And you yourself: how to stop working where you don't like


"Well, where will I leave?" - You think, arranging in two columns for and against the decision to leave the former place of work. Motivational speakers it is easy to say that it is impossible to work against the will. However, life is not a game, and in it you have to not only enjoy the morning latte along the way to the office, but also take responsibility for the material support of the family. However, there are situations in which the unloved job is literally harmful to health - we will tell about them and give the Council for each.

Screaming in all the throat

The disrespectful behavior of the head in relation to subordinates is, above all, the problem of its upbringing and mental health. However, when the handle or stack of papers takes you during the meeting, it becomes your problem. Remember: No one can increase your voice, insult, try to apply physical strength or have any kind of psychological pressure. If the culture of communication is developed in your organization, warn your colleague that it exceeds the authority. In the case when such a measure does not help, be sure to inform the leadership of the inappropriate behavior of the chief. It is impossible to endure screams and bullying - it affects your mental health.

Screaming boss - not the best that you can expect

Screaming boss - not the best that you can expect


Indifferent to proposals

Even if you have a good relationship with colleagues, do not get rid of problems. For example, you can tighten the routine - the same tasks from day to day that do not give you the opportunity to develop and pump skills. Before complaining, think about what areas you would like to become a specialist. We work the plan and come with him to the manager: discuss opportunities for the development and material resources that you need. If the boss does not respond to your suggestions, you can safely leave the company, and on the interviews show a plan, explaining the reason for dismissal. Such a non-conflict and reasonable approach to the case will be appreciated by the selection of personnel.

Doesn't appreciate your time

"Stay still half an hour", "We have an armor - you have to be in the office until midnight" and so on - all these requests are annoying. And if in European culture for the waste of extra time to work you will get a double payment, then in Russia and other CIS countries often do not even receive a polite "thank you." In companies where employees respember, they do not need to be online during the weekend and at the end of the working hours. Offer time is your legal right not to respond to messages from the head and colleagues. Disable notifications, and you will see how everything becomes in place. The liberated watch is better to spend on a walk with a child or dinner with a loved one, than controversy with the boss.

Disable notifications on the phone after working time

Disable notifications on the phone after working time


Does not increase salaries

Again, referring to foreign companies, they are considered normal in them once a year to make a review of salaries and premiums and increase them by 10-15%. This is a logical explanation: the exchange rate changes, food, utility and car surveys are becoming more expensive, as all that you have to regularly pay. And even if companies work as part of stable currencies increase the salary, what to talk about our country? However, this, unfortunately, often does not occur. The only advice is to learn languages ​​and arranged to international corporations.

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