Danila Yakushev: "I wade exclusively to young creatures"


Russian actor Daniel Yakushev, a famous viewer on such films as "bitterly!", "I will live", "Major Thunder", "all or nothing", "superplain", and the series "The Power of Love", perceives career as a good way to know Own nature, find new skills, see different points of the planet, and get rich. No wonder it motivates the Lists "Forbes", where his Hollywood colleagues mean. Possessing the appropriate texture and talents, Danil is a type, a pretty opposite sex, but still listed in bachelors, although it seems that this status is already on it. Details - in an interview with the magazine "Atmosphere".

"I suspect, quite often you heard that I looked like Ryan Gosling, and I read, you found his contacts and sent him the script of the film about two brothers to work together. It's true?

"Of course, I am irony about conversations about our similarity, but now, being also a producer, I decided why not to take advantage. I found an exit to the stateling through the director Shane Blake, who removed the tape "Nice Guys" with him. And now the script is translated into English to send him. Ryan is a grand artist, the best among its generation. Often, if the material is likely, he is removed not for the fee, but for the idea. I revised all his ribbons, including arthow, who do not have large fees in cinemas, and, you know, it's great!

- You came to the actor from sports - performed in the junior team on basketball ...

- Exactly. Although on the Internet you can find information that I am also engaged in boxing, and hand-to-hand combat, but it is incorrect. I only went for swimming and water polo from five to thirteen years, and then he was already carried away by basketball. And in our team was the lowest. (Smiles.) Moreover, my teacher on the theater Vyacheslav Vasilyevich Dolgachev, with whom I, actually, mastered the basics of skill, said: "Above Yakushev is already difficult to live." But I never felt my height.

Danila Yakushev:

"I had a negative experience of novels with colleagues. A vocational rivalry begins in a pair, it is not going anywhere"

Photo: Anna Chernyakina

- Well, thanks to him, including you still spent a teenager half a year in America. What did this trip give you?

- Confidence that I will never become an emigrant. I like to wheel in the light, but I can live only at home. I also loved comfortable pickups - in the US, with the team of sixteen, we traveled on it thirty-six cities, including New York. At that time, the country was likhadilo - only two months passed after the fall of the twins' towers, but we guys were fascinated by our tour, they were terribly rejoiced when I first got on the game NBA in the giant stadium in Houston, saw the live famous Bobby Brown, all The composition of the club "Houston Rockets", we presented us, and all around got up, welcoming ... Of course, it's nice to survive in a transitional age, and this is unforgettable.

- Do you own English free?

- I speak decently. At least imagines himself participating in foreign projects. A few years ago there was a casting in Bondian with Daniel Craig - and my agent came from London a request that you need a tall, under two meters, a bearded guy, the executing tricks itself. We removed the samples, went to the long correspondence, then the economic crisis came, and they, alas, took the Pole into this role. (Smiles.) But I am pleased that I already had this practice, I am familiar with the nuances, and work in the West, I suppose, only a matter of time.

- Initially, I thought that the parents were sent to the acting, since my mother's artist is in the cinema, dad sound operator, and then learned that the first love had influenced you ...

- Yes, parents met on the film studio. Gorky, but before me their connections did not reach. I have a long, thorny path, without a Briton - I do my biography yourself. For all seventy-six projects that I have in your account, grateful to myself. Perhaps, with the exception of only the first series "Simple Truths", where I, Fourteen-year-old, called my mother's friend. And then I already pierced myself, I tried, laid out in full, argued the producers that I can ... All yes, from the girl Lena. She was twelve, and I fourteen. We met in the summer camp, and she suggested in front of the disco to put performances. I admired it, so, naturally, I agreed, and in the evening, a rather large number of viewers gathered at our stage in the evening. Thus, this girl is extremely interested in the actor, and although he did not act in the theater university itself, and instead became his wife and mom's three children, she changed my fate.

Danila Yakushev:

"The father left the family when I was very small, and then died with mysterious circumstances. Mom worked, my grandmother was brought up."

Photo: Dmitry Severin

- In your biography it is said that you graduated from the Moscow International Slavic Institute. Daughter. Why not more famous universities?

