Why are former husbands come back?


An old friend is better than new two ... As life shows, this folk wisdom applies to family relationships. Although psychologists find another explanation of this trend: it is believed that in our time, people are increasingly and more often adoptive decisions, succumbing to a minute impulse, and often the value of relationships with their half begin to realize when she lost it. As they say, what we have - do not store, lose - cry. And the stars are no exception, however, unlike ordinary mortals, their family problems immediately become public that there is little to reunite families and quiet parting.

More recently, almost all women of the world sympathized with Maria Shriver, Arnold Schwarzenegger's wife. A week after the celebrations dedicated to the silver wedding, she learned about the many years of her husband with a housekeeper, who even gave birth to him an extramarital son. It was not the first intrigue of Iron Arni on the side, but this time he stated the spouse and media representatives about his desire to terminate marriage. Maria Schravver submissively filed for a divorce, trying the issues of the property and education of joint four children to solve quietly and peacefully, not allowing opportunities to be filtered on this tragedy either lawyers nor fans of fried facts. And now a year after the breaking of the family bonds and on the eve of the official termination of the Schwartz marriage, it looked thicker everything, I decided to return to the family hearth. And on his happiness, the wife accepted him back. True, surrounded by a star couple even for a long time whispering that in order to forgive the spouse, Mary took a multiple visit to the sessions of psychoanalyst, who paid no one like a prodigal husband.

And our homeland did not cost without His Arni. If not on the body-addition, then in popularity among fellow citizens, Sergey Zhigunov is not inferior to the overseas colleague, especially since he stepped on the same rake. True, in the Russian version of this story, it was not a well-known female worker, but the "telegnon" Anastasia Zavorotnyuk. It was so fascinated by the All-Russian Gardemarina that he decided to part with his wife faith, which he lived twenty-one.

The actor only after the divorce realized how the spouse was the road - Vera Novikov. Photo: Vladimir Chistyakov.

The actor only after the divorce realized how the spouse was the road - Vera Novikov. Photo: Vladimir Chistyakov.

The divorce took place in 2007, and the entire bombae was looking forward to invitations to the wedding of Sergey and Nastya, but the marriage did not take place. The reasons were then called different: some rumored that Anastasia had a new beloved, others assured that the case in Sergey himself, who had tried and realized that there was more expensive women than his former wife Vera, he had no, no. One thing is reliably known: Sergey returned to the family, and not just returned, but also insisted at a new wedding with a former wife, who, if you believe the nearest surrounding of the family, took place on October 6, 2009. In fact, in this story, it is necessary to pay tribute to the faith of Novikova, who managed to understand and forgive the spouse and Sergey himself, who, recognizing the mistake, decided to reunite the family. For this, courage and strong character really needed.

But the reason for the separation of another star couple, Julia Little and Igor Gonde, still remains a mystery. The gap occurred in 2004, when the younger daughter of artists turned year. As a result, a lack of information appeared a large number of speculations explaining why loving spouses felt. According to one of the versions, the reason was the treason of Igor, on the other - the family boat crashed on life. There were also those who saw in this story a mystical oppression. Still, after all, such a prosperous family broke up just after Julia played a breeding in the TV series "Balzakovsky age, or all the men of his ...". If you believe the colleagues of star spouses, they broke up almost enemies. They said that he visited children only in the absence of a former wife, and she, in turn, refused to take off in those films where Igor had to play. But two years later, Menshov and Gordin began to meet again. The first time the pretext for meetings were children, and then followed the candidate and bought period of courtship, which led to the restoration of the former relationship. It's funny, but just at that moment with the married couple offered to play the main characters in a multi-sieuled project "the crime will be disclosed", where their characters, ex-husband and wife, and wife, resume relationships. By graduation, Julia and Igor had already lived with one strong friendly family. Noteworthy and the fact that when Julia was born, her parents - a famous actress Vera Alentova and director Vladimir Menshov - also decided to part. Their separate accommodation lasted almost four years, after which the spouses were united again.

Looking at the family idyll of Julia Little and Igor Gondin, it is difficult to believe that they parted for half two years. Photo: Mikhail Kovalev.

Looking at the family idyll of Julia Little and Igor Gondin, it is difficult to believe that they parted for half two years. Photo: Mikhail Kovalev.

Twice married to his wife and Valery Meladze. Marriage dissolved was decorated many years ago when the couple just moved to Moscow. After some time, Valery and Irina got married again, gave birth and raised three charming daughters. Therefore, the entire bombing shocked the message about the upcoming divorce Meladze with his wife. If you believe numerous publications in the press, split into a family idyll, which lasted almost eighteen years old, introduced Albina Dzhanabayev. After her arrival in the "VIA Gra" group, she had a stormy novel with Valery, she gave him the son of Konstantin. True pops out three years ago. Having learned about the long-term treason of her husband, Irina decided to part with him. And in the secular tusovka they spoke about the coming marriage Meladze and Janabayeva. But time went, and he did not hurry to legalize his relationship with Albina. On the contrary, recently familiar singers claim that Valery, realizing his mistake, wants to return to the family. Allegedly, he calls Irina several times on the day for a day, as it was before their gap.

