Victor Sukhorukov: "Love is harmful, dangerous and not needed"


Victor Sukhorukov passed fire, water and copper pipes. Being expelled from the theater, the unemployed, found out in the literal sense what hunger is, and after that it is not only to climb, and to grow to real heights in the profession - such baggage has few people in the acting piggy bank.

1. About me

The turning point is a barrier that goes down and rises in the life of each of us. . I had a lot of them: when I won the deafness after complicing from Scarlay, when I went to the army when I entered the theater university of Moscow, although everyone was inspired that the road was ordered there, and when they were kicked out of the theater.

Only the past resembles a person who he is , cuts and saves the mind into clarity. I remember bad with gratitude and surprise. With gratitude, because I survived it, but with surprise - because it was with me and remained in the past.

I have always been alone: ​​in your dreams, in my fantasies. And alone in his understanding of the world around me. I had a very stubborn attitude towards my dream. I was fucked, humiliated, thoughtfully laughed at my desires, and I believed that they were all wrong. Do not understand me, do not hear, do not feel my gusts. For some reason I really believed that I would come to my dream and my materialism.

I was rewarded with lateness. And the recognition of the audience is late. When the period occurred, in our opinion, the buzz, delight from his victories, then I have not needed these victories. Everyone would be greasy when there were power, energy, passion, sexy ... Then the delight was more, I would use it.

2. About feelings

Happiness is fearless in every sense. Do not be afraid, live! And we all compare what we have, with what was or could be, and we conclude. The output regulates the mood, and the mood is reflected on health. Any dependency is trouble.

Illusions are self-deception or inner faith. You can make a mistake, but continue to believe. I have been told: "This is an illusion" - but this is my illusion, my error. Let it be, especially if it did not spoil me and turned into some animal or creature.

I felt a little in terms of feelings - I know that the separation is much harder than the meeting. I do not want to accumulate this cargo in yourself, and then carry. Probably just make life easier. Maybe that's why my work does not go into personal relationships, as was at the beginning of the way. But as a result, I realized that all this is friendship, affection, love is harmful, dangerous and no need.

3. About fears and disappointments

Disappointment is the result of betrayal, deception, doubles. I received the very first blow in childhood, when all summer was collected by scrap metal, and I did not give me a ticket to "Artek", but did not even awarded the Certificate of Honor. Then - at the Studio School MHAT, when Viktor Montyukov on my bracking exclamation: "I need the theater, understand!" - replied: "Let's say. And you asked yourself a question: Do you need the theater? You will never be an artist. "

I experienced deep disappointment Health, annoyance, when I was kicked out of the theater in St. Petersburg. Did I understand what is to blame? Yes, I understood. But for some reason they kicked me out, and many of those who were with me and did one thing left. This was not the educational moment - there was a car.

I have many fears - for example, darkness. And I do not overcome them - I avoid them. These are phobias, why overcome them? For what? It's one thing - for the sake of necessity, the other is for the sake of hobby. Jump into the pool, without knowing how to swim, is not a feat, but debauchery. This is some kind of self-expression complex.

I was liberated, freed out of all complexes , rejection, denial me as a person. And the more they denied me, rejected, moved, they forgotten, that I became bolder, shameless and freer.

4. About profession

When I sometimes heard after the performance: "You are well done, and the rest is all g ..." - it was terribly sad, because, if a person sits in shit, he also smells to shit. In creativity, you should not save yourself, but to escape together.

I dismissed, or rather, I shouted the right of choice And even abusing them. Watching: Do I have to go behind this director, can I exist with him for a while, will it not hurt me creative trouble?

I will not coexist: I need the title and Order. There are something else in America - pools, for example. And I have no pool. But the title of People's Artist is. We have a matryoshka. And they have Hollywood. Each country has its own inventions and paints.

I live very routine. Although what is the routine for the actor? Stability. And I have no takeoffs, no falls, no carnivals, no parades. I just get up and go to work.

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