Elena Ulyanova: "Father's houses were scary soft"


Interview he did not like. Only shouted from journalists (as he knew only, it was not offended, but for some reason it is very accessible): "Why do these conversations? I did not create anything over the latter. Only what is written in the family. " Yes, fate won to him, generously throwing chances. But he used each of them in full. Ulyanov was not an actor "Light Talent": any role was given to him by the price of incredible efforts. He, who even memorize the text was not easy, as if he was bought in the proposed image. But only his loved ones knew about it. His daughter Elena. Granddaughter Lisa. And, of course, the spouse - Actress Alla Parfanyak, with which Mikhail Ulyanov lived more than half a century.

How did your parents meet, why did they all start?

Elena Ulyanova: "This I know in the stories of their friends. In our family, various intimate things were not discussed at all. It was not customary to devote children to adult family life. As they met, Galina Lvovna Konovalova, the oldest actress of the Wakhtangov theater, told me. Imagine, she is now ninety-six years old, and she plays all the premieres. And how brilliance plays! She was the closest girlfriend of my parents. And dad, and moms. You will laugh, but now it has become my most close friend. We communicate with her absolutely equal, and she is a native and very close person for me. So, many things I learned from her.

Parents signed in 1959. Mom was pregnant with me. Before that, they lived together five years. Mom, at that time the star of the Wakhtangov Theater, was older than Father for four years. She was considered a real queen. The young, first beauty of Moscow, was cared for all celebrities, among whom were Leonid Rockov, and Alexander Vertinsky, and she pucked among them in their doodle fur coats and hats. She had a crazy novel with Mark Bernes. And at the time of dating with her father, her husband was Nikolai Kryukkov, they had already born her son.

Galina Lvovna told me about the episode when Mom confessed to her that he was found with his father: "We stand with Alla behind the scenes, a rehearsal is on stage. She says: "Won, you see, the guy plays?" - "I see, and what?" - "We live with him, I love him!" - "How? What?" No one understood why his mother chose him, as found that she considered it. Compared with the fireworks, with the starsal, which surrounded it, there was nothing special in dad. But apparently, so the heavenly luminaries stood up. And all my life, more than fifty years, they were together.

Probably, the whole thing is in the nature of the dad, in his charisma, inner strength. After all, he came from deep Siberia with one small wooden suitcase with metal corners. I retained this suitcase - there were alone pants and one shirt ... Word, dad was a beggar as a church rat. But the grip is iron, stubborn and assertist, like a buffalo. During his studies, he was a Schukin scholarship. Yes, he generally had all scholarships that are only possible. He gnawing the granite of science, studied without giving himself a breather, not allowing himself to relax. You know, as it happens during the time of the student: someone walks, drinks, and he sat and Dolbal, Dolbal, Dolubal. Probably, this is a stunning character, his factories, a sense of responsibility (the foundation-believing feature, which was transferred to me), multiplied by God given talent, and helped him to become who he became, Ulyanov. He graduated from the institute brilliantly, he was immediately invited to the Wakhtangov Theater, they were immediately filled with roles, but from this his financial situation and life did not improve much. As he lived in a hostel, and lived, in the same room with comrades. The dormitory was somewhere on the Seleznev. And because there was a little money, they went to the market with friends. This he himself told me: they pushed around the rows and tried cabbage. Passed a number, somehow got drunk ... "

So this mother chose him, and not he he?

Elena: "He, of course, sought Mama. When she saw her, he decided at that moment that he would conquer it with all their might, "I know, I know the father's signs that I will never publish. But, of course, he perfectly gave himself a report that he had a chance of minus zero. Imagine the spoiled daughter of the professor (and the mother was just such a), which is worn on the hands of the whole world, and some peasant coarse, untrained guy from the village of Bergamak. What could unite them? But with all the same, they lived together all their life - the refined professorial daughter and the peasant son. "

What could unite the spoiled professorial daughter and the rude peasant guy from the village of Bergamak? However, they lived to the golden wedding. Photo: Elena Ulyanova Personal Archive.

What could unite the spoiled professorial daughter and the rude peasant guy from the village of Bergamak? However, they lived to the golden wedding. Photo: Elena Ulyanova Personal Archive.

They say, Mikhail Alexandrovich for the sake of your mother was ready for everything. He even threw a drink ...

Elena: "Yes. He, like every Russian man, drank at the institute, and at the beginning of a career. And lay per collar could be very tight, and sometimes even with different additional details. (Smiles.) Moreover - Theater, Bohemia, atmosphere. But at some point, mom closed his father into an angle: or alcohol, or ... and he threw. And the rest of the rest did not drink at all. I saw only twice as Dad had a glass of wine. This manifested itself. Similarly, he threw smoking. But he smoked like a steam locomotive. And then - not a single cigarette! The mother also smoked, but never threw. She, by the way, practically before her care and smoked. "

Not a man, and flint is me about your father ...

