Michelle body: "I'm getting married again and happy"


"I am very glad that I will see my Russian fans," says Michel about his plans. - For me, as a Brazilian, a trip to Russia will be an unforgettable adventure. First of all, I would like to see the snow and winter. In Brazil, the sun is always, and I would like to play snowballs and cut off a snowbank. Yes, and in general, put on yourself with a hat-Ushanka and Valenki, sit on the top three with the bubbles and ride with the breeze along the snow-covered capital. I also heard that right on the Red Square is a rink. I really want to ride, specially acquired skates for this. "

- What do you usually do in your free time?

"I like to spend time with my family, especially since this time I have not so much." When I come to my parents after a long absence on tour, then so happy to be in a circle of people close to me that nothing more needs me. In general, when a free minute is issued, I try to hold it in joy, for example, I can go to the beach with friends, and then invite them to a family dinner. It's fun! (Smiles.) Now I work a lot. I have a tour. After his end, I will gladly go to vacation. Where I go rest - I don't know yet. So many places in the world that I want to see!

- Not so long ago, a documentary came out about you. And in the art film you never starred?

- The film you are talking about is called "Michelle body in the world" and tells about my life during a large international tour tour. For me, this is, of course, an unusual experience, because I constantly accompanied me the camera with the operator, and I was unattended for a round day, I could not even hide anywhere. But since the fans are interesting my life, then why not? But I can not say that I would like to become a professional actor, - I still closer music. Although, if it was possible to play a movie, I would probably play a loved romantic hero who threw the girl, and he suffers ...

- By the way about girls. In your song "Nossa" it is about the girl who did not give you a chance. In my life, did you meet such?

- Yes. And this is a Russian girl! I am barely familiar with her, but I would be glad to see her again. We met her in Brazil. I noticed her at my concert: a beautiful girl stood next to the scene. After the concert, my musicians and musicians walked around the beach. There I met her again. We talked for a long time, but then our relationship did not work out - she left.

"As far as we know, you officially divorced my now former wife Anna-Carolina and now free." Are you going to marry again or don't you think about it again?

"Yes, I really kindly divorced and now free." I don't think about marriage. Fully focused on his career.

- And what was the cause of separation, because of your marriage, many considered very strong and happy?

- We divorced, as it was an early for me and for her marriage. Love is gone. This year we planned to give birth to a son to strengthen our relationships and create a real family, but did not work out. My ex-wife is a dentist, she has his own interests, his own circle of communication, and when popularity has collapsed on me, we completely moved away from each other.

Despite the fact that the body is completely rejected from serious relationships, in one of the popular Brazilian programs he said, which is found with the actress Tais FeroSoze. At the same time, the singer added that at each comfortable minute rushes to a friend on all couples

Despite the fact that the body is completely rejected from serious relationships, in one of the popular Brazilian programs he said, which is found with the actress Tais FeroSoze. At the same time, the singer added that at each comfortable minute rushes to a friend on all couples

- Such a popular artist, how are you, hard to find a soul mate?

- It is not difficult if not to look for someone specifically. I believe in fate, although I understand that every person builds his life himself. Be sure to come when I get married again and I will be happy.

- I would like to talk a little about how you became the very Michel body, whom everyone knows ...

- I tried very hard. (Laughs.) I started playing bars, received from people who did not believe me, thousands of failures, but did not lose hope and now I have the opportunity to represent Brazil in many countries and try to enjoy this fully. In fact, I never sought to become a star. Yes, I chose a public lifestyle, but I never thought that all the planet would be dancing under the song with the words "Nossa, Nossa". Somehow my eyes caught the dance of Israeli soldiers under this song ... To be honest, I was a little scared. Amazing thing: There are many countries where they do not speak Portuguese, but at the same time they sing my song. It is very interesting.

- You probably have a professional musical education? ..

"I don't have any musical education, but I always liked to engage in music, so I constantly improved himself in this regard." By the way, thanks to my father, who for ten years I gave me my first musical instrument - Accordion. And I also play piano and guitar. By the way, maybe another tool will ask. We'll see.

- Do your parents relate to music?

