Pavel Derevko: "This role weighs not one pood"


"The reverse side of the moon" is the Russian adaptation of the famous British series BBC "Life on Mars" ("Life On Mars"). In his homeland, he came out in 2006, after which two prestigious premiums were awarded - BAFTA and Emmy. It is not surprising that almost immediately the series became interested in other countries. In Russia, the producer Alexander Tsekalo took up adaptation. Almost immediately was written by the scenario of the first series, a contract with BBC was concluded, but five years have passed from the idea to the release of the film. When the producer from the British side saw the final scenario of the "reverse side of the moon", he grabbed his head. After all, it was rewritten by 90%, as a result, only the idea and construction remained from "life on Mars". In the original there is neither the chief hero hitting the body of his father, nor his conversations with himself with himself a small, nor a sophisticated love triangle, which turns out to be our senior police lieutenant Mikhail Soloviev, nor a maniac who is postponed with him 30 years ago. It is not surprising that the British were going to withdraw a contract, but long diplomatic negotiations still convinced them to give the Russians a chance. In the end, seeing the ready version of what happened, everyone was satisfied. "Russia has a very rich history. Thirty years ago, it was a completely different country, "Duncan Cooper told the leading producer BBC. - Of course, the best techniques were taken from the original series, but the main thing was to show the historical era and make the scenario most workers for the Russian audience. And it happened. "

The Hero of Pavel Darychko not only falls into the past, and it also turns out in the body of his father. .

The Hero of Pavel Darychko not only falls into the past, and it also turns out in the body of his father. .

It is almost impossible to remove the old Moscow in the city in the city itself now because of the abundance of advertising and Novodelov, so the entire series was filmed in Minsk. "Every time our film crew has dinner in the same restaurant," said Alexander Tsekalo producer. - And we have seen one girl, frequenter of the institution. She asked us that we were removing here, and when she was told that Moscow 1979, she laughed: "Well, it's for sure to us!" There you do not need to build any scenery. "

The director Alexander Cott was responsible for the accuracy of historical details. To help the creators was the Internet, as well as the book of Leonid Parfenova "Naming", which took the program of television of those years. Alexander came to mind the idea to shoot in the lead role of Pavel Derevko. They have already met on the set of films "Brest Fortress" and "two shouven", but the director has long wanted to remove the actor in a serious role. Paul shared his impressions from work.

Pavel Derevko:

The Russian Adaptation "The Reverse Side of the Moon" received its name from the same album of the Pink Floyd group "Dark Side of The Moon". .

- I could not even dream of such a role. I read the script, but I understood that due to the stereotype of the comedy actor, the stereotype of the comedy actor is likely to be offered to someone else. But the will of the fate entrusted to me exactly me, and a month or two after the start of work, I really believed that it could be.

It was hellish hard. Six months of work, for which my interests gradually narrowed and narrowed. If at first there was still enough time to restaurants, meetings and walks - it is impossible to be only in the work, - at the end of our stay in Minsk everything decreased only before the set, so we all were emotionally immersed in the process. This role, I will tell you, weighs a few pounds. How to show that a person goes crazy? I wanted to express it through my eyes as a mirror of our soul. Because "Physics" is all a lie.

- You were still small in 1979. Do you have something in memory from that time?

- I was 4 years old. Yes, I feel nostalgia for that time I adore him. His happy, half-breeding childhood, who has passed in the courtyards, climbing plants, kindergarten.

- How do you think, in the film managed to reliably convey the atmosphere of the 1970s?

- The film still has a hoax. What sees the viewer on the screen, and what the actor sees on the set, - absolutely different things. In general, it is always with a large share of skepticism and I have everything that surrounds me in work, to professionalism, to quality. After all, at the exit, any inaccuracy is tangible. There were moments when we were filmed in some old entrances, garages - here the reality is especially felt. In general, our artists worked well - everything as a present in the frame.

- And you yourself would like to get into the past to fix something in the present?

- Some minor details. I generally suits me how my life develops.

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