Alexander Oleshko: "I always wanted to become an artist, and I didn't have any other dream."


Many people over the years lose their children's viability, openness, desire to fantasize and comprehend the world. Theater actor. Vakhtangov, Honored Artist of Russia, TV presenter Alexander Oleshko not only did not lose these qualities over the years, on the contrary, he also continues to share this with others. Including with MK-Boulevard.

- Alexander, do you remember yourself in childhood?

- Very good. Moreover, often trying to bring all his feelings from childhood in adulthood. After all, everything is inverted with our heads. In childhood, every child with open eyes loves the world, people, believes to everyone. Well, and then adults with their complexes, their bitter experience is beginning to scare a child and drive into it rusty nails of doubts, fear. Therefore, in order not to go crazy, I remember that boy Sasha Olesko, who believed in the best. And I am very glad that my childhood was happy, very kind, cultural, saturated. That I was a child in my childhood. Now, in the twentieth century, unfortunately, children (in many ways "thanks to adults) skip their lucky period, they immediately become adults, they sing adult songs, participate in some strange adult games, not wanting sometimes. And I believe that the child must live the period of his childhood. These happy first 14-15 years should go under adult supervision, but as it seems and want a child, as it is important. He must fantasize. Dream. And adults should help him stay at this age. An adult child will have time to become.

- Who wanted to become Sasha Olesko in childhood, was there a dream?

"I always wanted to become an artist, and I didn't have any other dream."

Alexander Olesko

Alexander Olesko

Frame from the film: "Turkish Gambit"

- Are you a dreamer today?

- Certainly, without it, it is impossible to live at all.

- Did you have a mentor who influenced your future life?

- I very early read the book Yuri Nikulina "almost serious ...", where he is wondering, warm and kindly spoke about his life, her sophisticated pages: about the Finnish war, the Great Patriotic War. As he became an artist, as he retained the best qualities in himself that a person should keep. Therefore, he is completely in a special place for me. It is difficult for me to talk about it in the past time, such people are not enough for us now - which, with such incredible popularity and love, people are not located on this as something, but on the contrary, thanks to this popularity give a huge amount of energy, their lives and Good deeds so that the viewer is happy. For me, an example of this is Yuri Nikulin.

- Almost all children are sent by their parents in life. What personally do you invest in the concept of "family"?

- This is responsibility and example. Shoot the upbringing of his own child to the street, comrade or teacher at school - is unacceptable. The parent must be responsible for every word, each of his act, because the children look at him, as in the mirror. Often copy, adopt not the best thing that should. Well, of course, this is a dialogue with a child, attention to him, to his some kind of dreams, his feelings. Of course, this is help and support. The parent should be another to his child, not Tyrant and Despot. He should not be injured in a word, nor.

- You are a member of the first congress of the International Children's Congress. There, the guys participate in master classes under the guidance of people who have already consisted, and according to the result, prizes are obtained. Why did you agree to participate?

"Because I talk to children on a natural and, as it seems to me, the most important language is the language of the soul. I do not try to be fashionable in their eyes. After all, if you are fashionable today, you are alike tomorrow. I do not try to please current trends. I try on my example to them to show that you can remain a normal person. It is necessary to learn, self-defecting, set goals and go to them. Do not lower your hands and do not fear anything. Be ready to strike. To fail, including. But believe in your star. If the coming forum is at least one of these tasks, it's great. If he gives some hope some hope - great. Someone will support - great. Open a new name - great. It is not by chance that they say that talents need to help, messy themselves are trying.

- For you, the most important awards?

- It is important for any person who does something and lives actively and interesting. True, with age, the attitude towards awards has changed. Probably, it will seem to someone wrong, but this is true: the main reward - when unfamiliar people are smiling on the street and say good words, perceiving you as a family member. Probably, this is the most important reward that you will not buy and do not organize, we will not be sprinkling that you will never get and for anything artificially. This is a response to your work, on your daily work, for your soul gusts. Well, when some professional community or the state notes a person - it is correct. But, I repeat, this is good when on time and deserver.

Now we are witnessing a huge number of strange hand. When everyone is clear and obviously, that the person did not deserve, and there is no merit, but for some reason he attaches something to Lacan somewhere. Well, and God with them, let him be so. This is a problem not only today. So it was always. For example, in the Soviet times, Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya one actor, who worried that he was not given the title, said: "Let's go, dear, to visit me. I will show you the photos of unknown folk artists of the Soviet Union. "


