Like mom, only useful: home recipes, health benefits


There is a saying that everything delicious is harmful. And here is not so! In this article, we dispel this myth and offer to your attention advanced recipes for classic dishes that have long entered the diet of our families and fell to the culinary book page in the "Favorite" section.

Meatballs with oats

Try to add to classic meatballs of crude oats. Replace ⅓ oats meat - so you add more soluble fibers into the dish. Oats takes out extra cholesterol from the body, strengthens and normalizes the action with nervous depletions, decrease in appetite and sleep disorders. Also, Oats is very useful for the health of the heart, and the use of a smaller amount of meat leads to a decrease in the concentration of saturated fats in the dish.

Lazagna with onion

All those who loved the traditional dish of Italian cuisine can be made more useful, replacing the sheets of pasta with a chopped onion. It gives a sense of satiety for a long time, and its regular use contributes to the purification of blood, leads to normal the level of hemoglobin, improves digestion, liver and gallbladder. Also, leek is a source of vitamin A, useful for sight.

Add more than greenery to Lazagan

Add more than greenery to Lazagan


Breakfast sandwiches with fish, vegetables or chicken breast

A simple breakfast can be improved if you replace cheese, butter and boiled chicken sausage or fish. You can use yogurt, mustard, kefir or adjika as sauces. Add greens and vegetables to the sandwich - they create a feeling of satiety. You can also put a spicy greenery in a sandwich.

Celery puree sausages

Sausages with potato mashed potatoes - simple and dinner dinner, but what if add to potatoes or even replace it with celery? The latter is a wonderful source of vitamins C and k, besides, it increases the tone and robotability, reduces the level of stress hormone in the body, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and improves the quality of sleep.

Degreased cheesecake

One of the most popular desserts in the world can be done less fat, adding the cheese a nose, low-fat cream cheese and light sour cream.

Favorite dessert can be made less calorie with low-fat cream cheese

Favorite dessert can be made less calorie with low-fat cream cheese


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