Oksana Fedorova: "I first love for the first time."


You can't call it indispensable. Each of her deed is a matter of broad discussion. It refuses the prestigious title "Miss Universe" to devote himself to the service in law enforcement agencies. That suddenly throws a militia for the sake of children's transfer "Good night, kids!". Then suddenly begins to sing, perfectly understanding how this step in the world of show business will appreciate. And later, altogether say goodbye to this notorious show business to disappear from the red tracks and devote yourself to the family. Oksana Fedorova told about what is truly important for her.

For you personally, the son's birthday became swivel in life?

Oksana Fedorova: "I can honestly admit that before the birth of Fedor has already changed a lot. I remember, for example, how I, pregnant, came to some concert, and suddenly my belly became sharply ill. I realized that this music did not like my son, and we left. "

It is even interesting that it was for a concert ...

Oksana: "Yes, I already do not remember some kind of pop artist performed. It's about that already then the son made it clear what he likes, and what is not. The same with meals: I already knew that he wanted to eat, and what was tastefully. Therefore, I tried to follow my inner self-seeming. "

You say: "Son gave to understand." This means that you immediately felt that the boy would be?

Oksana: "Immediately. But for a long time we did not seek to know exactly the sex of the child, they wanted to keep the intrigue. Our dad (Oksana's husband. - approx. Aut.) Said: "And you do not need to check, it's a kid." Although many people said that, in all signs, there will be a girl. "

And the name chose in advance or waited for the moment to look at the child and decide exactly?

Oksana: "We started choosing a name somewhere by the middle of the term. For the boy, it was found right away - Fedor, but with the girl could not decide. What else approved us in thought: there will be a heir! Well, and then we looked at the sacnesses and realized that this name is closest in the Orthodox calendar. By the way, until the last we did not know what "Fedor" means. And when it turned out that translated from Greek this "Gift of God" was surprised. After all, it really is. "

Have you changed a lot after childbirth?

Oksana: "Of course. I began to appreciate the family, loved ones, friends. Still, when you are alone, you only have a career in your head, earnings, some such things are siety. And with the birth of a child, you begin to think more globally and fundamentally, or ... and everything else in your life is built by very harmoniously. Still, motherhood is given to a woman not just so. "

But probably I had to refuse from much ...

Oksana: "Yes, I now can't break dramatically, suddenly fly somewhere. Of course, I am tied to the routine of the child. But but I became more disciplined. With the birth of a son you understand, for what you need to come home before, setting certain power rules, perform a special mode. I began to plan every day carefully. Many idle things went to the background. "

And how is your day built now?

Oksana: "Fedor wakes up at six in the morning. Sometimes I walked him, sometimes my mom (then I can sleep up to seven-eight). At nine I leave for business, feed my son is already Mom. But I always come to evening bathing. Fedor calmly transfers my absence. But this is understandable: after all, it is still surrounding their relatives, loving his people. "

Oksana Fedorova. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Oksana Fedorova. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

He already captures intonation when you say with him?


"He understands everything! Send, mother's mood ... I bought my son all sorts of developing games, pictures. We read fairy tales with him, learn. He already knows that the cat is "meow", and the car - BBB.

Who is more like Fedor?

Oksana: "Somehow, he equally took a little bit from me, and from my husband."

And character?

Oksana: "And with Andrey we have similar characters. And Fedor, I hope, will be the same - a strong, observant, who gets into the essence of things. Our son is very inquisitive: when you tell him something new, he listens carefully. And still sensitive. It happens, something will tell him with less rainbow, than usual, mood, and it is already upset. "

Already two months after the birth, you led the transfer of "good night, kids!". How did you manage to combine work with feeding?

Oksana: "We took a minibus for rent, and at first I went to shoot with a child. I had to run in the breaks, feed the baby in the car and return to the studio. But it lasted for a short time, so I recorded only a few programs. "

Are you still fundamentally avoid without nurse?

Oksana: "That's just now I have already thought about to take not even a nurse (after all, my mother helps me), and a person with an artistic education that would be engaged with Fedor his development. Of course, we are doing something with my mother in this direction, but still need some professional knowledge. I want the Son to skill to draw, sculpt, design. "

Have you already thought about his future? If you suddenly decide to elect a public profession, will you discourage him with her husband?

Oksana: "No, so far I haven't guess so far. But my inner feeling - the Son is unlikely to have a public profession ... Although he is a creative child, he really loves music. However, I still believe that a man must serve the Motherland. "

Something military?

Oksana: "either military, or public service. In any case, a man should benefit his country. "

Love mood

Spouse takes an active part in the education of Fedor? Or is it waiting when he becomes older?

Oksana: "Actively participates! Talking to him, plays, wears in his arms, sometimes feeds. We have already developed a tradition: we always stay at home on weekends and paying your son's time. I think a man to certain age begins to appreciate the paternity. Notes when the baby begins to bundle, turn over. "

Did you have a husband at the birth?

Oksana: "No, I waited for me in the corridor. I believe that the birth of a child is the sacrament, a special state of a woman. And at such moments she should be alone with her and with God. This is my position. Others can have a different point of view. Here everyone chooses for themselves. "

From the side such an impression that you hide your husband ...

Oksana: "He's not a public person. Therefore, he himself does not like anything or about his work something to say. More concentrated on some cases and actions. And this is despite the fact that he is open, spiritual and kind. "

Tell me at least as you met. Is it true that you caught love at first sight? I heard such a story: you saw in the restaurant, met with my eyes and understood that they were created for each other.

Oksana: "So it was. But to our close acquaintance, a lot of time and a series of accidents passed. We met more than two times before they understood that we would be together. I just say: the initiative showed my future husband. "

Do you generally believe in love at first sight?

