Date or punishment: Is it worth continuing such a meeting


Before a date, everything is nervous, because it is unknown than it will end, and how it will take place. There are situations when a date disappoints greatly, and to this you need to be prepared. The main thing is to accept the fact that everyone has the right to mistake, the unsuccessful meeting does not mean the end of life. We will try to help you survive a date that did not meet your expectations.

Do not be afraid to replay the situation

The meeting of two people configured to build relationships is full of awkward moments, especially the first date. There is nothing terrible that you honestly admire the partner, which is very nervous - thereby you will show your humanity and vulnerability. Perhaps your partner experiences such feelings, and it will immediately become easier after your words, which will allow you to relax.

date is always full of awkward moments

date is always full of awkward moments


Think wider

The closer we learn a person, the more unexpected moments expect us, and not always pleasant to us. Suppose you got acquainted with a pretty guy in a classic suit at the opening of the exhibition, and on a date he came to the sports pants. Do not hurry to make big eyes and squeezed to pure, perhaps a person got used to dress just in everyday life. Or, if a man is silent while you pour to him the soul, it does not mean that he has some deviations, most likely he is a modest person who needs time to get used to you.

Help if you can

To distract from negative thoughts, try to learn more about a new acquaintance. Ask him questions, just not too personal, it is likely that a person will tell you something that will give you a hint how to behave further.

If a person begins to complain endlessly to relatives, friends or some kind of trouble in life, if possible, try to help if a person is really important to you. Invite the way you can make up with relatives, but do it not in the form of instructions, but tell me how you did. After that, the complaint should stop and you can communicate with other topics.

Think if you want to build relationships with this person

Think if you want to build relationships with this person


Do not strain

This is just a date for a few hours, think about that soon it will end and do not show aggression or discontent. If you go to a restaurant, concentrate on what you are going to order now, and do not dwell on the partner. Consider your meeting as another experience, a chance to show ourselves to communicate with different people.

More humor

Do not treat an unsuccessful date seriously, try to wrap everything in a joke when you tell you friends. Do not let other people think think that you have problem moments in life, if you do not want your dramatic date to be the subject of discussion in the circles of your friends and their friends.

Pay everything in a joke, and yourself do not perceive this unsuccessful experience as a catastrophe. It is important at the same time not to insult the person with whom you spent this evening or day, joke above the situation. And, most importantly, smaller criticism, if you and the hero of your failed dating have common acquaintances.

Try not to demonstrate your irritation

Try not to demonstrate your irritation


Get down early

There are cases when a person is unbearably unpleasant, and then no courtesy saves. Moreover, this hostility may appear already in the process of your dating, otherwise you would not go anywhere with this person.

You can finish a date about this phrase: "Listen, I am very sorry, but I do not see our future with you, so I don't want to spend your time, let us just disappear?" This phrase will not be offensive and clearly will understand that you are not configured to continue.

In any case, do not take an unsuccessful experience too close to your heart - this is not the end of the world, but simply incompatibility with a person.

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