5 tips from our grandmothers - men appreciate economic and economical


Tip No. 1.

All women love flowers - this is attention and recognition of their beauty, those who say that they are indifferent to bouquets, they simply lie, as they do not give them. And even if the fan is not sweet you, then I want to save donated roses for a long time. You will help aspirin tablet at the rate of two liters of water in a vase. A cheap pharmacy drug will extend the life of the minium plants twice.

Save a bouquet in freshness easy

Save a bouquet in freshness easy


Tip №2.

In the restaurant drone on a skirt with a fat sauce? No problem. It is not necessary to worry and suffer, grab the straw from the table, and boldly, you can with a laugh, raw its contents on clothes. You will save the fabric, do not spoil your mood and show yourself a knowledgeable and economical mistress. Salt quickly absorbs all fat in itself, the stain, if it remains, is emitted much easier.

Salt will help withdraw stains

Salt will help withdraw stains


Tip number 3.

The manicure should always be in his hands from a decent woman, but Shellac, gel, acrylic is very injured. Save them beautiful and healthy can be engaged in home care. Minus one, if you start yourself 20 shades of varnish under each outfit, their palette will have to constantly update - the coating in bubbles quickly starts and dries. To preserve it with liquid and workers add times a month in the vials of a pair of liquid drops for removing varnish.

Two drops of solvent and varnish will last long

Two drops of solvent and varnish will last long


Tip number 4.

Interesting cinema on TV or squeezed with a friend, and here the food has burned - with whom it does not happen. However, this is not a reason to throw away the pan, it can be quickly "saved" with the help of salt beam. Fill the container with water, add 2-3 spoons of a large salt and boil half an hour, there will be no trace from Gary and fat.

Squirt composition and frying pan without a prigar

Squirt composition and frying pan without a prigar


Tip number 5.

Cooking is not always a pleasant, but mandatory action for a good mistress. If you hung with red berries, fruits or vegetables, such as beet, then the appropriate shade of fingers is provided for a couple of days. My soap, three, the effect does not pass, but save a few drops of lemon juice. Take a citrus slice and wipe your hands, they will again become a natural color.

Lemon juice will remove purple color from fingers

Lemon juice will remove purple color from fingers


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