"All hits of humor" - jokes and songs in non-stop mode


On October 20, 2017, the most cheerful concert of the autumn was held in Moscow - "All Hits of Yumor". The best satirities of the country, talented humorists and bright positive musicians again gathered together on the Crocus City Hall stage at the annual radio station concert "Humor FM".

Nikolay Baskov

Nikolay Baskov

For more than two and a half hours, the famous "Ural dumplings" and "county city", participants of the Anima Allegra show and the Star of the Lyedie Theater, Valery Keft, the team of the Higher League of KVN, "Triode and Diode", humorists of Gia Gagua ("Ex- BB ") and Karen Avanesian, Brothers Ponomarenko, Parodist Mikhail Grushevsky," Poet-one-stake "Vladimir Vishnevsky. He opened the concert legendary Semyon Alto.

"County City"

Monologists of humorists alternated with the hits of modern popular music from the playlist "Humor FM". The Anita Tsoi and "Cranes fly to China" were "crazy", Nikolay Baskov performed "I will give you love", and the Christmas tree - the new song "opens". This evening, Stas Kostyushkin (a-dessa), Jasmine, Julianna Karaulova, Rodion Gazmanov, Alexander Kogan, also shone on the Crocus City Hall scene.

Anita Tsoi

Anita Tsoi

Nikolay Baskov Having appeared because of the Kulis, immediately began to rock the hall.

- It's nice to be here, I want to congratulate you. Ether, by the way, will be during the New Year holidays, whether he was joking, or the secretist act really opened. - Therefore, smile, feel that Olivier salad is already preparing and your mood is excellent.

- Baskov has a unique ability: everything that he speaks from the scene, people believe. "Ether in the New Year!" - All nodding. "Baskov is the best singer," and that's all right - "the best"! - Pariroval Timur Rodriguez.

Julianna Karaulova

Julianna Karaulova

Together with Catherine Bulkina, one of the most vivid participants of Comedy Woman, a famous showman performed as a leading concert "All Hits of Yumor". On the scene, the couple looked rather colorful.

The hall was distinguished by an incredible friendliness, the same warmly meeting all the participants in the concert.

- The audience took great, all sang. At the edges, I noticed, even danced, - said Jasmine After his speech.


Group "Factory"

Public attention very touched Stas Kostyushna:

- Remember "Beatles"? I was better accepted! At the concerts "Bitles" we were crying, and here the hall just sobbed. In short, it was fun!

And it is difficult to argue with it. Stormy and prolonged ovations were collected by the "Ural dumplings" and KVN-Pier "TRIOD and Diode", Parodist Mikhail Grushevsky, Tandem Gia Gagua ("EX-BB") and Karen Avanesian. They went and some audience.

Christmas tree

Christmas tree

Thus, the participants of the Anima Allegra clown show during the execution of the "Tricks" numbers (the girls from the gun shoot in the inflatable balls) pulled a man from the hall to the scene. By fulfilling the trick, he missed and "shot" a girl holding a ball. The second explained: "To revive, you need to kiss." Intermedia turned out very funny. The girls did not let the audience from the scene, knocking down "shoot" in turn.

Artists told funny stories and poisoned anecdotes not only on stage, but also behind the scenes. They gladly posed before the cameras, answered the questions of journalists, laughed and joked. In a word, were in the blow.

- Bitcoin - already last day. The most firm cryptocurrency is now clear days. Their mining, preservation and enhancement, to envy surrounding, today is called gasmaining. Write down! - Skilled Rodion Gazmanov.

Stas Kostyushkin

Stas Kostyushkin

There were also serious comments. So, Nikolay Baskov , recently announced his intention to leave the scene, said:

- I stepped over this line, there was some crisis small during these ten days. Probably I can not live without creativity. At the same time, so many new offers immediately fell: the new song Victor Drobysh, and Maxim Fadeev wrote me a song, some new clips, movies, shows. When can I leave?

After listening to colleagues on the creative workshop, Vladimir Vishnevsky I noticed:

- I will say what I will say not to all. Long live "FM humor"!

A lot of warm words in the address of the radio station sounded from the scene.

Stas Mikhailov

Stas Mikhailov

Christmas tree : "Thank you" FM humor ", which reminds us: Laughter is our strongest and humane weapon. He not only prolongs life, but really makes us happier. Especially the ability to laugh at themselves. Do not forget about it! "

Julianna Karaulova : "Always, even in the worst weather, 'Humor FM" gives us a good mood and cool jokes that we are then shortened by your friends. "

Concert Show appreciated the audience. Among the few thousand guests who visited the "all hits of humor" were both those who won the tickets for the FM humor. The fans of the genre that filled the hall from the VIP parter to the extreme rows of the balcony, sang, applauded, dyingly laughed.

"All Hits of Yumor" is the most famous humorous concert of recent years, which traditionally collects a great audience audience and receives high ratings during television shows. The public is waiting for him with impatience, and every time the creative team "Humor FM" tries to come up with something new.

Participants of the Anima Allegra show and the Star of the Theater "Lyedie" Valery Cafe

- The concert passed, as always, well, at the highest level. But it would be impossible without the active participation of the entire GPM Radio team, "said the producer of the concert" All Hits of humor " Maxim Zabelin . - Today there is a translational development and radio station, and the show itself. This is already the fifth, anniversary, concert "All Hits of humor". I am sure that it will be even better.

It remains to add that "all hits of humor" - a show that needs to be seen. But if you could not visit the concert in Crocus City Hall, be sure to see the TV channel on TVC!

Photos and video reports can be seen at www.veseloeradio.ru and in official groups of radio stations in social networks.

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