"I got to Dmitry Brusnikna to the MCAT Studio School, but I was taken by Yuri Solomin into a sins." True, he did not appear on the course - His wife oversees us. And the course was fifty-four people. Then the forty-nine remained, and of them all three are now involved in the profession. I learned the semester and went to another university, as I do not regret anything. We have all the teachers were from Rati and Studio Studios MCAT, and we, students, have already given roles in the theater in which this institute exists. In fact, the theater is a good daily training, but today there are too few decent theaters, so I do not even go to the production. I do not carry fashionable trends, performances with naked in nature ... I still for traditional performances, without the taste of naphthalene, but in the classic structure. For myself, the topic of the stationary theater was closed, but this summer we are going to put entrepreneurs with my friend and try to ride her in the country. Let's see how to perceive.

- Do you see yourself director in the future?

- We'll see. May be. But only when I already implement all your acting ideas. But for the produce, I already took: together with the partner, we opened our production and already six projects issued. For example, the film "Super Bloom" with me, with Anna Chipovskaya, Alexander Revvar, Jan Tsaznik. The series "Actively searching", based on the real situations of my life, now alone in the full meter. We play there with Nikita Panfilov and Yana Cat. But at the moment I am involved in projects outside our business, and soon I have a sports thriller "Run", then a light, ironic comedy "Kandra" about modern Moscow, the tape for comics "Didetal Doctor", where I have the main role and my The hero is drawn completely under me. In addition, there is a TV series on the first channel with the working title "Woman in a state of divorce" with Maria Mashkovka in the lead role, plus the series "Desperate". And in the summer, shooting the mythical painting "Ilya Muromets", where I play the nightingale-robber.

- came to the conclusion that you are inclined to develop not in the same plane, some particular specialization, rather, you like to work in general on your own personality.

- This is very accurate observation. I realized that I am not counting the number of those fans who are ready for days to disappear on the stage, sacrificing everyone else. I played nine years old in the troupe of a new drama theater, so I have an idea what I'm talking about. Our profession implies comprehensive self-education. The last eight years, as I left the theater, I was very saturated with me. I starred a lot, not only in films and TV shows, but also in the music clips and advertising. And at work visited some fantastic places, whatever you probably hit yourself: this is the Maldives, and Baikal, and our extreme north ... Ordinary life, other classes are also extremely attractive. Won look at the Oscar owner, unsurpassed Daniel Dei Lewis. After five years, he left the film business for five years, carried away to the joinery craft, also earned the shoes to people, and then again appeared before the camera and was repaired.

Danila Yakushev:

"Many expensive people I lost because I was immersed in creativity, but I did not have money. They did not wait when I get rich"

Photo: Anna Chernyakina

- You also love to join your specially equipped garage ...

- Yes, it's so cool! I adore tree carving, jewelry making pendants, rings made of metal ... I do not know how to lie on the sofa at all in front of the TV. In my free time or leave for fishing, either food in a shooting gallery where I shoot on banks, or I go to the garage, where I always have something to do. By the mood I am writing oil, watercolor - the ability to painting, by the way, like the love of singing, I got from my father, although he did not have time to convey some technical skills. I am fascinated by a clay sculpture, plasticine. I also photograph a lot ... In this burgrel, I love to write poems, music, playing the guitar ... I published my collection of poems, a couple of music albums ...

- You are not indifferent to music, reading rap healthy, why do not act in this area?

- Full guys who occupied this niche, and there is no point in breaking there. Then you just need to do it. And I break too much hobbies. After all, I am also a magician - demonstrating micromagism, flying items, I can turn cards on one finger. Of course, if you do not concentrate on something one, then you will do everything only at fifty percent, so today I pushed the hobbies into the background and fully focused on the movie. (Smiles.)

- The rational and irrational beginning is clearly struggling in you ...

