How to choose a job?


It's no secret that our mental state, calm and well-being directly depends on how successful we are satisfied with your own lives. Unfortunately, inexorable statistics argue that such luckyrs are not so much. To date, more than 80% of working people would like to change the profession and seriously think about how to find a job in the soul, writes JLADY.RU. Moreover, such thoughts come to mind not only by young, bold and energetic, but also people already held in adulthood. This is due to the fact that on the threshold of rather solid dates, they turn back, analyze their life and ... overestimate it. Fully.

Agree, we often compare your achievements with the success of friends and acquaintances, and if it seems to us that the account is not at all in our favor, then we begin to doubt the correctness of what they did throughout this time.

We are starting to overcome thoughts about changing the work: and the salary is small, and the process is boring and routine ... Thoughts come to mind about how to find a good job to make money more, and go to the service with pleasure?

If you want to find an activity that will like, then be prepared for the fact that in your life a lot will have to change: from views and habits to coordinate changes in life at all. But for the sake of happiness and spiritual comfort, it is worth a risk and try to break your stereotypes! You do not need to be liken to millions of people around the world, who daily go to the unfair work, but do not want to change anything. Rather, they want, but do not go further reasoning about how it could be done. We have this thought for years, leaving everything is still.

Where to start?

First, try to figure out what actually happens in your soul. Ask yourself two specific questions:

• What means "work like"?

• How important is money for me? More precisely, I am ready for your favorite work, but for a rather modest remuneration?

This moment is very important. It is necessary to understand that it is of paramount importance for you: self-realization, satisfaction from work or achieving material wealth. From this and you need to "dance". If the answer you give yourself is obvious to you and does not cause any doubts, it is he who should play a decisive role in the selection strategy and search for a new work.

Good employees - good salary

And yet ... You can talk about the soul as much as you like, but most often a person, reflecting on finding a new work, occupies a position that is focused primarily for money. And this is understandable. But what to do in order to get a higher paying job than now? In the labor market there are in demand professions, and a person who is focused on obtaining high income, tries to develop their professional skills and personal qualities in a certain direction. It will strive to increase his professionalism, will receive additional education to "sell itself more expensive. The hardworking and purposeful applicant has much greater chances of success than floating overstream.

Too little for love

But many, especially women, have specialties that do not bring sufficient income. For example, doctors and teachers. These people invest the whole soul into their work and work "on perfectly" even at low salaries, because they love their professions and have fun, seeing the results of their work. They are in their place: work to them in the shower. If a person cannot change his vocation, does not want to step on his own song - does this mean that he should not think how to find a job with higher income? Is it really, staying devoted to his beloved case, will he ever be able to provide the family the necessary level of prosperity? It is unlikely that work, even by the favorite specialty, can delight if they pay too little for it.

Professionals were always in demand. The opportunity to find a highly paid job is everyone. For example, the same teachers can search for work in gymnasium or private school. If there are no such educational institutions in the city, you can consider moving options to a larger city.

In the end, if the idea with moving does not suit you at all, it will be a great reason to think about your own business combined with your loved one - to take, for example, and open the first private gymnasium in your city!

All in the measure

The desire to ensure a high standard of living of your family commendably, but not worth it in this pursuit to forget and lose a sense of measure. This is especially true of us, women. It is impossible to allow all forces and time to reach the achievement of material benefits, while our family is perhaps much more needs our care and attention. Especially since the limit of the desired to achieve is impossible - the more there is, the more I want.


And if family circumstances require you to have more time at home, you can try to work remotely. Moreover, such a job can be closely related to your favorite hobby - for example, you can engage in your favorite needlework, photographing the process of making crafts, and then sell the photos of the master class with various sites dedicated to needlework. Or, for example, you can create your own blog for the topic of interest, and it will also bring you income. In the end, today you can even work remotely with an accountant, having only a certain luggage of knowledge and the Internet. Of course, to work on the network you need to have certain knowledge, but it is not so difficult to get them. The main thing is to remember that in order to make money well, you need to learn, because under the lying stone water does not flow ...

Can I see everyone?

In any case, it makes sense to think where else you could apply your knowledge and experience. If nothing intelligent comes to mind, you can search for work in any available way. And even if you quickly change the scope of activity, at least you can competently arouse your priorities and understand what is the most valuable for you, we'll figure it out that you like it, and what - no, and then look for your favorite job It will become much easier.

If you have not yet been able to decide what kind of occupation you would satisfy - try your hand in several directions. As the Americans say, it is impossible to know the taste of a blueberry cake, without trying it :)

Step forward

And last. The most important thing. Do not be afraid of change! Even if, as a result of his search, you will suddenly understand that at one time they chose not the specialty, it is not worth a despair. It is even fashionable to have several formations now, and psychologists and advise at all every seven years to change the sphere of activity. Make and you step to your new happy life!

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