Quick, but thorny way to earn a million dollars


"I came out from the set and headed for a costume. She kept in their hands my last suit. I had the most severe test. Annton's familiar designer created this outfit - if it was generally possible to name the outfit. Several pieces of translucent fabric were sewn so that they could be broken without the slightest effort. The dressing room and the costume was characterized by me, while Wes stood on the sidelines and linked. Since he himself filmed movies and daily dealt with the actors, it was possible to think that he would react to my role much calmer and would not be particularly looped. However, no. Outwardly, WES looked calmly - an experienced, dear professional in the field of film industry - but I knew what it was worth it. He stood in a tense pose, pursing his lips, and drove the naked sections of my body and the Anton touched to them. All these signs were given that Wes barely restrained. I tried to sprive him again, although I really did not want it to leave.

- You know what you can return to the hotel. We will remove the last scene, and then dine with the entire film crew.

Wes shook his head.

- Honey, I will take it here. Just completing your work, and then we'll figure it out.

Its tone was smooth, without a sign of emotion. I tried to resort to another tactic.

- I am very glad that you stayed with me. So I am much easier.

I blinked, feeling that tears approach the eyes. He approached me, lifted my chin, leaned and kissed me lightly. I groaned my dress up and cut off. I smiled right on the lips of Wes.

- You let me in trouble.

Here he finally smiled and played eyebrows.

- I like to let you in trouble. And I am sure that we can do this with a set of different ways.

Zahoshikav, I pushed him out, threw a brimarion look and sent an air kiss for the Wees. Wes licked her lips and knocked her thumb on the plump, lower. I adored it. Damn sexy.

- Focus, Hermana. The last scene should be just awesome. Are you ready for her? Wes from the coils flies when he sees that we have planned for the final.

- I'm ready for anything ever, "I confirmed, although I have been spent in my language:" If, of course, we are talking about a woman who will soon be naked in the middle of the room, where the dancers stick out, film crew, Anton and her lover. " A couple of seconds I thought about whether it is worth preparing the WESS on the content of the scene, but then I decided that it was not worth it. If we can restrict ourselves to one double, then everything will develop organically, and it will not have a different choice, except to come to accept the seen.

Anyone knows that it is easier to ask for forgiveness than asking permission. And it was exactly one of these moments.

The costumer spent me on the site, where the scenery was already changed. On the way, she lasted the hem and slapped over the trimming of the fabric, sparkles and jewels. Under the jewels, I mean these bright multicolor rhinestones with a flat base. My chest was placed with crystals so that the nipple and his arole were covered, but the magnificent hemispheres of the breasts were put up. My thorough pussy was covered with tiny strokes, again embroidered with rhinestones, and shine strips around every hip. We also did not guessed about the last WES, because we trained this terrible procedure in the bathroom until he left for lunch. All this was hiding under the heating tissue, which language did not turn to call the dress. Especially considering the fact that he had to be crushed into a nurser about a second after the cameras.

I cautiously climbed to my pedestal. Rhythmic, low pulse songs Anton surrounded us. The searchlights flashed and distorted, creating a stroboscopic effect, and it was difficult to see at least something, without progress. The fan holted me with a soft, sensual stream of warm air, my hair touched up. "

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