Failure to interview: how to cope and what to change


Job search is an energy-consuming and long process, especially if you are an experienced specialist and apply for a place in the top company. Therefore, it is not to be surprised if you are hired not after the first interview. Instead of getting upset and scold yourself, it is better to work on errors. We give some tips to help you:

Always think about the plan B: Do not associate your hopes with one specific company, believing that the position offered by them and the working conditions are ideal for your requirements. Conditions may change at any time, so you will have to re-look for work. Consider several organizations at the same time, so as not to be upset in the case of a failure interview and do not focus on this issue.

Do not think that this company is your only chance.

Do not think that this company is your only chance.


Do not consolidate at the expense of interviews: Your task is to show why you will be a profitable and useful employee, and not vice versa. Never consider the interview as the best way to satisfy self-esteem due to belief in your own competence. If you work on this and beat the pride, you will soon see a positive result. Once again: Employers want to know how you can help them, and not how they can help you.

Request feedback: In case of refusal, call the company and ask what it is connected with. Although most employers refrain from providing feedback, if they do not continue to cooperate with you, it is still necessary to ask for constructive criticism. Although the words of the personnel worker or the alleged boss can offend you, still do not perceive them in the bayonets. If you were not chosen, then you did not take the first place in the list of applicants for the position - to argue with it meaningless. Take a reality and work over errors. Life does not always please us - it is necessary to perceive as a given.

Never remember the past: the interview is just a step towards the work of the dream, but not he alone defines your employment. After refusal, we tend to worry the situation and discuss it with others, although we should not. Instead of focusing on failures, try to focus on those cases when you have achieved success and when your expectations justified. Memories of positive events will help raise the morale and create the feeling that only the best awaits you ahead.

Work over your errors

Work over your errors


Understand that you are not alone: ​​much more people get refusals from employers than invitations to become part of the team are a fact. As soon as you accept it, you can focus on future opportunities.

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