Oksana: "I believe that an open look says about a lot of man. It is not by chance that it believes that the eyes are the state of the soul. And when the eyes are open and in a man, and in a woman, then there is a connection - the first contact, some kind of chemistry. But this is a strong feeling - only a passion that can then sink. And love is a stable feeling, it does not fall on the head: Bach - and that's it! Love need to raise in yourself. And this work is mutual. Construction of relations is a creative process. So we have developed love, completely completely day. Everything went on increasing. And honestly, I will love for the first time in real - infinitely, of course. All that was before, no longer exists for me. "

Now Oksana Fedorova completely recovered after childbirth. On vacation in Italy. Photo: Twitter.com.

Now Oksana Fedorova completely recovered after childbirth. On vacation in Italy. Photo: Twitter.com.

With weight of the natives

Oksana, not so long ago you received a prize in the nomination "The Glamor Mom". Admit what you did to recover so quickly?

Oksana: "Yes, somehow extra kilograms themselves left after childbirth. Well, and besides somewhere in a month, I began to slowly play sports, go to the massage. Yes, and the power mode, when you feed, completely different: no sweet, mostly limit yourself. That's how slowly I came into shape. But in fact, I confess, least I thought about my figure. The main thing for me was the health of the baby, his needs. "

But many secular young ladies even give birth refuse because of fear of losing harmony ...

Oksana: "In front of the eyes of so many examples when women have several children, but look beautiful! Not at all depends on your appearance. If the woman is internally configured to keep her beauty, everything will succeed. I checked myself on myself. As I understand that you need to lose a couple of kilograms, the weight somehow adjusts to my inner impulse. "

How do you understand each other with weight! Not everyone is so lucky ...

Oksana: "I say, in fact, everything is in my head! Reflexes and desires - everything comes from an emotional state. As you will configure, so it will be. "

It happened when your head told you: "Oksana, stop", and intuition suggested that you are doing everything right?

Oksana: "In fact, I often did contrary to common sense. In my hometown, I suddenly took and went and went to study at the Pskov Special School of Militia. Then she went to St. Petersburg, to the University of the Ministry of the Interior, - without a service direction, without a petition. Yes, and I also went to the Miss Universe contest, despite all reasonable arguments, without serious training, without external attributes, without a movie about myself. Just in all these cases was a mental impulse: or now, or never. Often, the first thought is the rightmost. So there was a lot of cases in my life when the result came from spontaneous solutions that are completely unsenongable to logical explanation. "

But now, looking back, you think that these actions were needed: and the school of the police, and the title "Miss Universe"?

Oksana: "Of course, every stage of life gives a lot. I can extract lessons from any situations, I can learn from a new one. The police school gave me a height, character. Let it not be my profession, but I dedicated to the service in the internal organs for ten years. I would call it a springboard, prepare for the next events. "

See you with your spouse, Andrei Borodin, Oksana Fedorova met with Nikolai Baskov. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

See you with your spouse, Andrei Borodin, Oksana Fedorova met with Nikolai Baskov. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

And what was more difficult for you: to walk on the fee or on the podium?


"For me the most difficult to lie on the sofa and do nothing. I need to do something to do something, I do not like to waste time. And the podium and the plants are actually something like something. Discipline, straightening, feeling elbow. By the way, in the construction preparation, too, has its own charm. "

And yet not feminine this profession. I read somewhere that even during your training at the police school, you once didn't get a bullet right in the face ...

Oksana: "No, there was a little another story. We left for the first time on shooting. Prior to that, they studied the theory of firing training, but in practice I had a misfire. And I began to twist a gun in different directions, aiming including myself in my face. The fuel training teacher jumped to me instantly and took the gun to the side. Well, she scribbled, of course. As a result, I was removed for several lessons. But then firmly promised himself that I would shoot the best. So it turned out in principle. I became the first shooting among girls, despite my first unsuccessful experience. Therefore, sometimes it doesn't matter how you start. The main thing is that there is a result. "

At one time, at the Miss Universe contest, the question of how to redden you, you answered: "When I tell a lie." Today, years later, what do you blush?

Oksana: "Blush, probably, from love. There are such conditions when you are so capturing the feeling that you can't talk, only cheeks are glowing. I still red, when I tell compliments or some flattering comments, "I try to skip them past the ears."

It is not true, it means that no longer can make you redden ... Tell me, do you notice how much you have changed over the years? Became more cynical or, on the contrary, more understanding others?

Oksana: "In some things I have become more pragmatic, in some - more understanding. Cynical I am, if it is pushing the circumstances. For example, sometimes you need to show rigidity at the negotiations. But it seems to me that in its essence a person in the depths of the soul is not a cynic. Still, each of us seeks no longer to well-being, but fortunately. If a cynical approach to life can give this very well-being, then in order to be happy, you need to strive for open truthful relationships. "

You have been doing a lot in my life: both the policeman was, and a singer, and TV presenter, and a politician. Why such a scatter - are you afraid of something not to have time?

Oksana: "I'm just a man in kind of diverse. At school, humanitarian items, and technical ones, I easily were given. I also engaged in sports - eight years old gave volleyball, was the champion of the city. And different circles and sections attended, ranging from dances and ending sambo. Already then I understood that I would like to know the world, to learn from different professions. I try to feel that I need at the moment, and what life wants from me. "

Well, if you were asked to characterize yourself in one phrase, what would you write about Oksana Fedorova in some encyclopedia?

Oksana: "What a difficult question! Probably, I would write: she is from those who love to the end and is improving all the time. Love and learn - my motto. "

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