Euclide Curadzidis: "I am an incurable romantic"


- Euclide, on stage and on the screen you often act as a Hero-lover. How does this image fit you in life?

"I have a lot of negative characters, and I really hope that I still don't have these features." I am not inclined to aggression and violence. And if we talk about positive heroes, I always try to play a certain collective ideal, which I would like to be. At least striving to this. Of course, I would gladly become a millionaire, for example, which he played in the series "My Personal Enemy", and then I would definitely send this money to help people.

- Since you are so deftly switched to the topic of finance, we can continue it. Since the temperament you have southern, then you probably cannot be called the sneak, right?

- Yes, I do not like to count money. To fold them somewhere, save, save. I used to live today and spending always with pleasure. Naturally, like all men, on women, on friends, relatives and loved ones. But at the same time, I do not let the money on the wind, as you might think. On the eve of the past New Year, I made myself the biggest gift - I finally bought an apartment in the center of Moscow. While there is a repair, but I can't wait for the new school. My decorator dreams about the house in the spirit of Greek classics helps to embody the wonderful architect designer into reality, and it turns out very beautiful accommodation, with a panoramic view of the city. From my windows overlooking the Kremlin, the Church of Christ the Savior, the complex "Moscow-City" ... What else is needed?! (Smiles.) By the way, this purchase was not easy, with a voltage, and I was ready to limit myself in many ways, but I was convinced that in such cases the Lord helps - and I did not have to infringe on myself, without which I could so hard, - In the gatherings with friends, delicious food, gifts, some trips. In general, lucky - I made a major acquisition, but I continue to live on a wide leg. (Smiles.) In my understanding, of course. I have not a yacht and not a castle.

- Obviously you like a feast ...

- Rather communication. In my opinion, this is the main thing in our life, and I try never to lose the possibility of direct contact. Even when the audience is suitable for me on the street with a request for autograph or joint photography, I never refuse. And with acquaintances, buddies who have not seen sometimes for many years, I'm all the more happy to communicate. And sometimes there is a joy of someone from them to help open a new restaurant, let's say, or cafe ...

- It seems you even in trifles do not forget your roots. Artistry Your national trait, in my opinion. This first of all affected the choice of profession?

- I do not think. Although in Greece every second, as a rule, a talented singer, every third is a musician who knows how to play at once on several tools. And the very concept of the theater, as you remember, was born in ancient Greece. And I am very close to how the word "actor" from ancient Greek is translated - a man doing morality.

Euclide Curadzidis:

Specific appearance provides an actor with a series of roles of reserved villains. So in the television series "Odessa-Mom", Euclide again acted as a bandit.

- And in the Russian tradition of these people were buried outside the church ...

- Well, it used to be ... And today we, fortunately, lived to those times when our brother respect and appreciate. I woke up the desire to go to work in this sphere, when I caught myself thinking, how nice to see when people smile nearby, and it is your actions that are the reason. Initially, I assumed to become a clown. That is, a person who forces others to forget about problems, laugh. For a start, I cheered my mother. She has four children, almost all the weather, and imagine how hard it was managed with us! In principle, I also brought her solid inconveniences, because everything in the house collapsed and broke, there was my hand. Nevertheless, the fact that I was pleased with my mother, I got into the soul, and, it turns out, I have already decided on the seven years with a future profession.

- Here you have grown in a large family, and your own yet did not get anywhere, and you have no children ...

- Why do you need to know everything about the personal life of the artist?! Let it remain a mystery. I am really not burdened with family bings. But I am sure that if a person is not overflowing with love, he simply can't live, breathe, play, and indeed to notice the beautiful moments of life when the snow falls, it rains ...

- Yes, you are a romantic ...

- incurable. Very loving and controversial. I am fish on a horoscope, and this sign accommodates the characters of all eleven previous ones. So with me and struggle. (Smiles.) Although I need all these emotions so much. I can't play a novel at all, if not passionate about his partner. Now I play in the entrepreneurial play "Rose with a double aroma" with Larisa Udovichenko and Jeanne Apple, and I am very not indifferent to these actresses.

- You switch to work, and I would like to know what women you are pretty in ordinary life?

- When you think about the girl and suddenly you feel that you are comfortable with her, it means that it is the girl. (Smiles.) When you want to put everything you have to put everything you have. But I am generally a complex person in relationships.

