Affleck and Garner on the verge of divorce?


Hollywood actors Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner are close to rupture. According to the source close to the pair, their marriage is now being tested for strength. One of the reasons for the possible parting of the couple is the growing success of the last director's work Affale, the political thriller "Operation" Argo ". According to reported sources, the spouses spend together less time, write "7 days".

Now Ben is actively engaged in promoting his film and travels a lot, shifting all the homework and care for children who have three pairs, on the fragile shoulders Jennifer.

"Ben hopes to get" Oscar "for his film and at times becoming too obsessed with this idea," the source close to the pair told.

At the same time, Jennifer tries to support it. However, general friends of the couple are not sure how long she can - or wants to combine children and career without the help of Ben.

"If he wins this" Oscar ", first of all he should be thanked Jennifer!", "They said.

Recall, Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner got married in 2005. Currently, the pair is raising three children: a six-year-old Violet Ann, three-year seraphine Rose Elizabeth and a five-month Smyuel.

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