Makarska assured that he would not shout on her child


Anton and Victoria Makar together for more than 13 years. After the birth of the daughter and the son of Vika with his head plunged into their upbringing. She constantly talks about what is happening in her family, and shares tips with their fans.

So, yesterday, Makarskaya made unexpected confessions: it is categorically opposed to raising a voice for children.

Vika Makarskaya told that he would not shout on her children. Photo:

Vika Makarskaya told that he would not shout on her children. Photo:

"You can't yell on the child. This is indecent, ugly, unworthy. The child copies our manners and behavior, and we do not see ourselves from the side, pride makes us in our eyes impeccable and wonderful, and therefore we are wildly annoyed in the child manifestations of bad qualities. Manifestations of our bad qualities! How sorry for children! They look at us, lovingly copy our manners, and then they also yell on them ... you need to raise yourself. Then the child will delight "(hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved, - approx.)," Said the artist.

She also wrote that now the task is now: never shouting, no matter what happens.

"I have a task for the next year: to learn in any society, always, under any circumstances, in any weather, even experiencing physical pain, to behave deserve and talk without increasing the voices," Vika wrote in his "instagram".

Subscribers thanked the actress and admitted that for them this problem was relevant for a long time. "Maybe there is literature on this score?) So you want to be even better!", "I scream very much for the kids, terrible for it is ashamed! But still again and again do it. Tell me how do you restrain yourself during these moments? " - Two young mothers turned to Victoria. Makarskaya, however, until he answered, but received the advice from his subscriber, how to hold back at the child: "On the Issue, we dress a gum, how for money and as soon as you are going to scream, pull it out and slam yourself)))) Habid yelling quickly goes away," - Shared one of the fans.

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