Main in class: what to do if there is no contact with the first teacher


When a child goes to school, the main task of the parent is to provide a favorable environment in which the baby will be able to reach on knowledge. However, no one guarantees that such conditions will provide a school teacher. It happens that the contact between the student and the teacher does not develop and faces the task of finding out what cause. How to discharge the situation and not give a conflict to rolling? We tried to figure out.

Try to hear the child

Many modern parents insist that the cause of any disagreement is always a teacher, but do not rush to run to understand or what is even worse - to write a complaint to the director. Your initial goal is to sit down and discuss the current situation with the child, but it is necessary to do it most as neutral, so that your child does not try to incline you to your side (and children do well with it). Especially relevant this advice will be for those parents whose children constantly fall into conflict situations. And yet, do not cheat yourself and soberly appreciate the situation, your negative emotions will only exacerbate the situation and will not allow you to make a right decision.

Try to hear your child

Try to hear your child


Do not make an elephant fly

And again, we are faced with a popular problem among modern parents: if it turns out that the teacher did not look like or, God forbid, made a reprimand of your "Krovochka", a parent embraced by righteous anger, goes to school to arrange a flight analysis. Calm down and think so is the incident, how are you trying to imagine or is your child trying to wind you? Due to the fact that the child made a remark for the chatter in the lesson, to tear and throw certainly not worth it, after all, the school has their own rules. Explain this moment to your schoolchild. But still be careful - sometimes the teachers remove.

Do not postpone the conversation with the teacher

If you understand that the teacher "drives stick", start with the fact that you plan to visit the school. You do not need to turn around the entire parent committee or immediately run to the director - this is your individual problem with which only you and the teacher can attend. You cannot assess the scale of the problem only according to the child, while yourself do not talk to the teacher. As a rule, the problem in communication evaporates after the first meeting if the teacher really makes comments on a good reason.

Director - Last Instant

You should not despair, if everything that your child told about the teacher is not only true, but also with a simple way: it happens that the conversation is "not glued", the teacher may turn out to be a strong nutlery or too fundamental teacher who really dislikes children. In this case, do not be afraid to go to the director. Ask affect the teacher or think together about the transfer of the child into a parallel class.

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