3 variants of baking mackerel


Option number 1. Baked mackerel


Fresh-frozen mackerel - 3 medium fish

Mustard - 3 teaspoons

Yogurt 0% - 3 teaspoons

Finding the fish in the refrigerator, well wash it, pay off, cutting off the head and tail. Wet a carcass with paper towel or napkins. Mix yogurt and mustard, adding salt in them, and dear the fish with this sauce. After 20 minutes, cut the fishes on the portion pieces, lay on the baking sheet and enter into the oven. Scumbers bake 30 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Mackerel delicious not only smoked

Mackerel delicious not only smoked


Option 2. Mackerel with vegetables


Mackerel - 300 grams

Onion Large - 1 piece

Carrot large - 1 piece

Tomato large - 1 piece

Lemon - 0,5 pieces

Salt, spices to taste

Clean the carrot and soda on a large grater. Tomato Blanch and remove the skin from it, cut down the cubes. Purified onions Cut half rings. All vegetables must be mixed evenly in the bowl and add salt, pepper, seasonings.

Flawed fish Wash and turn it out, rinse and dry up with a paper towel. Sprinkle with a carcass lemon juice, add a little seasoning, remember that some of them are already in vegetables, and give a mackerel to marvel for 20 minutes.

Make a foil boot in size Rybin. Half vegetables put on the bottom of your tanks, on top of them place the fish, and remain carcasses with the remaining tomatoes, carrots and onions. Wrap the edges of the foil, you can use a special cellophane sleeve.

Send the fish to the oven for 20-30 minutes at 180-200 degrees. Serve it with vegetables.

Carcasses It is necessary to defrost in the refrigerator

Carcasses It is necessary to defrost in the refrigerator


Option number 3. Baked Mackerel with Orange


Mackerel Carcass - 1 piece

Orange - 0.5 large citrus

Salt, spices - to taste

Fish cleaned, wash dry. Orange cut into slices and lay out on the scumbers, pre-salt and pepper. Wrap a carcass in foil and place an oven to 190 degrees for 40 minutes. Then open the foil and let the fish still twisted for 5 minutes.

Citrus fit to any fish

Citrus fit to any fish


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