Photo: Personal archive

Edgard Sparable, People's Artist of Russia, a member of the Council for Culture under the President of the Russian Federation, voiced an interesting question in social networks for his readers - how to reform the system of receiving honorary titles. I can answer through our interview. Everything is very simple. Now, unfortunately, as the flag, rushes over the country vulgarity and the mother. Obviously, the artist, especially with the title, should be a model and an example! The artist has no right to descend to street garbage. Not to be expressed on the screen, in an interview. These are things that are completely unsupported with culture and with high state honorary title. Probably, it is necessary to remember the Cup of the wall, he is over. So and the title, for example, every two or three years, before reaching the retirement age, should be confirmed by active creative activities and moral purity. If one or another person does not pass on and does not confirm this high title of people's artist or his work, or by his work or his actions, it means that he should lose him at some point. Like a cup, it must be passing. You can still remember that in the USSR there was a wonderful system of germ. The house did not build without the adoption of a special commission, consisting of highly qualified and educated specialists. Well, why not choose twenty people from a wide variety of areas: science, culture, and so on, with a very good reputation and biography, absolutely incomprehensible, which would necessarily have studied the biography of a creative person who should receive a high title. It would be studied not only by the number of papers, letters and petitions, but by compulsory familiarization with his creative activity! After all, the titles are sometimes issued, which is called blind. This is a huge papers, signatures, absolutely bureaucratic system. And it all depends on whether this folder will sign or not. And people who sign, simply not have time to understand, find out if there is a real cultural contribution. Then it would be honest and transparent, there would be a controversy about the artist under discussion. And everything should be configured, so that everyone can then read, on what basis it became deserved or folk. Otherwise, this is the voltage, indignation, often bewilderment.

- You said that people, meeting you on the street, consider family member. And what is your neighbor?

- My three cats and my family members. Several people who I trust, which I love, who admire in the profession. And this is not necessarily artists, creative people. I really love people's people, simple workers on which the country holds.

- You somehow said: the main thing is that people wanted not just money, fame and honors, and, for example, that everything in this world has become a little harmonious. What, in your opinion, need to be desired from life so that it happened?

- remember that life is very short. To remember the meaning of life ... I, by the way, is confused by the fact that very many can not formulate what the meaning of life is. In my opinion, it is very simple. If you do not show the believer, you understand that you are a sand, some of some huge, incredible, cosmic plan. Somewhere between the planets there is a huge vessel, it is figuratively so I say, in which kindness, joy, beauty, cleanliness, some sublime sparkling actions, motives. And the meaning of a person's life is to decorate the planet, leave a good memories about yourself, and, of course, bring your purity, good deeds, joy, actions to this vessel. Until then, until life continues, there will be nasty and dirty and dirty. And they are trying to pump out everything from this vessel all the time. But only nothing in them does not turn out, because their life, despite the money and honors, is lost. And she, here are their so-called life, just finally. And those people who in this sense understand that here, on the planet Earth, they transit passengers know that their soul will live forever. And life will continue. And everything will be fine. Therefore, there are no fear in such people, no malice on face, no horror. Everything is simple.

Alexander Olesko

Alexander Olesko


- You work on television, and in the theater, and in the movies, and sing ... Do you share it in the profession or consider it a single whole?

- Certainly, I share. These are all different professions, another thing that I them seems to be trying to master. And in our creative life there is no such profession in which you can say: "I know everything, I know everything." Therefore, I say that I am trying to learn everything to everyone. I wanted to be a "human-orchestra". I wanted to know how much, to do a lot, to have time, know, feel. Therefore, through different types of creativity I come to the people. And at some point, by and large, I was already not so important, through what they know me. Someone like a TV presenter, someone as the theater actor, some as a person who sings, someone as a public figure, someone does not have a concept who I am, but I saw somewhere, so trying to understand, learn . Now there are a lot of information, and there is nothing wrong with that. But it is important that in all these directions I try to be honest in front of people who look at me.

- Soon you have a birthday, where will you celebrate and with whom?

"So so, I planned that I would be at the sea at the Sun, but until I chose the city and the route.

- What kind of children's birthday is especially remembered for you?

- Probably the one when I promised to visit Oleg Popov. I honestly invited anyone. Singing the house with a covered table with my mother and waited for Oleg Popov. He, of course, did not come, I called him back to find out why it was suddenly. He replied: "I'm sorry, I was invited to Crica wine cellars." He was then on tour in Chisinau. I told him that I would wait for him, I was eleven years old. He laughed and said that he was not worth it. And invited me to his birthday, which was supposed to take place in a week, in the circus. I've come. It seemed to me that it was important for him to hand the plastic artificial grapes, for the props, and for some reason to give a huge and heavy photo album with the views of Chisinau. This album weighed more than I am at that time. I carried everything in the playpen, gave. After these tour, he flew into Germany and stayed there. Actually, forever. And when twenty-seven years later, he returned to Russia, I met him. All this reminded, told and showed him a photo, where he writing to me in a maneen in a player and gives the air ball. In response, he told me that he became a clown, because in his childhood clown gave the ball. When he was on tour in St. Petersburg, I, as president of the Children's International Festival of Arts "Flower-Semicetics", established a prize called "Thank you". I went to the playpen of the St. Petersburg Circus and handed him this prize. Thus, the history of my acquaintance and friendship with Oleg Popov was swollen. Imagine what a happy person I am!

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