- And in everyday life?

- I can do everything in the household. Although I believe that a man is not necessarily able to be able to. He is obliged first of all to be responsible for his actions, words, behind others, for children. And get money for food, score a nail - it is already secondary.

- Do you have time for a hobby?

- I have an extremely rich schedule, and in addition to the life of personal, there is also a public that is interesting to me. The last passion is my site where a bunch of people comes, and I constantly update it. If one or another country was fascinated me, I inform his public about it - I write some stories, notes. As about the roles that shocked me. The first place on attendance occupies America, then Israel, Germany, then Russia and Greece.

- By the way, about Greece. How is this country present in your life?

"My house always has olives, olive oil and a classic yogurt so that I can make my favorite Dzadziki sauce." And, undoubtedly, I do not translate Greek coffee, the most delicious in the world. I often go to Greece, and my favorite place of thessaloniki is where relatives live. But this country is so good that you should not return to the same place twice - it needs to be explored all, and mainland, and island, and it will open you a lot of surprises. Motherland charges me with unprecedented energy, so Greek music usually plays in the car. This is despite the fact that I am absolutely Russian, who grew up in Russian culture, literature.

Euclide Curadzidis:

Euclide is not alien to experiments: he and in the provocative play "Ladies Night" plays, and in unusual photo projects participates. For example, reincarnated into the image of Yakuza - the Japanese criminal element.

- But you know Greek?

- Yes. True, Mom laughs at my pronunciation. And when he studied at the institute, I was forbidden to ride a family, since I immediately picked up a specific talk and could not get rid of it for a long time.

- Tell me, what's new in the movies?

- All my work is already on the screen - television series "Sklifosovsky", "Odessa-Mom". I am pleased to work in these projects. At the moment, the shooting of the TV series "Lights", where I play Greek.

- Virtually yourself.

- just not. Himself to play the most difficult. To get into the skin of another much easier.

- You are still known thanks to numerous serials and entrepreneurship performances. And how are things with some bright, memorable full meter at the Mastydnaya director?

- Why do you score a nail in my heart?! Although the true fans are very loved by my Chechen chapan Ruslan Shamaeva in the "war" Alexey Balabanova. And many celebrate to Zyrik in the comedy "from 180 and above." I agree that there are no talk about the main hero ... But the full meter is my sick topic. I do not go and do not offer myself to producers and directors, it seems to me indecent. But I want to play with a good master and waiting for my director! I love many and sometimes I wonder: why did they not invite me to this picture? ..

- Perhaps you have become the hostage of some image and the reason lies in this? Or in a specific appearance?

- I do not know. Behind the shoulders are more than fifty pictures, so there is a material for which you can make a certain impression and draw conclusions. But the fact that popularity to me is gradually selected and I did not become famous overnight, after a single tape, of course, plus. But what I do not serve the repertoire theater is, it is undoubtedly minus. I came to the profession after all, from huge love precisely to the theater and did not even bother to think that I would be filmed in the movies. And it turned out the opposite: through the cinema hit the layout. I first, in the capital in the 90s, did not take any theaters with my diploma of the Dnipropetrovsk theater school. And the actors circle was full, the economic situation is crisis ... that is why I went to learn to VGIK. With a long sight - to light up on the screen, make a name yourself and thus be on stage later. Everything came out: I know me, I play Antenpuriz, but in any repertoire staff is not yet called. And I want to get there not by my own initiative, but to get an official invitation, that is, go there, where I really need. It is important for me to get iconic roles, and not to be listed just in the state.

- Many of your colleagues are successfully downtown and parallel worlds - they are taken for produce, books write, scenarios ... Do you have one life - one profession?

- But I have a rich range of activities and within one specialization. I am literally everything curious. I can and the role of the showman to execute if you are called. I also consider television for myself, and not a standard talk show, but some scientific program. The planets are terribly fascinating. Here, the Americans sent a mercier to Mars, and I follow these events. Periodically, I am in the planetarium, which is going crazy. (Smiles.)

- There is a feeling that you are perceived much more lightly than you really are. Not hurt?

- Yes, and thank God! Here you thought - he is a deep guy. For you opening. And I touches me when I observe a similar reaction. Pleasantly. (Smiles.)

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