Questions that will help clarify incomprehensible sleep


From the first lines of letters of readers, I understand whether there will be a clear and accurate decoding, or there will be more questions than answers. Today's sleep of the heroine, rather from the second category. In her dream, there are so many voids that a dialogue is needed for more or less suitable interpretation.

Using the example of this sleep, I will try to show what to ask questions and yourself, if you dreamed something incomprehensible, but memorable.

It is also worth saying that the dream dreamed of a woman in a mature age, and the speech in it is about student pore. This is also an important sign for interpretation.

"In a dream, I have to close the session, but since last year I have" tails. " I believe that the teacher is generally not bad for me, I can persuade her to close this "tail". But she is adamant, says that it is necessary to fully pass everything you need to know. Immediately around me, various people are organized, who are offered to close the last session for 15,000 rubles, but I do not have such money. I appeal for help to dad, he would love, but also can't help with money and suggests to ask mom. And together we do not want it.

Then I understand that all these options are terribly unreliable, and I begin to plan, how to learn the material and pass it honestly. "

So, the promise of this sleep can be considered a logical conclusion that it would be nice to honestly keep the answer for your affairs. Even this will be a lot, because the responsible attitude towards his words and cases is far from the most common skill of a modern person,

But sleep, as we remember, speaks in the language of characters and metaphor. In this example there are several. I hope the dream has already independently reading our column, will be able to answer them and decide on additional dreamy messages.

Pay attention to metaphors and specific characters

Pay attention to metaphors and specific characters


So, the first metaphor is a student. What was special in her student? What does she remember about this time? What does she remember about himself? What role did her parents played in her life? In a dream, there is a reference to appeal for help to dad and mom, and the father is included in the circle of proxies, and the mother is not. What does she tell her now?

The second metaphor is 15,000 rubles. What associations occur with thought about this figure? What are the intersection with her real life? What is 15,000 rubles in her life? Perhaps this is the most interesting symbol: it is quite concrete, not blurred and understandable. It is worth thinking that this money means for her now.

Also do not forget about the emotional background of sleep. In the example there is only a move of the thoughts of our dreams, but she did not write about her feelings and reactions to this dream. Often, they are the key to the attenuation, because sleep is carrying hand-drawn information and probably includes feelings that are standing behind all the experiences.

We wish good luck with a dream in a detailed decoding of sleep now. No wonder she remembered him. Sleep has a lot of interesting, juicy metaphors. It would be a pity to leave them in secret from ourselves.

The Talmud says that "an unsolved sleep is similar to an unrelated letter."

I wonder what you can "print" you? Examples of your dreams send by mail: [email protected]. By the way, dreams are much easier to express if in a letter to the editor you will write preceding life circumstances, but most importantly - feelings and thoughts at the time of awakening from this dream.

Maria Dyachkova, PSYCHOLOGIST, Family therapist and leading trainings of personal growth Training center Marika Khazin

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