Behind the scenes of the project "Voice" already rehearsed ...


Getting for the scenes of the project "Voice" - I don't care what to go into intelligence. It turns out that at the time not finished listening blindly, the mentors have already begun to those who passed into their teams, to rehearsals before the next stage of the competition. We talked with star mentors and observed how contestants were configured to further battles.

Alexander Gradsky: "I regretted twice that I did not turn"

- Alexander Borisovich, you were the only one who immediately realized that Aria "CON TE PARTIRO" performs a man ...

- Because I am the only one who understands it. We in our country turned out to be a gifted guy who possesses a rare voice. In Europe, the counterproofer pays ten times more than any pop nerd.

- Was it so that you regretted what turned?

- Not. But twice regretted that he did not turn.

Behind the scenes of the project

"I scored air and delay it, otherwise you will breathe as Arshavin, when running," Alexander Gradsky, Ilya Yudicheva, rushed in rehearsal. As it turned out, the mentor from the master turned out to be completely not even strict, but very fair, worried about his "

- And during the selection, and during rehearsals you have what is called, eyes are burning. Probably, at the invitation to become a mentor agreed at once?

- I doubted for a long time. I am deeply hated by today's television, and I have no confidence that something decent can be done there. In general, I am very long decided on something, but when I still agree, I can no longer treat my work differently. In addition, this project can be a serious breakthrough, so it is necessary to make it as high quality.

"Of course, you, of course, the most disaster judge of all mentors and very carefully chose a team.

- It's not easy because I still didn't get used to the back of the artist. But the main thing is that this is a game not only for participants, but also for us four. You are not just a judge or mentor, but also compete himself with your colleagues for the artist who you liked. Now we were as a jury, and in a minute the contestants are in the role of the jury.

- It's a shame when you do not choose?

- No, and I can explain why. I do not know what the task of my colleagues, but personally it is more important to won today's stage, and not my contestant. And the stage from all seen, I think, just in shock.

- So you also impressed with all with everyone?

"I always said that I would never believe that there are only those 20-25 people from the artists who do not get out of the TV. They got not only viewers and me, for example, but also tired of themselves. It is impossible to impose itself so much from morning to night. To collapse on people all these stories about how you were in childhood, that you eat for lunch, with whom you have an intimate relationship, who are your friends and girlfriends. It anniversary, annoying, pulls to the throat - from this nauseous. And here it turns out that we have a huge number of incredibly gifted and no one known people. They have good voices and quite artistic, television appearance. Although these people are taken to the project almost from the street.

Behind the scenes of the project

"Only this woman can influence the township," whispered quietly behind the scenes. A pretty young person, which Alexander Borisovich led to the rehearsal with him, turned out to be his daughter Masha, who gives the Father Tips on Scenography of Rooms and Costumes in

- What else did they hit you?

- I watched foreign versions of the program, and that's what's interesting: we are doing a competition that, according to the musical components, much richer than their foreign counterparts. They have clicked thinking and tough rules regarding what needs to be done on the stage. Of course, there are many outstanding performers - the same Aguilera, Mariah Carey, Celine Dion, José Iglesias, Peter Gabriel, Sting. At the same time, they are very developed so-called world minstream. And when such contests are held, then all participants go in line with this mainstream. And we have a country in the musical sense of fantastically multifaceted. One girl performs "Valenki", there is a counterper, and there are crazy in the good sense of the Word of the Girls, who sing and Joe Cocker and Tina Turner. In my team now a person who works as a mechanic salary, but takes the same notes that they took the "Pesnyary" - one of the best musical groups in the USSR. We have girls who go to the scene and are perfectly purely sing, and look under to become. Here Julia Tereshchenko (performed the song "Peace without a loved one." - Ed.) Spear perfectly, and also looks like a heavenly creature. There is no such singer on our stage.

- Well, in the end, you are satisfied with your team? Did not disappointed in the choice?