"You know, I have lost my people too much expensive for me just because it was immersed in creativity, but I did not have money. These girls did not wait when I get rich. We were all wonderful, but my moms inspired that you won't be fed by verses. Therefore, they are now all married to boring, but secured men. Yes, I was never wealthy, but I was caring. Probably, for this reason, after some time, these girls suddenly remember me, they write, call, but the choice has already been made ... Today, I am inspired by success, I read the biographies of the great, in Instagram signed on Duin Johnson, actor from the Forbes list. I am worried about the quality of being, I would not want to drag in old age with a belly and a crutch to a local clinic, where I have benefits, and sit there in the queue to get a prescription for medicines in the pharmacy.

- Well, you run it too forward! Tell me, did you not have gained responsibility for relatives a little earlier? You are the only child in the family, and at fourteen you lost my father ...

- Father left the family when I was very small, and then died with obscure circumstances at the thirty-six years. Mom worked all the time, earned me, and in essence, brought up his grandmother. I always wanted in the yard, my boyfriends were friends, I was looking for an adventure and then seriously did not think about the responsibility for the family. But at this time, the instinct of the fight against rivals was cultivated in me. In our games, I never left home defeated, always sought or win, or at least reduce to a draw. And still sharply respond to competition. He did not carry it on the Spirit, but nevertheless learned to lose. If I do not approve to the project, I will not broadize the fists about the wall. (Smiles.)

- If on the basis of your amur adventures filmed a movie, it is necessary to believe, your life in this regard is very diverse ...

"In general, I rose thin, a rather clamped guy, such a whappy duckling, so I initially offered, by the way, the role of the thrill of the drug addicts, I also had the role of Judah in the musical" Jesus Christ - Superstar! ". But then he took up his shape, and it contributed to the change in the role, including in a personal plan. But at the same time, women who exceeded, loved much more herself, brought me a lot of pain. Thanks to them, I became such a hero of hermit, which is comfortable only somewhere in a quiet forest. (Smiles.) Only when it began to treat them more cool, the situation radically changed - they already began to reach me, and I played Don Juan not only on the stage.

Danila Yakushev:

"The women I exalted, loved much more, brought me a lot of pain. Thanks to them, I became a certain hero-washer"

Photo: Anna Chernyakina

- Well, you are with focuss it turns out ... Tell me, what kind of general quality was all your chosen?

- Beauty, probably. My ideal - Rachel Makadams from the "Diary of Memory", so, as you understand, I can not pass by expressive, sparkling bright eyes. (Smiles.) All my girls were very different, no similar to each other, but at the same time the personalities are interesting. In principle, I have already been married to five times, the children could have ... I have my gang, we are four friends-peers, we are together from the eighth grade, so we are all somehow marriage. Each of us the soul of the company is not deprived by the attention of the opposite sex, but the official marriage is avoided, we value freedom. Maybe because of some traumatic relations, I do not know. But it is bad, of course. When you are alone, no one supports you. Personally, I am not categorically ready to be alone. Only love, energy exchange provide the necessary vitality, in any way.

- And before what female character is it difficult for you to resist?

- It's hard to answer. I can only say that I do not fall in love with both the peers and older girls, but we are solely on young creatures. The main thing is that they are not actresses. I had a considerable negative experience of novels with colleagues. The fact that we allegedly communicate in the same language are nonsense! A professional rivalry begins in a pair, and it is not anywhere to go. And then actresses are fixated on themselves, tolerate can not stand at the slab, to do the economy ... Actually, it's not the main thing, I fed all my women, because it cooks well, but it's so nice when your half indulges you with delicious dishes, with her there is something Speak and you see admiration, respect for your man. Now rarely meet this - progresses the tendency of self-sufficient girls. This is definitely better than rams, ready to sit on the neck without any sympathy. I missed such a snap and gave a turn from the gate. But the institute allegedly strong women with extinct eyes also cause fear. They take the initiative on themselves, all the forever know, initially you do not believe, they do not need flower romance. If we now want each other, then let's go to the hotel, in a year we will break up ... This approach ruins any sprouts of something real, it is clear.

- Is there a chance that in a short time you change the family status?

- I am against the schemes imposed by society, when all to a certain age should already be married and give birth to children. Everyone has its own fate and will on actions. I am rather now for the fact that I do not use all my potential - at my thirty-three years old I am only where I planned to be at twenty-six. This late must be reduced and work three times more so that the deserved recognition came not closer to the pension, but much earlier.

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