Scarlet dawn: Red lips again in fashion


A time has come out!

Can we start our immersion in the autumn trends of the phrase "Red Returned"? No no and one more time no. Just because he did not leave anywhere: the scarlet lips have long been and reliably stand in the ranks of the classics, such as a small black dress or jeans. But, you will agree, and Little Black Dress, and Denim sometimes experience some metamorphosis, rebirth, and love flashes with a new force. Perhaps this is exactly what happens in the hearts of the fans of the Red Palette: Tagged in the translucent latch, perky berry shades and bold experiments with blue, green and black lips, we return to the "native harbor". If your cosmetic hat has been waiting for the most tube for a long time, you need urgently ... throw it out! Or at least check the shelf life. We are all committing the same mistake from year to year, forgetting that glitter and lipstick have very brief eyelids: with the most careful storage (in the refrigerator, yes - yes!) She will serve you for two years. Usually experts recommend changing cosmetics once a year.

This season, lipstick with satin, slightly wet finish more popular than matte or extractant

This season, lipstick with satin, slightly wet finish more popular than matte or extractant


Clear instructions

What to pay attention to, going to the store for a new perfect tube? First of all, you have to decide on the texture. According to the seasonal trend of lipstick with satin, a slightly wet finish is more popular than currently actual matte and extractant products. High-secreted means are in great demand than lightweight, translucent fluids and tints. A clear, well-disconnected, painted with a pencil and hard hand with the help of the lipstick of the contour - the mandatory requirement for the fashionable makeup of the LIGH 2020. The image of the "kissed beauty", alas, passed its position, and now we are forced to remember special tassels for lipstick. Resistant tools are preferable to those "eaten" in a couple of hours, but using them regularly, follow the condition of the lips. Ultraziness is usually achieved due to aggressive components in the composition, they dried and irritate the epidermis, lead to peeling and allergic reactions. Nutrient balms overnight and scrubs once a week will protect you from unpleasant surprises.

In advantageous light

So, you are sure that your lipstick is in perfect condition. And how does the skin feel, especially after the hot summer and the first month of autumn? Maybe active insolation led to the appearance of rashes, redness appeared, new facial wrinkles, halls or pigment stains appeared? Remember: despite the fact that today the scarlet lips are appropriate everywhere and always, we will not be able to wake up in the morning, put lipstick on the lips and go to conquer the world. Red and his shades emphasize the disadvantages of our epidermis, and therefore at least without a light tone can not do. Also necessary to put eyebrows: Even if your style is a "creative mess" and in general you will grow the hairs to achieve a sobular effect, the gel will have to go through them. Of course, it is worth remembering about the whiteness of the teeth: the cold tones of the scarlet, which now just in the go, ruthlessly "highlight" the yellowness. If the reception at the dentist is not soon, stop the choice on the classic red or coral shade.


Red goes to everyone. Of course, we are talking about canonical color without berry and orange tones. Looking for this? Focus on the label on the tube: you need FF0000, Classic Red or Luminous Red.


Shifting in the direction of "heat", the red is transformed into the scarlet, shade of a cinnabar or core. Such tones are most suitable for the bright and, surprisingly, redhead girls who are difficult to call contrast.


If you move to the "cold", the classic red turns into burgundi, carmine- or raspberry-red. This season, the berry palette has slightly lost the traditional, but remains relevant for ash blondes and blondes.

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