Top 5 Beauty actresses, who recently married


Zoe Kravitz

The daughter of the famous singer Lenny Kravitsa is known for a little less than his dad. Zoe came to the big scene thanks to the films "Divergent", "fantastic creatures" and the series "Big little lie". A little less than a week ago, the actress officially issued marriage with the boyfriend Carl Gusman - before the wedding there was a couple of about two years. The wedding plan to play on the coast of France and call only the closest ones.

Sophie Turner

The actress, which became famous after the role of Sansa Stark in the series "The game of Thrones", in early May, secretly married the musician Joe Jones. The couple signed in Las Vegas registry office, calling the ceremony of several friends and rotuctors. True, irrepressible fans quickly unveiled a change in the status of his beloved actress - in the network put a photo like a couple enters the restaurant, dressed in a white dress and suit.

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Anastasia Makeev

Although the two previous marriage, the girl recognizes successful and thanks her husbands for happy memories, yet for the third time she gave her hand and the heart to a non-produce man. As Makeyev admitted at a meeting with fans, her new chosen one - Moscow lawyer named Alexander. The pair did not report on the marriage of subscribers of actress on social networks and chose to spend this time with the most close, without broadcasting the moments of happiness live. Anastasia admits that finally found a man of his dreams, with whom he was ready to live for many years.

Dilyara Oztunch

The actress of the popular Turkish series "Little Secrets" on May 15 won with the wealthy photographer Umut Kyzyltan. The lush holiday of the couple arranged in the luxury hotel in the center of Istanbul. Eastern tradition, a lot of guests gathered at the event - only 70 people from the bride and groom. After the wedding, the newlyweds went on a journey, the route of which could be observed in the social networks of the actress.

Megan Marck

Literally a year ago, the actress of the British TV series Megan Marcle caught a star into his own hands. The girl married Prince Harry - the heir to the ruling dynasty of England. Evil languages ​​noted that after the first divorce Megan was looking for a wealthy groom, for which he arrived in the UK. True, the actress itself never made such statements - she was not seen in the scandals and frequent change of partners. Now Megan and Harry are perfect marriage: they bring up a newly born baby and look happily nowhere!

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