Effective ways to get rid of ICOT


Eat a teaspoon of honey. Few people know, but from Ikota helps to get rid of sweet. For example, a spoon of honey. If there is no honey, then you can eat sugar. The fact is that when a person eats something sweet, then he rises salivation. And when a person swallows saliva, the diaphragm reduction stops and the IKOT is passed.

Hold your breath more than one minute. Everyone knows that when Iikote needs to be delayed. But this method is not always effective, because breathing must be delayed more than 1 minute! If less - then the effect may not be. The fact is that breathing retention should be excited by the breathing center of the brain. It takes a lot of time, about 1 minute. And Ikota will pass.

Hold your breath and raise hands up. With this method, the breathing delay changes the shape of the chest. The diaphragm relaxes and ceases to shrink. Ikota passes.

Think about who you can remember. Very often, people say: "Oh, I'm ikayay, probably, someone remembers me." And begins to list the names of all relatives and friends. Despite the fact that the idea seems absurd, there is a share in it. The distracting factor is triggered here. You begin to remember those people who can think about you. As a result, you are distracted. And Ikota passes.

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