Elena: "At the same time, Mom called him" four "n", which was deciphered: no, it is impossible, uncomfortable, indecent. It was a formula for daddy behavior in relation to himself, although he helped many, knocked out the apartment, built a medical center for actors. His frequent expressions, when it was a matter of him or us, were: "It's inconvenient to ask for", "I am indecent to climb," "No, no, Alla, I will not do this." For myself and I did a hundred times less than for others. If I asked for something from him, he felt or said that everything would be, just not now, and then did the view that I forgot. "

True, Mikhail Alexandrovich had a list of good deeds?

Elena: "This is true. His list hung in the front, near the phone, next to the repertoire, and he recorded the little ones in the book. All do not remember! There were records like: Ivanov to arrange in the hospital, daughter of Petrov to give to school, Sidorow's son to attach to the institute, factorhovich - an apartment and so on. It was good deeds. Father could not deny anyone anyone. People used this. By the way, I have exactly the same list. "

And he himself went to the bow for officials - to ask for another person?

Elena: "He called it like this:" I will go to show a person! "He just walked, entered the office, in which no one could enter and solve everything. He was at that time the chairman of the Union of theatrical Workers of Russia. Ten years in a row. His wave covered. During this time, he did not starred in any movie. Physically did not have time. Practically did not play the theater. Only some sign roles. Not a single new play rehearsed. He was, as I call, "Golik". If something started to do, then the maximum. To the end, on the gap. If you can save before it stops, if you work, then everything smokes. I'm all at him. I came up with myself now and I understand that the half-Moscow will put on the ears. It's all from him. He was just like that. In the Union for ten years of work, he turned inside out, he gave everything. He has no longer enough time. "

Ulyanov with his wife and daughter. First husband Alla Parfanyak was the actor Nikolay Krychkov. But she left the star of the Soviet screen to the novice actor, which was also younger for four years. Photo: Elena Ulyanova Personal Archive.

Ulyanov with his wife and daughter. First husband Alla Parfanyak was the actor Nikolay Krychkov. But she left the star of the Soviet screen to the novice actor, which was also younger for four years. Photo: Elena Ulyanova Personal Archive.

Has he also remained the same punching and energetic?


"At home, he was scary with a soft man who doubted, indecisive. They completed each other with each other. She is practical and very smart. Could calculate all the moves. Mom was for his father's outstand, because a person cannot decide alone in life. Need one who will support you. Mom always advised him something, read the plays, participated in his whole life. And not because it climbed, but because they needed both. It was a certain balance. "

In everyday life dad was economic?

Elena: "He, of course, the peasant son, I understand everything, but somehow it was not the main talent. He could drive a nail. But drove it already curves. He all twisted on the wire! At the cottage, loved to mow, but together with the grass often mowed and mother's flowers. He, however, was a small carpentry machine on which he made a bench. "

Ulyanovsk commandments

Dad, with such an employment, managed to raise you?

Elena: "Brought up me, one can say in rigor. It is quite restrained, with a large number of restrictions and intrameal laws. There was no permissiveness and balobiness. But at the same time without stiffness, without beating. Although I was, honestly, at all a gift - I understand this, unscrewing the time ago, having an adult daughter, two grandchildren five years old. The only punishment when I somehow had risen once again, was a carnation, which dad nailed in my room, and on the carnation - the belt. (Laughs.) And this belt hung, probably, a week, hovering on me terrible horror. It was a maximum! Father almost never shouted and not Gundel. But there were some laws that I had to fulfill. And I tried. And not because I was afraid of him, but because I was sorry for me. After all, if I did something wrong, Dad began to remove noticeably. He did not splash emotions, just gloomy, sad. And when I grew up, I realized that I really causing him a real pain, not talked. For example, I had a law in childhood, they established: in twelve I owe at home. I have already studied at the Institute in the Fifth Course, but still rushing to the appointed time. But once something happened (I don't remember that it was), I did not warn parents about the delay and returned home at three in the morning. Imagine: Night, lights, in the yard - three entrances, along which Michal Sanych goes back there. It was waiting for me ... "

Could you worry with your father, share something very personal?

Elena: "Father for me was part of my body. Nothing was necessary to explain, everything happened at the level of some kind of subconscious. As if I am he, and he is me. Therefore, when he left, I don't remember the first six months after the funeral. From the part it might seem that I normally lived: I did not get into any hospital, something did, but today I can't remember a single event that happened at that time ... I'm the artist, my memories are drawn by images. I'm vaguely remember the funeral, flashes. And everything, further - silence.

And if globally talk about education, I was taught (and father, and mother) of complete independence from the circumstances. Mom told me: "You must be able to live yourself, be able to make money for yourself and your child. You owe it. " If I took the money loan from my parents, he always gave everything to a penny. And not because they demanded, but because they were so brought up. And it was considered the norm. I never in my life, swear, dad did not bring me as a blat. In the institute, I enrolled on the main list, myself was also always suitable for work. "

By the way, about work. You chose the profession of the artist. Why didn't they go in footsteps of parents?

