How to become the best parents after a divorce


The dissolution of marriage is stress not only for recent husband and wife, but also for their closest relatives. Children especially suffer greatly: they can block themselves, start walking lessons and become rude towards others. So that the child can adequately perceive the divorce, parents, first of all, should work on themselves.

Decide all disputes

While you both are angry at each other and try to blame in all mortal sins, you should not wait for a happy confusion of the conflict. Try to calm yourself and not annoyance when you meet with a former half. To do this, it is better to turn to a psychologist: to disassemble with him all offended cases from family life, work on self-esteem and plants for future life. As soon as both parents come to the state of harmony, the conflict is allowed by itself - the feelings have cooled and there is no desire to quarrel on trifles. Usually this process takes 1-3 months.

work with a psychologist so as not to pull a new life negative

work with a psychologist so as not to pull a new life negative


Tell your child about divorce

There is nothing worse than to portray the child a couple in love when your relationship has long been destroyed. You should not live together and walk on the side - this psyche is not saved. The best thing you can do is honestly say son or daughter that you divorce. Speak it with a calm tone, explain that you still love him and you will take care, even if you do not live together. It is important not only to speak, but also to do: both parents should pay even more attention to the chad, than usual. Go to the amusement parks, on shopping, in the cinema - try to distract it from pessimistic thoughts. But do not try to hide your emotions of sadness and anger, if you did not survive them - the children feel when they are deceived. The older the child, the more honest with him you can say: explain that you are not easy now, but after a while it becomes easier and life will go to their move.

Do not talk about the cause of the divorce

Often women, staying alone with children, make an irreparable mistake. They are trying in all ways to blame the image of the Father in the presentation of the child. Even if the spouse betrayed you, this is not a reason to destroy his relationship with the child. Find the strength to not report the details of the divorce, even if the former half is psychologically pressed on you and does not give to yourself. Do not forget to prevent relatives: they also should not talk about the cause of the divorce with the child.

Do not remove from the child - he also needs support

Do not remove from the child - he also needs support


Talk to the child more often

The best support from relatives is trust and understanding. While the baby is hard to get used to the changed line of life, it's more than ever need your love and care. Prophons all conflict situations per day, teach the child to cope with emotions and experience them as quickly as possible. Stable psyche - a guarantee of a happy life. So the sooner you give the chad the idea that he himself determines his mood, the better.

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