Of course not. We would have more time, we could work more with their skills. But some things even for me have become a discovery. I have listened to Dina Zaripov (the contestant performed the romance "And then I will say ...". - Ed.) And I was not sure that she could also sing in English. And she does it at our rehearsals. So the result is satisfied. How this will appreciate the public - this is her case. The main thing is that I wonder myself.

Roman Vtyurin, who chosen Pelagey as his mentor, at the moment he serves in the army. Therefore, at the rehearsal goes in military uniform, and even accompanied by an officer of the part. However, in his voice, this circumstance does not affect. Photo:

Roman Vtyurin, who chosen Pelagey as his mentor, at the moment he serves in the army. Therefore, at the rehearsal goes in military uniform, and even accompanied by an officer of the part. However, in his voice, this circumstance does not affect. Photo:

Pelagia: "I didn't" tyril "my manner of behavior from foreign versions of" Voice "

- Pelagia, you are the youngest mentoring project. How do you feel as a teacher, Matra?

- It's hard for me, because I'm not used to learn anyone. I am pleased to learn myself and do it all my life. I do not like the word "mentor" at all. The term "coach", "Coach" is more suitable. I still will not have time to teach them. In addition, our contestants are almost all ready-made vocalists. But I can tighten them a little like a coach of athletes in front of the Olympics. Or as director of actors while performing a performance. I'm not a vocal teacher. But if I hear the dirty intonation and I know how to fix it, I, of course, I'll tell you.

- You sometimes react so vividly to what is happening that it seems that some performances are shocking you ...

- Are you about my emotions on auditions blindly? I must say that I did not "tyril" my master's behavior from any mentors in foreign versions of the Voice. I'm all organic. If turned and saw not at all, which was represented in the head, is shock, surprise. Or turned and think: "My God! Not only sings, so also so beautiful! " But I am not Jessie Jay and not Christina Aguilera. I am a completely different person. And Alexander Borisovich Gradsky is not at all Jones. Tom Jones on Batlah, for example, poured with tears. I do not think that the Gradsky will pass through it.

- In the competition took part including well-known performers - the soloist of Pushking Group Konstantin Shustarev, actor Gleb Matvechuk. And at the same time none of the jury chose them. It turns out, did you make the audience doubt their talent?

- We did not choose them because they, apparently, took songs, not fully combined with their voices, especially for listening to "blindly". Gleb, for example, herself "misapplapped." Shustarev I did not recognize the timbre. If he sang something more fatal, it would be cooler.


Pelagia: "I'm not used to learn anyone." Photo: Ruslan Roshpkin.

- Are there among those who did not pass the audition, vocalists are more gifted than those who passed?

- Of course, this is a doctor, a professor-gastroenterologist, about which I constantly remember and really very regret that none of us turned to him. It seems to me that the idea of ​​the project itself was invented primarily for such nuggets as he. But he was too good for us to believe that he is the very nugget. Very sorry.

- When participants choose not you, it can be seen that you are very upset. They are probably thinking that they will learn Russian folk songs with you, and you, on the contrary, choose women's voices with meat. Go from the reverse, breaking stereotypes?

- If people are judged by my rare appearances on television with three songs "Oh, then not the evening", "Valenki" and "Cossack", then they can really think that I break stereotypes. And those who go to my concerts know that the range of genres in which we work is very rich. Pelagia is just a member of the group, which consists mainly of brutal men who have a remote idea of ​​folk music, specific rock musicians. And we all grew on Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Radiohead, Muse and so on. I love all this very much and prove in contests once again that we appreciate different music. I like the universal artists who can sing anything: jazz, rock, pop, classics and folk things - not only the Russians, because representatives of different peoples crashed into my team.

- What do you think, at least someone from the project participants will find themselves as a result on a big stage, will become famous?

- The project has identities, each with his charisma, the inner philosophy, whom he or she can share with the viewer. Another thing is what a repertoire they now sing, as reasonably applying their gift, and it depends unfortunately, not only from the artist, but from the whole state of other people: musical producers and so on. Not all in their hands.

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