Alexander Shirvindt: "In life I am Odnolyub. That is, a man who spoiled the life of only one woman "


Melancholia and the Budavia in view, slowness in movements and in the manner of speech, and, of course, a completely special sense of humor - all this is Alexander Shirvindt. And yet - the multifaceted interests: the game on stage, theatrical director, shooting in cinema, teaching in Pike, Radio, Estrada ... Mark Zakharov wrote in his book that "Shirvindt, probably, still not an artist ... Especially since the director . If you ask who he is, I will answer that his profession is unique. He is Shirvindt. "

1. About work

Career is a measure of vanity And I have a vanity dosed with the need not to fall out of the closure of decent people.

Somehow Galya Volchek said that the stay at the post of art was not a choice, but sentence . I, too, was sentenced to this chair - not as a reformer and a cramping of the hated past, but as a preservator on the humor of this circus "ship".

The kinder man, the more accessible . And if it is also talented, it becomes a sticky paper for the "flies", powerfully and meaningless buzzing around.

No need to compare the actor with his hero. Acting is a reincarnation. I was often compared with my hero from the Bestnik. And in my life I am alolyub. That is, a man who defeated the life of only one woman.

Although I work all my life at the Satire Theater, satire is not mine She implies anger. I'm closer the self-irony - salvation from everything around.

2. About children and family

With Tatah, we began to meet, being high school students. On the eve of the day when Stalin's death announced. We walked for a long time, and she was late for school. Joyful came, and everyone cried. Everyone thought that she rejoices Stalin's death, and she didn't even know about it.

Education is generally myth, mystic. Judging by Mishina biography, and we passed through a lot, I still see that, in the end, the genetics wins. As classics said: "Be beautiful, and you will have beautiful children."

Whatever the child does, neither fascinated, the parent should always pretend that he really likes it. If a child is all the time to discharge, it is possible to lose it. Therefore, the meaning of relations with children is a constant loss of their actions, starting from the first steps.

Grandchildren I already have adults And now I do not bring them up, and they me: I have to be all the time in voltage to be not to let them, do not upset.

3. About friendship

Friendship is, first, habit. Everything that originated there, on the lap of youth, is already stretched by a loop, if there are no cataclysms. And the second: it should be such a sweat to be wanted to see.

I am with everyone on "you" - this is my life position. "You" means for me sincerity of communication, and this is not a panibrate, but a partnership; In addition, today I am older than almost everyone.

I am different among the company in that I adore to listen. Still talk about themselves loved in one or another quality - talented, meditarian, but only about himself. "Well how are you?" Only you will disgregate - "And I know, what story" - and rolled ...

A terrible acceleration goes into oblivion of fellowship, colleagues, friends. Not enough forces, nor words nor tears. There is nothing to fill the vacuum of the only nutrient medium - friendship.

4. Age

Old age is not when you forget something, and when you forget where I recorded not to forget.

Old age is the arrhythmia of the heart, desires and hopes. It is desires, and not opportunities. Well, it is clear to undetess - everything is clear with that, namely the lack of acute necessity.

I'm getting worse with age, I confess. It was much categorical, bolder and wiser, and when everything was impossible. And when everything became possible, I began to be afraid. Old age…

Sometimes, very long, it happens somewhere in the area of ​​twenty years. And sometimes I am under a hundred. I'm afraid to look old. I'm afraid of dying gradual when you have to get enough for something and for someone. I am a beautiful old man who fears to become helpless. In general, the diagnosis is "old age of moderate."

With age, we always overcome all sorts of vices And when finally everything is overcome, a huge amount of time is formed that there is nothing to occupy.

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