- I have excellent parents, but they owners of a small bakery and have no relation to music. But I can say that I am pleased to help me develop in this direction since childhood, when I noticed my craving for music. Dad really bought musical instruments, and Mom asked something to sing something for guests who came to us. Well, of course, they like that I am an artist, touring the world, I have a lot of fans.

- What do two of your older brothers do?

- I adore your favorite senior brothers. They, by the way, are very beautiful names. One name is Teo, the second - theophylio, it is my agent. I, of course, I see more often than another brother, but we are constantly calling, telling each other some interesting things. I share with him impressions about countries in which I am with concerts.

- Do you remember your first concert?

- Yes I remember. I had the first concert with a bang. This is an unforgettable feeling when you go on stage, and you have at the same time joy and goosebumps ...

- Admit what was spent on the first fee?

- I bought my mother's flowers on my first fee. She loves roses very much, and I wanted to please her. And for myself I purchased a new shirt. I like the country style and shirt in the cell.

When Michelin was 10 years old, parents gave him an accordion. The musician also plays a guitar, piano and wants to master other tools.

When Michelin was 10 years old, parents gave him an accordion. The musician also plays a guitar, piano and wants to master other tools.

- Gifts from fans for the artist - the usual thing. Do you have generous fans?

- Sure! And they are all beautiful, good, funny and cheerful. These are the people for whom I sing and do a public profession. I have fan clubs, they invite me to meetings, I'm pleased with it. At one of the last meetings, my fans gave me a soccer ball with my name. They know that I am not indifferent to football. And most of all I liked a gift in the form of a guitar - I drive her with me to concerts so far. But most of all the fans in Russia in Russia. I heard that the Russian girls are the most beautiful, but now, when I met them, - I know it absolutely for sure.

- By the way about football. I heard you decently playing ...

- Well, in general I was seriously engaged in football. In 2000, he became a player team Avai from Florianapolis, who performed in the National B Series. I then scored 11 goals, and I was recognized as the best scorer of the season. But I still decided to abandon the sports career and after the end of the season I returned to the music.

- They say you can be congratulated with a good purchase: you purchased a big apartment.

And how many real estate do you have?

- I really have an apartment in São Paulo with an area of ​​220 meters. There are two bedrooms and a balcony with an excellent view. There is also a house of my parents. In contrast to other world stars, I do not consider it necessary to buy real estate around the world. I have enough of what I have. I did not do the design - it was done specially hired people. They are professionals. Repair of the apartment lasted about eight months. The only participation was that I initially said that I would like to see in my apartment. As a result, I especially liked the bed with a beautiful headboard, a wardrobe with automatic backlit, as well as a wooden floor. And also struck the size of the screen of my TV. When I am at home, I love to listen to music, watch TV, invite guests. In general, everything is like people.

- Well, if everything is like people, then, maybe you still have a job at home?

- I like to cook. We have many corporate dishes in Brazil. I know that you have "fingers license" - and with my dishes. But I don't know how to repair anything, so you have to hire special people. In general, my mother helps me at the farm.

- What can you tell about your character?

- I am a very cheerful man, I love life and beautiful girls. As for my weaknesses, I all very closely perceive to the heart, sometimes it interferes.

- Do you have bad habits?

- I have no bad habits. Others also do not advise. And if you have, then throw it at times. Habits need to eradicate and never come back to them!

- So you lead a healthy lifestyle?

- I do not go to the fitness club, but I run every day. For me, this is the best sport.

- Do you go shopping yourself or do it make a specially trained person for you?

- I do not really like to go shopping, but, of course, you have to do it. I buy clothes myself. I go to the store, accompanied by my stylist: a professional is always visible that you are going. Or I appeal for help to friends. They know me well, always give good advice. I have a small wardrobe. I love simple clothes, the one in which I can perform on stage and wear in life. Of course, you have to follow yourself. But to say that I do not leave the eye mirror, - of course not. I am a real man that looks neat and feels well - this is the main thing.

- Does Michel body have any cherished dream or has everything been done?

- I dream to fulfill not one hit so that everyone has fun! And, of course, in order for my family everything is always good. This is my most cherished desire.

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