Allow yourself to become happy


Many are confident that happiness lives where there is a success and wealth. However, the situation is the opposite: just happy people achieve in the life of more. And this is proven by scientists. Psychologist Elizabeth Bangova is ready to share the results of scientific research.

When you are happy - getting healthier

Stress increases the level of cortisol hormone - because of it increases weight and pressure.

Happy people produced much less cortisol as a reaction to stressful situations. And all these components, as a result, determine the state of our health.

When you are happy - seek more at work

Scientists have conducted more than two hundred scientific research with the participation of 275,000 people from all over the world - their results are proven: our brain functions much better when we are in a positive mood, and not in negative or neutral. For example, doctors in a good arrangement of the spirit before the diagnosis of patients spend 19% less time to come to the correct diagnosis, and optimistic sellers are 56% ahead of pessimists.

Elizabeth Babanova

Elizabeth Babanova

When you are happy - more creative

Positive emotions fill our brain with dopamine and serotonin - hormones that not only give us pleasure, but also activate brain cells to work at a higher level. These hormones help better organize information, to retain it longer and quickly extract if necessary. They also support neural connections that help us think faster and creative, to solve complex tasks faster and find new solutions. And this, as a result, leads to large financial results.

When you are happy - luck comes

Scientist Richard Waisman conducted an experiment in which he gave a task to two groups of people. People in the first group considered themselves lucky, in the second - no. The task was simple: read the newspaper. On the second reversal of this newspaper, a visible coupon was located: "You can not read further, you won two hundred dollars." People who considered themselves lucky, saw this coupon several times more often, from which the scientist concluded that luck is associated with the configuration of man, self-confidence and optimism.

When you are happy - live the best version of your destiny

Imagine your last day today. Right now you need to sum up your life. What will you rejoice? What do regret? Bronni Wur, Australian nurse, who took care of patients for many years during the last twelve weeks of their lives, outlined their death awareness and wrote about this book "5 regrets dying." The main regrets sounded like this: "I did not allow myself to be happy."

Happiness is a solution. And it is never too late to take.

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