Noteworthy and the history of Mel Gibson. With his wife Robin Moore he lived for almost thirty years, during these years seven children appeared in the family, the youngest of which was born in 2000. When the baby was nine years old, Hollywood stirred the news that Robin Moore was submitted. The answer to the question of the reasons for such a decision was not forced to wait long. Soon, in the television interview, Gibson admitted his connection with Oksana Grigorieva, famous for marriage and divorce with Timothy Dalton, from which she gave birth to her son. Also, Mel said that Oksana is waiting for a child from him. The marriage process took almost two years. During this time, Gibson and Grigoriev managed to break the relationship and even face the forces in court (the subject of judicial charges were the issues of raising the baby and, of course, alimony). As a result, the actor must pay Grigorieva, in different sources, from twenty to sixty thousand dollars compensation monthly and pay the house in which she lives with her daughter. But the former wife of Robin by decision of another court, Mel Gibson is forced to give half of his current state, he is also obliged to share with her all its future income. Evil languages ​​argue that it is the financial issue that Mel will think about returning to Robin. Although the friends of the artist are confident that in the Lono family, his love for his wife and children pulls him. At the same time, they refer to the words of Gibson himself, who allegedly admitted that a divorce and an attempt to create a new union forced him to realize how Robin Moore's road is, so he will try to do everything possible so that it takes it back. It's funny, but, by rumors that Hollywood always fulfills, Oksana Grigorieva's deliberate also tried to return to a former husband, but Timothy Dalton did not accept her, and now the beauty is in search of a new husband.

Habit of divorce

In the "Location" of Jean-Claude Van Damma five marriages and four divorces. Of these, the third and fifth, which he concluded with the same woman - Gladys Portuguez. They met in the middle of the eighties, but a stormy romance between them broke out only after the divorce of Jean-Claude with his wife number two. In 1987, they got married and laid six years in the family union. (For Van Damma, this is a serious time, because previous marriages were more versal: in the first case - three and a half years, in the second - only eleven months.) It would seem, the artist has been settled, but it was not there. Having met the former Supermodel Darcy Lyapier, he believed that this woman was love with his life, which did not fail to inform his wife. Gladis with understanding reacted to the feelings of her husband and agreed to divorce. When the formalities were finished, the actor married Darcy, and his life turned into hell. The American press often discussed the scandals in the family of the actor, which more than once occurred in public. Therefore, no one surprised that in two years Wang Damm left Lyapier and returned to Gladys. Their re-marriage was concluded thirteen years ago, and over the years they officially did not bred. True, it is periodically information about the new exploits of the tireless Jean-Claude on a love front, about his departure from the family, and then about returning to the all-friendly Gladis. But these rumors are not confirmed by anything, the couple is still together.

But the owner of Oscar Sean Penn returned to his wife Actress Robin Wright three times. For the first time, the artist filed for a divorce as early as 2007, and the reasons that prompted him to this are unknown, but a few months later (until the marriage was yet terminated) he recalled his statement. The wonderful couple reunion has become the news of the number one in all American tabloids. Two years later, Penn again starts the marriage process. It was rumored that he was in a hurry to part with his wife to legitimize the relationship with the Czech model Petro Nekhova. But after a couple of months, the movie star breaks up with a young mistress, returns to the spouse and repeals the divorce again. The years did not pass, how again rumors about the parting of the star couple were rapidly. This time, the initiator was called Robin himself, which could not forgive that her spouse again rushed into an embrace of the same Czech beauty. This divorce petition was also withdrawn. But in 2010 Sean Penn and Robin Wright all the same divorced. And on the rights of a free man, the actor continued to love with Nekkova. And in the spring of this year (apparently, according to the head of the habit), the restless sean returned to the ex-wife. And now in the secular circles you are guessing whether it is worth waiting for invitations to a wedding or a star couple has already secretly wore. Given the constancy of Penn to both the spouses and mistresses, it remains only to assume how much we left to wait for the new turn in this story.

The restless couple of Tea Leoni and David Dukhovny never ceases to amaze new messages about their parting. Photo: Rex Features.com.

The restless couple of Tea Leoni and David Dukhovny never ceases to amaze new messages about their parting. Photo: Rex Features.com.

The same tendency to divorce and reunifies has another Hollywood family - David Spiritual and Tea Leoni. They got married in 1997. And almost every two or three years reported to friends and acquaintances that they are going to divorce. These messages reached the press, where mutual reproaches of spouses were discussed in numerous treasures. The marriage was terminated in 2007, and after a couple of years, David and Tea again woke up. According to the actress, she decided to start all over again when her husband admitted that he suffers from hypersexuality, and expressed his readiness to undergo a course of treatment. At the same time, TEM forgot to mention that one of the reasons why their family focus was impoverished, her novel with Billy Bob Tornton (former husband Angelina Jolie). But at the end of 2011, the Tea threw her husband, tired of his new change. Apparently, psychoanalysts did not help David get rid of the "harmful habit." True, before the official divorce, it did not have time to come: the spiritual persuaded the spouse to take it back, and on the same conditions - a new course of treatment, this time in the hospital. And this summer, a cheerful family again threw a sensation. This time the divorce demanded David's spiritual himself, motivating his act in the fact that while he was in a private clinic and tried to get rid of destructive inclinations, his wife herself entered into a criminal connection. At the moment, the couple has not yet declared reunification, but it can be assumed that the termination of the marriage will not follow, because now, David appears at all secular parties.

