Choose: What is more important - prestigious place of work or friendly team


Work is a lesson with which you from Monday to Friday give a third of the day, and some more and more. When choosing a company, most look at the salary, which, agree, is important. However, money does not compensate for you an abnormal schedule, the disrespectful attitude of the leadership and the lack of perspectives. It is these reasons most often called employees, explaining the HR of the new employer the cause of dismissal. In this material, we share the opinion that it is worth looking before agreeing to the offer.

The authority of the company

It is no secret that when moving through a career staircase, the loud name of the previous employer will play your hand. The same thing as universities, when, for example, graduates of Oxford become easier to find a job than people who ended with a small college in the poor area of ​​the capital of Misty Albion. However, it is important not only the name, but also a circle of your duties - with low-defense tasks you can impress except that a small organization. Experienced personnel selection specialists will look at the position that you occupied, then on your competence and the benefit that you have brought the previous company - in material or otherwise.

The loud name of the previous employer will play your hand

The loud name of the previous employer will play your hand


Opportunities for self-development

While one workers are disappearing in the office and each of their day looks like the previous one, others have a day on an interesting lesson. Exhibitions, public lectures, business breakfasts - all these formats are practiced by modern companies who want to develop employees, rather than braking them. It is worth understanding if it is possible after the employment to the organization use useful "buns" in the form of online courses, libraries, visits to public events, communicating with foreign and local partners. All this will go to your hand, because a promising specialist is one who is all the time in the course of industry updates and tries to keep up with the times.

Caring for the future

Remember advertising about salary in the envelope. Let many she causes a smirk, but there is a smart thought in it. Social support is important for your stable future, when it falls into the opposition to run into the office and want to reduce the load. In some international companies, the Options for postponing part of wages in the insurance fund has long been practiced: after working on a certain number of years and leading to a pension, you will receive an increase in monthly payments from the state. It is also worth learn about the health insurance options, corporate health support activities and other things. Many companies have the opportunity to go to the recreation center or in a sanatorium for free - find out about all the advantages and accept a conscious decision.

Social support is important for your stable future.

Social support is important for your stable future.


Good-natured collective

Work in a snake club - the occupation is not the fact that not pleasant, but, straight to say, unbearable. Coming for an interview, pay attention to how people talk to each other. In the normal communication of adults, there is no place for offensive jokes, an increase in voice and even more insults. People must help each other and be ready to support when necessary. Moreover, the age and floor of colleagues does not matter, because raising and empathy do not depend on these characteristics. In a normal situation, the head himself will introduce you to future colleagues when you will do offer, and will help you join the team.

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