Like Gordon Ramism: 3 chef recipes that are easy to repeat at home


Chicken in Crew Cream Sauce

It will take about 50 minutes to prepare this classic Indian dish, but it is best to make a workpiece in advance so that the chicken have enough time to be chopped in a home-based carry sauce. A recipe for chicken in Gordon Ramism Butter is perfectly suitable for share dinners with friends and family.


800 g chicken without bones and skin, cut into pieces of 3-4 cm

2 peeled and fine chopped garlic clove

2 cm ginger, purified and finely grated

½ teaspoon shallow sea salt

½ teaspoon of burning pepper chili

1 ½ tablespoon lemon juice

75 ml of natural yogurt

½ teaspoon Garam Masala (mixed Indian spices)

½ teaspoon turmeric

1 teaspoon ground cumin

1-2 sheets of vegetable oil

1 ½ tablespoon of fused oil

1 pod of Kardamona

2 carnations

275 ml of tomato puree

100 ml of 20% cream

1 tablespoon of chopped coriander for decoration

Prepare a chicken with curry less than per hour

Prepare a chicken with curry less than per hour


How to cook

To prepare this recipe for curry from chicken, place a chicken in a bowl with garlic, ginger, salt, chili powder and lemon juice. Stir, cover the food film and cool for 30 minutes. Mix yogurt, spices Garam Masala, turmeric and cumin and add to the chicken, making sure that each piece is well covered with a mixture. Cover the lid again and cool 3-4 hours. Preheat oven to 180 ºC. Lay out the pickled chicken pieces on the grill grill, installed on the contradiction, and bake for 8-10 minutes. Lubricate chicken pieces with a small amount of oil and turn over. Bake another 10-12 minutes until the dish is ready.

For sauce: Heat foiled oil or oil in a pan and add garlic and ginger. Fry for about a minute, then add cardamom, carnation, coriander, Garam Masala, Turmeric and Chile powder. Mix well and fry 1-2 minutes until they become a pleasant fragrance. Add tomato puree and lemon juice and cook for a couple more minutes. Add chicken pieces into the sauce and mix well so that they are covered with sauce. Finally, add the oil and cream and stir continuously until the oil is melting, and the sauce will not become homogeneous. Put in warm dishes and serve a dish hot, decorated with chopped coriander.

Chocolate pancakes

Pancakes Gordon Ramzi is a delightful delicacy that the whole family will appeal! They are full of a saturated chocolate taste and are ideal for ice cream. Sprinkle with sugar powder, serve with sliced ​​almonds and watch it disappear after a few seconds. These pancakes are ideal not only for carnival, but as a recipe for relaxed weekends.


100 g of wheat flour

25 g cocoa powder

¼ h. L. Sea salt

2 medium eggs, slightly whipped

1 tablespoon of fused oil

300 ml of solid milk

1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

100 g of dark chocolate (about 70%)

15 g of unsalted oil

1 ½ tablespoon of honey

250 ml of double cream

2-3 tbsp. l. Sugar powder

1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

4 tablespoons slightly roasted almonds

Tsukati from orange zest (optional)

Dessert will have to be in the weekend

Dessert will have to be in the weekend


Cooking method

For the preparation of pancakes, seek flour, cocoa powder and salt in a bowl and add sugar. Make a recess in the center and add whipped eggs into it, foam oil, milk and vanilla extract. Wake up to mix the ingredients and form a homogeneous dough, but try not to overdo it. Let stand at least 30 minutes.

For chocolate sauce, grind chocolate into small pieces and place in a heat-resistant bowl over boiling water saucers. Add oil and honey and let it dissolve, stirring from time to time. Remove from the fire and gradually drive milk until you get homogeneous sauce. If necessary, slightly warm the sauce before serving on the table.

For cream, take the cream in the bowl of cream with sugar powder and vanilla extract to soft peaks. Cover the lid and cool before the feed.

To prepare pancakes, put a baking sheet for pancakes with a non-stick coating on the middle fire and add some oil. When it melts, tilt the frying pan so that the oil covered the base. Pour a small lifeline of liquid dough on it and mix to evenly cover the bottom of the frying pan with a thin layer. Prepare about 1.5 minutes while the dough does not freeze and will not become golden brown. Turn the pancake to cook the other side for a minute. Repeat the same with the rest of the test.

Before serving, apply a layer of cream on half of each pancake, sprinkled by several fasched almond nuts. Put one pancake with a filling on each plate and sprinkle it with chocolate sauce. Sprinkle with multiple stuffed almond nuts and, if you want, sprinkle orange ceulum.

Cauliflower Cream Soup

This delightful cauliflower soup recipe can be prepared quickly and easily! Excellent warming soup, which can be eaten for lunch with amazingly warm crispy bread, is the perfect completion of a long walk on a cold day. It takes only 30 minutes to prepare this delightful soup, and it is perfect if you want to eat something unusual for lunch or as a snack to a satisfying meal. Having tried the cream soup Gordon Rami from cauliflower, you want to cook it again and again.


1 large or 2 medium colored cabbage, about 1.2 kg

25 g of butter

1 tablespoon of olive oil

1 large potatoes, about 250 g, peeled and large sliced

1 bulb, peeled and sliced

1.2 liters of chicken or vegetable broth

400 ml of solid milk

100 ml of double cream

2 tablespoons of olive oil or goose fat

2 Slice of bread, about 50 g cutting into cubes

Cooking method

Remove the stem cauliflower and cut the inflorescences. Heat creamy and olive oil in a large saucepan, then add cauliflower inflorescences, potatoes and onions. Extinguish together about 10 minutes on a weak heat, periodically stirring until vegetables become soft, but will not become painted. Pour broth and bring to a boil. Add milk with spices and increase the power of the plate. Now boil on slow heat without a cover 10-15 minutes, while all the vegetables are soft. Add cream and crush the soup in the puree with the help of a blender to homogeneous mass.

For superstars, heat the olive oil in a frying pan on medium heat. Add bread cubes and roasts until golden and crisp, often turning over.

Pour soup into preheated bowls, sprinkle with a small amount of truffle oil and crush a few superstars from above.

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