Peter Kislov: "I still don't know what is the perfect marriage"


- For many young people, the actor is a dream profession. All your progress is children's dreams who suddenly come true?

- No, in my case everything happened by chance. I studied at a law college, I just shyly. I began to think what to do. I arrived at the holidays to the sister in Nizhny Novgorod, she studied there at the conservatory. The sister told that she went to theatrical school that she really liked the atmosphere. I took it on my own account and tried to do absolutely unprepared on the same year. I went to the courses, there I was told that nothing would come out. I caught fire and went to the Lenin Library of the Liberty. Sat there every day at six. I read, chose the material, listened to how people talk. I had a wild talk, I am from Udmurtia, from the city of Glazov. But in the end, I entered the course to Vasilia Fedorovich Bogomazov. He studied only on the "fives". On the second course, the translation came to Zolotovitsky and Zemtsov to school-studio MCAT immediately.

"You played a student from Serebrennikov to" depicting the victim, "received" Crystal Turandot "for the best debut. What did this reward give you?

- Such awards give only responsibility. If I used to get to her, perhaps, in a different way, would begin my theater path. But I treated her as a cargo that needs to be fit. This and other, such a nonsense climbed.

Peter Kislov:

Shooting the series "Shamelessnniks" turned out to be difficult, but the Barmen Drona actor is very pleased

"Did you like to play the theater, why then did you leave Mkhat in 2008?"

"There was a whole himax about this, everyone immediately became wondering why he left how he left. Legends are already found, they say that I sent it to Mat, and I said something unpleasant. There was nothing like that. Everything happened civile, without hot and screams. I gave a piece of paper, I was signed by her. Stayed on the contract. Did not like. Said: "Everything! Sorry. Bye".

- What about your phrase about the atmosphere in the theater: "Thinking people who do not have any attitude to art, but everywhere we are glad and all influencing" ...

- Young and hot was. Now I would not say that.

- Your first noticeable role was in the film "1612: Chronicles of the Troubles" directed by Vladimir Khotinenko. You immediately turned out to be among the stars: Porechenkov, Baluyev, Basharov. It was hard to play with them?

"The more the artist, the more simpler and the more interesting to work with him." Of course, it just helped me. It doesn't even just help, it assumes it. And you can just disrupt the tower after that. I don't have all the artists now to communicate like that. And then, what director! Khotinenko I went to work as a holiday. He infects you with His film break. After the project, you can't move from the role for a long time.

- What are the shooting in the new series "Shamelessness"?

- For me, he is not very new. The first time I came to the samples in this project again seven years ago, when it was trying to run another channel with another director. At first there was a role of a neighbor, then I was tried to the role that Andrey Chadov played now. And suddenly the new director suggested that I was doing other. So I received a characteristic role of drone. It was difficult to work, because we all scenes lost as a theatrical action. Nothing was removed in pieces. After changing, I came home squeezed lemon. There was no strength.

With his first spouse Anastasia Makeeva Peter met on the set. But the marriage of colleagues on the workshop lasted only a few months

With his first spouse Anastasia Makeeva Peter met on the set. But the marriage of colleagues on the workshop lasted only a few months

- What is more interesting for you - a full meter or series?

- I said that the future was behind the TV series, back in 2005. And now the future, in my opinion, for the Internet. For example, young people are waiting for a new series or something else from the next blogger. My son grows on blogs. He likes it all, and he does not look and does not understand the show. Maybe in childhood and watched some cartoon, but not now.

- What else is the Andrei besides blogs?

- He has no time on the hobby. It is so much loaded with study, music and sports that comes home and falls. When I take it to myself, he says: "Dad, now I want to just lie down. I want nothing". If earlier he played in the prefix, now it does not even include it.

- Often you meet with him?

- I try more often. In August, we have not seen a month, it was a big separation. I missed. But the guy matures, his interests change. Therefore, I do not know how much I need me now.

- How do you raise it?

- I have no hard upbringing. There is a personal example. Ordinary things, household trivia, for example, got up from behind the table - removed the dishes behind me. Grandma Ekaterina Vladimirovna, Mama Polina (formerly spouse of Actor Polina Gagarin -), and Polina herself are engaged in education. All responsibility on them. When I come to visit, I try not to interfere with them when they study.

In marriage with the singer, Polyna Gagarina, Peter appeared son Andrei. Three years later, the spouses divorced, but they retained a good relationship

In marriage with the singer, Polyna Gagarina, Peter appeared son Andrei. Three years later, the spouses divorced, but they retained a good relationship

Lilia Charlovskaya

- Who would you want to see the Son?

- Let he grow up to whom he wants. My parents allowed me to be the one who I wanted, and it's great. I am very grateful for it. The main thing is to Andrei to be a raised boy.

- Do you have two marriages behind your shoulders, God loves the Trinity?

- No, in this case I do not think so. (Smiles.) I just have two marriages behind your shoulders.

"But now you probably know what the perfect marriage should be?"

- I still do not know absolutely. Just then I was a guy from a small provincial town, who had an example - his parents. That is, if relations arise - it is necessary to marry. That is why I had two quick marriages. It would be more inevitable, older, I simply met and noworth anywhere. But what happened, it happened. Nothing to regret.

- In your opinion, creative personalities can get around?

- Sure! Even the lioness is cautious for the young animal GNU. What to say about people of one specialty or creative component. Everything in life is possible. There are many examples of wonderful creative unions and not only. Love is love.

- Friendship between former spouses is possible?

- In my case there is no friendship, but good relationship is possible. Friendship is completely optional. It only destroys the subsequent relationship.

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