Diana Khodakovskaya: "Wheel of Life" will save from problems


It would seem that it is absolutely impossible to keep these two spheres on the same level when there is a child and there is a job. After all, now you need to do something. Anxiety begins and finding an infinite balance. How not to go crazy?

At the same time, it is absolutely impossible to forget that, first of all, women have to lose weight forever, restore their energy forces, care for themselves, to pay attention to her husband, go to work, between the case, at least sometimes we have time to meet with girlfriends, which are already very difficult to keep nearby, because Many of them can be either yet married or have no children.

It would seem that I am doing a successful career, and it remains to be happy, but all the time there are internal questions and doubts, you start demanding every day more and more.

Today I finally found a way out of this situation, doing my project "Perfect Weekend." I ceased to be dependent on a boring schedule, a consistent scenario, depending on the film crew, which is necessary to adapt to other times.

Diana Khodakovskaya with her husband

Diana Khodakovskaya with her husband

My daughter Nina is just 2.5 years old, and this is just that age when it is impossible to move away from her, she immediately begins to call mom. But I just couldn't allow myself to sit at home and throw a favorite project. Sometimes you have to leave it with a nanny. With your operator, we choose one day a week and try to have time to get around 3-4 locations per day.

From the side it seems that it is very simple, but believe me, with a visit to each location of the forces is less and less. In this, everyone is a big plus from the fact that I am so extinguishing and hurry home that when Nina jumps from the threshold after filming, I feel the incredible feeling of joy, and the fatigue disappears by itself.

And still very dull tubes, as we live outside the city, I get to the center of 1.5, and sometimes 2 hours - and the same back. Therefore, I try to allocate a couple of days a week on such a journey and cover the maximum number of working hours to have all time. This, of course, sucks energy. I restore walks in nature and silence.

I want to give a recipe or some kind of prior art about how to balance. This is a difficult job, and each it is individual. I was helped by the "Wheel of Life". The essence is this: you write out all the spheres in a circle, like the needles - this is a family, work, health, spirituality, environment, recreation, brightness of life, life, sports, finance, self-development and those areas that are important to you. Now you need to sit calmly and think about how much - from 1 to 10 - does it satisfy you at the moment each of these regions? Put the touch at a certain mark. The balance is the above plus minus on the same level, then the wheel goes. If there are specific skews, and we often have something to save, align the first thing this area is. Lack of sport - you start doing charging or run in the morning. The brightness of life suffers - you study one of my last posts and go on this route! I guarantee: in the evening there will be a feeling of completeness of impressions.

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