubital zone.
  1. We take control of the "Muscle of Gorders". Right position: Indexing fingers on the forehead, medium - in the eyebrows area, large in the cheek area. As a result, you should get a face in the frame of the heart from the hands. The task of the exercise pull to the eyebrows to the eyes, controlling the facial expressions. The exercise helps strengthen the muscles of the forehead and eyebrows, get rid of hanging in this zone and the appearance of vertical chances between the eyebrows. Repeat the exercise 50 times.
  1. Get rid of wrinkles in the forehead area. For these purposes, the intertwined palms need to be placed on the forehead and slightly pressing on it. Move the forehead in the upward direction. Most likely, at first, you will not have much, since the muscle data you have not previously used. If, when doing the exercise, you will begin to move your ears, since you use the temporal muscle, nothing terrible. Make this exercise at least 50 times.
  1. Prevention "Rings of Venus". Place your palms in the area of ​​the clavicle, slightly push the fingers. Face lift up so that an angle of 45 degrees is formed between the chin and neck. Turn your head to the right and do the same above the right shoulder, return to the starting position, then turn your head left and do the same. Repeat the exercise at least 10 times for each side.
  1. We train the muscles of the middle part of the face. This exercise helps to return the volume zone. Press the stinking fingers to the corners of the lips, then inflate the cheeks and begin to drive the air from one half of your mouth to another. Follow your facial expressions - when performing the exercise it should not be. Repeat 10 times for each cheek.
  1. No nasolabial folds and hare laps. To do the exercise, pull your lips ahead, follow, so that there is no wrinkle around the mouth. Alternately press the middle and index finger on the lips - 25 times with your left hand and the same right.

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