Elena: "When I was a teenager, I talked more and more with children of parental acquaintances - actors and directories. "Semi-mounted youth." "Gold plated", I would say so. (Laughs.) Most of them went, naturally, in the actors. But personally, I did not rush into this profession. I was monstrously clamped in childhood, compacted to such a state that I could not open the mouth when I came to the parents. I started to shine, green, pale, the heart pulled out. Horror! "

"The father's house was scared by a soft man who doubted, indecisive. They with mom complemented each other. " Photo: Elena Ulyanova Personal Archive.

"The father's house was scared by a soft man who doubted, indecisive. They with mom complemented each other. " Photo: Elena Ulyanova Personal Archive.

Now, looking at you, and you can not say ...


"I can not say that Dad taught me greatly, how to behave in such cases. I just watched him, looked, as he says, is not in the theater, but in life. After all, he was a fantastic orator! His together we went to different events (my mother did not love them). It often happened that we were sitting in the hall, weighed, and suddenly I hear the edge of the ear: "And now the People's Artist Mikhail Ulyanov is invited to the scene. And he is not at the subject! And while it goes on the aisle two minutes, configured. And on stage begins to talk. Yes, so! .. On my question, how it turns out, my father answered me somehow: "I just try to come up with a certain image. Any. For example, a burning lamp shade, riding a steam locomotive, flying a flock of birds. In short, suitable to the current moment. And around this image, if you have brains, there is a skill, you can turn speech at least an hour. " I then did not really understand him. Time passed. And suddenly I clearly realized that I had in mind my father. Now I can go to any scene at any second and say everything you want. "

But you did not think about the acting profession ...

Elena: "Well, honestly, such thoughts at some point appeared. When she shared them with his father, he called me to the office and for a very long time, convincingly and reasonably explained that this is for the profession. As far as it is dependent on any little things, from people who surround you, from the director to the Grumer. And since I am a cat, which walks by itself, then his arguments affected me. In addition, I had an example of my mother before my eyes, the creative fate of which was not very successful. Therefore, I entered the Printing Institute, received a profession of the artist schedule. True, only the course on the fourth realized that it was interesting to me. But he graduated from the university with honors. I became a member of all art unions, international exhibitions. "Numerous", in one word. (Laughs.) Today in my piggy bank more than a hundred books with my illustrations drawn a feature and ink, numerous etchings, work as a main artist in newspapers and magazines ... In general, professional fate has developed more than successful. "

And now the work with the Mikhail Ulyanov Charitable Foundation "People's Artist of the USSR" was added to artistic experiments ...

Elena: "You can consider it mysticism, but exactly six months after the funeral of the Pope (when I did not remember anything from what is happening) on ​​Patricks, in full moon, I suddenly met Sasha Filippenko. We chatted about this, and suddenly he asks: "Why don't you make the Father's Foundation?" - "Sash, what are you saying?" - "What? Masha Vertinskaya has such a thing! "-" I and the Foundation are incompatible concepts. I do not understand anything in it. " Then I do not really remember how everything happened, but after six months I had a registered foundation. And I realized that everything was not by chance. After all, and the father helped everyone all his life - remember the list of good deeds? Especially helped old men. When he became Chairman of the Union of Theater Workers, built a huge medical clinic, filled her fantastic technician at that time, everything was only for the members of the Union (this is later commercialized, this is later members of the STD, they drove into two tiny numbers on the second floor). All Elderly Members of the Union throughout Russia, he knocked out an increased pension - then the old men just prayed ... So I decided to help those who were still left. After all, these are the legends of the domestic cinema, theater, the Great people who sometimes vocate Nishchen existence. I was next to my father's last twelve years of severe illness. Know what old age is. And although the dad was in demand almost until the end of the life, how many times he told me that it was not needed for anyone! .. that he became powerless, weak. Thank God, he was with whom to talk. And those great actors who live today, who have become old and really do not need anyone ... loneliness, illness, professional non-knowledge, and from here and large financial problems are their lives today ... not all, but many. I do as much as I can do. How many strength, opportunities, time and money that I find. Thank God, I find them - the world is still not without good people! God or Michal Sanych sits on the cloud, shakes legs, tells, helps, directs ... "(smiles.)

Mikhail Alexandrovich really was very hard before his death?

Elena: "About twelve years we all fought with his ailment. Parkinson's disease is not treated, it can only be slowed down. And he knew it. I already have a goosebumps now on the skin, when I remember that time ... We also addressed to healers in China, and we have to the people's leaders, and to professors of all the masters. Everything that could be tried, we tried, but ... "

Already when he was in the hospital, his great-grandfather had born ...

Elena: "Twins - Igorek and Nastya. He was conscious, and I told him about them. He heard and delightedly delighted. But I did not have time to see them ... Double is generally uncommon, especially since we did not have this in the family. And for myself I explain this as follows: the father was so powerful and a huge person that instead of him one on this light came immediately ... "

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