The whole world exists whether the wedding of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart will be held. Photo: Rex Features.com.

The whole world exists whether the wedding of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart will be held. Photo: Rex Features.com.

But the stars of the Vampire Saga "Twilight" Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson another habit: they can't walk to the altar. Already several times among colleagues and friends of actors discussed the question of their coming wedding. But it was at that moment that the couple parted. If you believe Molve, the first time the cause was too emotional relationships, since any sweep, even in small things, has surrendered into a loud quarrel with cries and tears. But the work hand in hand on the film site of the vampire history was rallied and slightly sobbed young people, and they again thought about the co-future. About the reasons for the second gap, unfortunately, nothing is known. They say that Rob answered questions on this topic that they decided to check the truth and the power of their feelings. When the pair came together, Pattinson acquired a house in Los Angeles, who was supposed to become a family nest. It was assumed that soon the lovers would announce the engagement, and the wedding would take place after the premiere of the second part of the film "Twilight. Saga. Dawn". Therefore, a message that Rob decided to part with Kristen and put the house for sale, plunged fans in shock. Soon, the actress itself publicly admitted that she changed his beloved with Rupert Sanders, the director of the film "Snow White and Hunter", where she played a major role. Also, the girl brought her apologies to Robert and promised that he would try to earn his forgiveness at any cost. Despite this, the press, and the fans of artists, and their relatives, put the point in this novel. Knowing the nature of Pattinson and his glances on treason, everyone was sure that he would never forgive Kristen. But nevertheless, reconciliation took place. And it is possible that next year the pair will still be enabled. If, of course, according to the institution, they will not break out again on the eve of the marriage.

Divorce is not a reason for parting

After nine years of living together, Igor Vernika collapsed. His wife Maria, the tired of gossip and publications in the yellow press about the love of her husband, filed for a divorce. But a year later, the Vernik returned to the family, however, for a short time. Soon the artist had a novel with a charming model of Darya Schyrov. Since Repeated Igor and Maria Marriage did not conclude, nothing prevented the artist to marry her new passion. By the way, in the press not only discussed the possibility of a wedding, but also called its approximate date. On the appointed day, the ceremony did not take place - due to the fact that the bride broke the on the day before. And after some time, a confession of the Wernik appeared in the print, that they and Darya broke up. Now (however, as usual), the owner of a chic smile is attributed to new novels, and meanwhile, the artist colleagues claim that Igor returned to a family hearth and tries to spend all his free time with his former wife and son.

Igor Vernik and Maria were one of the most beautiful couples of Moscow. Therefore, everyone wants to believe in the reunification of this wonderful family. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Igor Vernik and Maria were one of the most beautiful couples of Moscow. Therefore, everyone wants to believe in the reunification of this wonderful family. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Apparently, Vladimir Mashkov also believes that the divorce is not yet a reason for the rupture of family bonds. In 2008, it became known that the actor divorces her fourth wife Oksana Rustle. In the sidelines whispered that the cause of the disintegration of the family was the long separation. Oksana remained to live in the United States, while Vladimir himself was more and more time spent in Russia. The spouses peacefully agreed on the division of property, and when the divorce was already decorated, the actor found out that his former wife is waiting for a child from him. It turns out that Oksana was deliberately silent about his interesting position, not wanting to tie a spouse to himself and deprive of his desired freedom. As a result, Vladimir resumed relations with his wife. And if you believe with secular peres, their novel continues until now.

Twelve years needed to reunite the Union of Irina Apksimova and Valery Nikolaev. In any case, in the cinema circles, they claim that the star couple is finally together again, forgetting and disappointing all past resentments. And remember, alas, there is something. This marriage broke out due to Valery's intrigues with a partner on the set. Irina was so offended by the former husband, that he tried to reduce communication with him to a minimum. Fully breaking the relationship did not work, since the actors smasted Dasha's daughter and Irina did not want to deprive the child of his father. But the actress categorically refused to be filmed with Nikolaev in the same projects and did not attend secular events, if its former husband was among the invited. How did the reunion occurred and this couple will come again to the marriage union again, it remains only to guess.

But the undoubted record holder in the number of marriages and divorces is the People's Artist of Russia Vladimir Novikov. He was married to fifteen times, on his account fourteen divorces. But the most interesting thing is that he married and divorced only with one woman - Elena. They say, one day, when Vladimir and Elena once again decided to get married and appealed to the registry office, they were denied them because they forgot to terminate the previous marriage. So, from weddings for divorces, they lived together twenty-six years. A few years ago, the actor widowed and admitted that he did not intend to create a new family union, because for him there was no better than his Lena. And the habit of marrying certainly implies a wedding with a beloved woman.

Alexandra Egorova

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