5 things for which the parent can forgive himself


When you become a parent for the first time, a series of doubts begins: "Do I do right? Maybe it's not even thinking? " This is normal, as young moms and dads have not yet received sufficient experience in order to relate to many things. Consider the most common thoughts of the parents for which they should not be ashamed.

The child must choose the lesson

The child must choose the lesson

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

I want to relax from the child

Children occupy all the free time of the young mother, often and father. At some point, the human psyche ceases to cope with such an emotional load, Mom wants to escape and hide from everyone to get at least a few hours without screams and the requirements of his baby.

The thought of rest does not make you a bad mother, on the contrary, it says that you are laid out for a complete.

I want to spend more time with friends

Very often, the woman becomes the hostage of his new role that she gets with the birth of a child. In addition, the surroundings in the form of mothers and grandmothers constantly say that everything, now "your life does not belong to you", because they themselves always lived on this principle. Do not argue, someone seeks to become a mother to fill out all his time by the child and his needs, there is nothing wrong with that, but most of the women want to live life in all of her aspects, to realize themselves at work and sometimes devote time to themselves without ceasing at the same time be the best mom in the world. And you have this right.

Leave a child without supervision can never

Leave a child without supervision can never

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

The child watched cartoons longer than usual

For the day, mom has to make a huge amount of affairs in the house, also to pay time to the child. It is not surprising that some things may slip out of attention. Modern children literally from birth learn to use the latest achievements of technology, so it is not difficult for them to independently enable your favorite cartoon on a laptop. Naturally, a young mother, a cleaning vacuum cleaner and stirring porridge may not keep track how her baby has already sat down.

Of course, it is impossible to launch an eye from a small child and try to remove all dangerous items from the field of his vision, but such a trifle as watching cartoons longer than usual, should not drive you into depression.

I do not drive a child in a mug

Pretty controversial question in the circle of young parents. On the one hand, the child needs to look for their emotions and talents, and, on the other hand, you can make a mistake with the direction, and completely discourage the desire to visit various sections and circles in the future.

It is important to determine as early as possible to what the child is inclined most and make efforts to develop his talent, but if you cannot understand where your child would be happy to leave this idea, let your son or daughter decide on how to decide what He or she wants to do, then you will not make a claim that you forced the child to do what he does not like, against will.

You have the right to free time

You have the right to free time

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

I give not too expensive gifts

By the age of 3, the price of a gift that you give him is not important to 3 years. In his world there is nothing expensive or cheap, but everything can change when the baby goes to a kindergarten or school, where children begin to measure the coolness of a smartphone or any other thing.

You need to explain to the child as early as possible that the dear thing is not the top of happiness. The main thing is that you yourself do not discuss when a child, who, what and how much it costs, then there will be such a problem. The child must understand that you are not ready to give most of the salary on the laptop of the last generation, no matter how you caught you - you just don't have such a possibility, and you are not guilty of anything.

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