Japanese beauty: view from inside


According to statistics, in 2010 in Japan there were 8842 beauty salons. On average, approximately half of the services provided in the cabin are procedures for the face, followed by weight loss (36.5%) and other body procedures. By the way, hair removal is very popular, its share of the total number of services occupies 11.7%. According to Japanese beauty market specialists, the most common customer requests are anti-Age. Care and care, aimed at combating pigmentation. Interestingly, in Japan, many customers come to beauty salon when they cannot solve some specific problems with the help of public resources. Simply put, cream bought in the store and drowned immediate disposal of wrinkles, does not cope with the task.

The desire for a good result, as well as customer confidence obliges salons not only to correctly diagnose the state of the human skin, but also demonstrate a high class of services. Everything is important here, each trifle is starting from well-trained personnel and ending with a wide procedure menu, including both hardware and manual technicians. Independent

The element is the correct recommendations for the selection of cosmetics for use at home.

Sale of cosmetics, bid and home equipment - a significant article of the income of the cabin. From home cosmetics are in demand for leather care, hair, body, nails, decorative cosmetics. The share of home line sales is about 30% of the entire revenue. From the point of view of the largest players of the beauty market, the sale of homemade lines allow you to demonstrate the strengths of the salon (an integrated approach, including counseling and procedures), so it is very important to create conditions for the stable acquisition of quality products, train the staff with the right skills.

As a rule, the Japanese visits the beauty salon once a month. About half of them, of course, women are housewives and working ladies (employees of companies, government agencies, teachers, doctors, managers of firms).

Features of Japanese salons: polite access to customers, skillful work of hands, perfect service, feeling of calm and reliability, unified staff work standard

(Unlike Europe, which is valued by the individual developments of the cosmetologist).

Coeur Project Network

One of the most famous and popular networks in Japan is Coeur Project. Today it includes seven beauty salons Coeur Esthetique and two Coeur Skin Care Clinic clinics. The first salon was opened in the city of Canadzawa in October 2002, then in the city of Takaoka, after which the network began to grow stably and develop: the first salon in Shanghai followed the opening of the cabin in Fukui, the three-time expansion of the Salon Salon area in Toyam, the opening of the second salon in Shanghai followed Appearance of the branch of Yamamuro to Toyama, the opening of the cabin in Kyoto. The design of COEUR salons is made in the European style and produces a high-class impression. In the cabin there is a special office for consulting, individual offices for hair removal and procedures, a comfortable waiting room, a free children's room, in which the staff is watching the staff, makeup room after the procedures. For convenience of customers, service is made only by appointment.

In December 2008, an epochal event was held, not inferior to the company's grounds, - the opening of the Coeur Skin Care Clinic clinic under the direction of Dr. Nakva. The following, 2009 was marked by expanding the areas of salons in Takaoka and the branch of Yamamuro

In Toyam. In 2010, Salon moved next to Toyama station next to the Municipal Plaza Building Toyama, along with the dermatological clinic under the leadership of Dr. Zusi. In addition, the opening of the new Sabae Clinic took place. In June 2011, the number of registered regular customer clients has reached 30,000 people.

Beauty Menu

General partner of the Coeur Project Salon Network - Brand MT Metatron. Reducing fertility and aging of the population - a tendency observed not only in Russia,

But in Japan. An increase in the number of older people entails an increase in demand for Anti-Age services. People want to grow old beautiful, keep youth and health. Neurocosmetics MT METATRON with highly efficient components (DMAE, carnosine, vitamin C, provitamin B5, hyaluronic acid, plant extracts) are indispensable in anti-air procedures.

In the Beauty Menu - several types of procedures from MT Metatron, including Briller Medical Skin Course. The course is aimed at eliminating the ptosis of the face and obtaining the effect of lifting. After a trial hour procedure, you can choose a course of 6, 12 or 24 procedures. There is a Custom-Made Facial Treatment course - the client can choose the procedure of manipulation (peeling, ionophoresis, sonophoresis, electroporation) in accordance with their own needs and budget. Premium Skin Course is the use of a Prier apparatus in combination with a special essence. The training course + Facial Course is a combination of special exercises that stimulate the secretion of growth hormones, with the Ideal Skin Course or Briller Medical Skin Course procedure. Possible depilation

and body procedures, procedures before the wedding.

It is important that the MET METRON brand is not only a permanent professional supplier

Cosmetics for salon procedures and home care, but also teach salons staff effective ways to sell home line, and also provides materials for training personnel and customer work. Indeed, in the process of conversation with the client, it is necessary not only to clarify the features of a particular product, but also pay attention to the current state of its skin, changes occurring when using products.

Such an integrated approach is ideally combined with the concept of COEUR, including the concept of training and training personnel.

"Getting the result from the salon visits is a key element of satisfaction and joy of customers," says Mr. Moto Masahiko. - Cosmetics - this is one of the main types of products used in the salons. Thus, highly efficient cosmetics - the key to success and prosperity of the cabin, and cosmetics that does not ensure the result is the source of complaints and gradual outflow of visitors, and this is not an exaggeration. Production of products in Japan is an additional source of confidence as products and after-sales service. We can say that the success of the cabin depends largely

From how reliable, safe products used in it are safe. Neurocosmetics MT METATRON meets all the above criteria, so it is used in all our salons. "

In the Coeur Project salons, people work for a long time, become one family. Employees strive to spend more time together and outside work. For example, a Coeur Esthetique Salon team in Holokurik province regularly goes to cleannarters for cleaning the territory, and also engaged in volunteering, visiting nearby nursing homes. "The company is also a citizen of society, including certain responsibilities. Our network of salons is growing and developing in a given area for more than ten years, and volunteering activities are our mortgage contribution to the local community. " Moreover, volunteering activities,

Executed annually during the first week of June is a tool for the moral education of salon employees and an emergency contribution to improving the health of local residents. "During the Saturday, people on the streets were warmly welcomed and thanked us," recalls one of the Salon's employees. - When visiting the nursing home, we felt that the desire of women to remain beautiful does not depend on age. Warm words of the elderly have become for us the source of energy and inspiration. "

"The beautician must first of all be a good person, without this it is impossible to conquer customer confidence," comments the President of Moto. - The system of personnel training in the salon network is not only professional training, but also the formation of personality, its system

values. "

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